Well, this is school~

Finding My Missing Piece
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It seems that the holiday mood has evaporated completely from this school’s atmosphere. There are no more teachers who tried to coax the students to study harder, no more introductions and special attention because of the fact that I was a new student. My classmates started noticing me more now. It was nice being a silent observer for once, though. * Sigh * I guess I just have to adapt back to the normal school life.

Just then, Park seonsaeng’s voice disrupted my train of thoughts.

In his monotonous voice, he said, “Class, I have a gift for you”. OMG, there wasn’t any excitement or whatsoever in his voice, typical math teacher.

“ I will pair you up. Listen up, I will read out your pairing.”

His list went on and on, while I was trying to perk up my ears and trying to see who was left to team up with me.

“Hmmm. Last one, Park Hyojin and Kim Jongin”

While my whole class was busy trying to sit beside their partners, I was still drowned in my thoughts. It finally dawned on me that I was paired up with the only that I was scared of. What sin have I done in my previous life??? Why must I pair up with that scary guy???

“Class, quieten down. I will now reveal my gift for you,” he said as he reached into his sling bag. Well, he maybe old, but he was still stylist.

“This is a pop-quiz that you need to finish with your partner within this one hour period. The results will be counted for your semesterly assessment.”

How did the students answer to that announcement, you ask me? The whole class groaning.

“Umm… Hi?” I stood in front of the chocolate brown-haired boy. “Can I sit here?” pointing to the seat beside him.

“Sure… Let’s get started with this thing. Hyojin, right?” he answered while staring at me.

“Oh :-o You got my name right… I thought you always sleep in class” I mumbled

“Hey, I heard that you know! Come, sit here and let’s get this disgusting thing over and done with” he said while patting the chair beside him while flapping the question paper in front of his face.

So yeah, we did the questions together. I was happy that actually Jongin was not the type of guy who would let his partner do all the work. He put effort in answering the overly complex questions for high school students.

“Aish… why do I even put an effort in doing this thing -.- This is so hard, it doesn’t even make sense” Jongin complained, slumping and putting his head on the table at the same time.

“Eiii, don’t say that~ Not to brag myself or anything, but I scored really well for my Math last time. It actually pulled up my overall marks~” I declared proudly while showing him a thumb up.

“Woah, you’re smart! But, I’m gonna tell you something. Do you want to know?” he tilted his head as if he was talking with a little girl.

“Okay, I’ll just tell you anyway. Park seonsaeng is infamous for giving killer Math questions for assignments, so just stop trying and sleep with me~” he said, wriggling his eyebrows too.

Being the hardheaded me, I ignored him and continue trying answer the questions while the sleepyhead drift off to his dreamland.

Somebody disrupted my nap during the second break, tapping my shoulder. That certain someone kept tapping my shoulder until I really woke up. 

Well, this was a first. The sleepyhead Kim Jongin was actually the one awake while I was sleeping. He held up a piece of paper full with red marking. Then, I realized something. It was the work that we handed in to Park seonsaeng just th

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_Aecha #1
Omggggg what is thissssss
kaiixes #2
It was a nice story to read good job for your first fanfic