
B2st? U-kiss?and me?!


THE Dance started...I can't balance myself..I kept making mistakes..


teacher: ALISON!


Me:yes? **


teacher: You better practise and memorize more of  your choreography!






---bell rings-----


-----lunch time------


I thought* As a new student its gonna be normal to sit alone..sighs*

walks away..


Yoseob looked at me walk away *she's cute*..smiles..


For lunch, I just bought a bottle of milk and sat down alone on a table..

*How is minho? Charlotte i miss you!* sighs..


Bang! Someone placed his lunch on the table..


guy: How can someone so beautiful like you sit here  alone sighing..


I looked up seeing a perfectly good looking guy..


me:eRM..I must have sat on your table..sorry

I stood up to walk away..


He grabbed my hand and said: NO,come sit down..


I sat down thinking* How can i reject when you're grabbing my hand!Idiot*


Then i sat down feeling akward as everyone was staring at us..




He saw me looking quite uncomfortable so he tried to change the atmosphere...


guy: I guess this beautiful lady hasn't introduced herself yet..*smiles*


I laughed: My name is Ali..I just came back from LA! Nice to meet you!:)


guy: Ali? HMM...Hi! My name is Junhyung! From B2ST! he smiled..


me: another B2st member? How many members do you have?


junhung looked at me: Another B2st member? How many did you see today?




junhyung: Looks like our beautiful lady doesn't want to answer me..


I laughed: Well, you didn't answer my question 1st..

Hmm..three so far including you..


Junhyung: haha..okok..there are six members..Would you like to come to our concert next month?


I laughed and showed him a ticket : Your friend just gave it to me..


Junhyung: Oops! Looks like I'm too late..


Then one by one all of them cam to sit at our table..


Yoseob and gik wang: OH! Its you! 


Junhyung laughed: so you've met both of them..Let me introduce the rest of them..*smiling*


I giggled:ok..


1st of all our leader Doojoon!


me: OH! You're the one I knocked just now! Sorry!


He laughed and shooked my hand: its ok..


And next is Dong woon..



Third is Hyun seung...

HI! You're so cute..


I giggled nervously:ehehe..thanks..


ALL six of them were really friendly..






End of school..

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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
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But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
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Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD