Will it be safe?

B2st? U-kiss?and me?!


Doojoon: Lets ask Junhyung 1st ...


Gik wang agreed..


Me: Lets all take some breakfast 1st and then come back and visit him again..

since he's still asleep..


Everyone agreed since we've waited for so long and we were all hungry....


Charlotte whispered to Hyunseung: Bro, do you think he'll be fine?


Hyunseung shrugged..


I was really worried about Junhyung...


I walked beside Doojoon..


Me: Ermm..Doojoon? Do you think he'll be fine?


Doojoon: We're all worried about him too..Chill..


Gik wang who heard our conversation joined in..


Gik wang: Ali, he'll be fine..But I think we really need the Flurpine this time..


Doojoon sighed and nodded..


Me: *sighs*


By then Dong woon and Yoseob joined in our conversation too..


Yoseob: Do we really need Flurpine?


Dongwoon: Will it really work? 


Me: I'm not sure..But it is a strong pain killer..


Doojoon: I don't wanna talk about this anymore..Lets have breakfast somewhere near..


We all kept quiet and walked behind him..


He entered a restaurant..and all of us just followed him in..


He ordered some food and we all just ate it silently..


It was a really akward situation..


Noone wanted to guess what'll happen next..It was a reality...

.but we were all trying to escape from it..


We knew this won't last long..But we had no other choice..


I could see that everyone were really worried...


After eating, we all hurried back to the hospotal..


We went in the room..and Junhyung was already awake...


Doojoon: How're you feeling? Do you think you can manage the meeting with the papparazies?


Junhyung forced a smile and said weakly: I think I can manage it..


I held his hands with tears rolling down my eyes..


Me: The papparazies meeting is in a few hours time..are you sure?


Junhyung smiled weakly and wiped my tears away: Ya pabo..Ali..We'll just have

to stick with the old plan...


Yoseob: Ya..Hyung..are you sure?


Dongwoon:Hyung, I don't like this..


Hyunseung : Like wat Doojoon hyung and Ali said..we have no choice..

There's nothing else we can do..


Gik wang: Alright..lets get him dressed up and get ready..


Yoseob: We have to help him put on heavier make up..


Hyunseung agreed: Yea..He looks too pale..


Me: I'll help with the make-up..


Doojoon: So its done here..


Dongwoon: But, hyung, don't he need some rest?


Junhyung said weakly: No, i'm fine..


Dongwoon ang yoseob: Hyung...


Junhyung got aliitle pissed of: I SAID I'M FINE!


Doojoon: Just help him get up now..


Then the members went to help carry hime into the car..


Doojoon: Ali, If you don't mind..we'll head back 1st..Do you mind to help

get the flurpines?


Me: I don't mind..I'll meet you guys later..


And they all carried him to the car from the back door to avoid papparazies..


I sneaked to the doctor and asked him for some flurpines..


He gave it to me and I ran to the taxi to head to B2ST's house..

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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
<br />
But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
<br />
Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD