B2st? U-kiss? and me

B2st? U-kiss?and me?!

Doojoon : Hmm..Junhyung..looks like some fan kept sending these to you...

Hyunseung laughed..: Hyung..Maybe she's a stalker..Careful  *joking*

Yoseob: How can you say that! She's ..erm...

Gik wang and dong woon looked up from the television..Everyone staring at yoseob..

Dojoon: Well?

Yoseob: Erm..erm..some kind of good fan? *chuckled nervously*

Junhyung : Huh? You're weird..I'm outtta here..

Doojoon: Yah! Wait..don't you guys notice?

Gikwang: Notice what?*looks down*  THE WRITING!!

Dongwoon,hyunseung,doojoon,gikwang: ITS ALLIIIII!!!!!! Yoseooobbb!!!

Yoseob ran away: AAAHHHHH!!! HEELLPP!!* Running around the room.*

Junhyung caught him..

Everyone crowded him..

Doojoon: AS the leader of this group,this dorm, and as your hyungnim I demand you to spill out what you know!

Yoseob: Andwaeyeo..(no) *pouts* No fun..

Gik wang and hyunseung: Fine..when we bake..No cookies or cake for you!

Dongwoon winked at them..

Yoseob stamping on the floor: FINE! FINE! I saw ALi buying these from the market today and sneaking outside our dorm when I was coming HOME!!

Junhyung puzzled..: But..She..How? What? *mumbling to himself going back to his room*

Everyone staring at Yoseob..

Yoseob: Wait..whatt?

Doojoon: Everyone! TICKLE ATTACKK!!!

Yoseob running: AAAHHH!!! *laughing* I swear thats all I know!!!!!

Hyunseung  looking at the time : Its 2 in the morninG..Few more hours till the Big show! Lets turn in..

----- 5 AM ----

I was thinking sbout Junhyung,,

I decided to get up..

I prepared breakfast for Charlotte and me and went out..

I walked everywhere..

I felt like puking..I couldn't breathe..

So I decided to take some cofee in a nearby 24 hour cofee shop.

----- 7AM -----

I went to the saloon to get my hair and face done..

I was done and was ready to go..

Then Charlotte and B2st came in..

Everyone shocked..: Ali?

Charlotte: Hey! I've been texing you~~!

Me: Huh? *Then I realised i didnt bring anything with me* Sorry..

B2st : Hi ALII..

mE : Hi..Why are you guys together?

Yoseob: Well, Charlotte called and said you were gone..And I accidently woke them..*giggled*

Me: Oh * I laughed* I just went jogging..I'm leaving now..Take your time,guys..

Charlotte: You're joking right? I didnt see any car outside..WAIT! You walked here..

I laughed: I guess..Bye*smiles*


---At the stage waiting room---

Charlotte: Oh my gosh, Alii..peeking outside the door..I can see almost all the k-pop stars!

I leaned at her and suddenly fell down..

Suddenly I saw kevin at the left end and junhyung at the right end rushing to help me up..

Kevin : Aliii!!!

Junyungg: ALI! Are you okay?!

Kevin and Junhyung stared at each other..!!!!!

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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
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But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
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Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD