Lucky me! xDD

B2st? U-kiss?and me?!





I turned around and found minho calling my name..


mE: minho! Over here! *shivers*


Minho: HEY! then he put his jacket on me..


I looked at him and he smiled..


me:thanks :)


minho: No problem..

he grinned...


Then my stomach rumbled..


minho laughed:'re hungry..


I blushed: yea..hehe..


minho: Then lets go eat!


----finish eating----


He drove me back to my apartment...


miho: I guess I'll see you tommorow then..have a good rest..:)


me: Yea! 


And i went in the apartment..


thinking* damn! Do i miss CHArlotte and all my friends in LA..SIGHS*


I made myself a cup of cofee and went to the balcony feeling sad..


Minho just walked out wearing boxers..

I saw him i got shy and went in to my bedroom..


Thinking..*Damn! What a nice bodY..( shakes my head) He's just a friend..


Gosh! Then my cellphone rang! It was mom and dad on a video call..


I looked at their face * missing them* : Hey mom,dad! 


parents: Ali, we're so sorry we couln't make it today..


me:Its alright! Hey i GTG! I have to wake up early tommorow! NightS! Love both of you!


parents: WE love you too!


*hangs up*


I prepared myself for whatever I needed to bring for school..took a shower..


-----went to bed----

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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
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But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
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Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD