New Beginning

Finding My Missing Piece
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“Sehunnie oppa!” I went running to him who smiled almost immediately after I called his name.

He opened his arms and welcomed me in his embrace. “Aww, good morning, my Hyojin!”

“Oh, shut it! People will misunderstand. I don’t want to make rumors on my first day in this school...”

Well, yes people. I’ve just transferred school this new term to SM high school in Seoul due to my dad’s job. It was hard to leave Busan after 10 years living there. But, it’s okay because I can meet my Sehunnie oppa everyday now ^^  It’s true that we can’t be classmates since he’s a year older than me, but he promised that we could meet every recess.

He took me to my allocated classroom being the nice oppa he was. His presence really comforted me despite the fact that I was in a completely new environment.

Once I was in the classroom, I was by myself. Just like other typical high school classroom, the class was in ruckus. No one noticed me coming in to the classroom and sitting at one of the two vacant seats at the back of the classroom. This was good for me since I didn’t want any unnecessary attention from them, well, at least until the first period of the day.

“Class, we have a new student here if you all haven’t realized it yet. Hyojin, come forward and introduce yourself, please.”

“Hi! I’m Hyojin. Please take care of me well” I did my introduction shortly and went back to my seat. It seemed that they were all pretty friendly seeing the small smiles on their face (or just poker face on some people) after hearing my introduction. Anyways, I hoped that I could remember all their names in a short amount of time.

The homeroom period was almost over when suddenly the door opened with a bang and revealed a guy. Apparently he was not in a good mood.

“Ah, Kim Jongin. I thought you won’t show up today.” Lee seonsaeng, my homeroom teacher said to that guy.

“I’m sorry, Lee seonsaeng. I woke up late today, I thought school will only start tomorrow…” he replied. For me, it didn’t sound like a sincere apology, though.

“Okay, since this is only the start of the term, I will let you go this time. But the next time you are late, there won’t be anymore dispensation.”

“Yes, Lee seonsaeng. Thank you” with that, he bowed and walked to the empty seat near the window. Thank God, I didn’t choose his seat

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_Aecha #1
Omggggg what is thissssss
kaiixes #2
It was a nice story to read good job for your first fanfic