B2st in trouble?!

B2st? U-kiss?and me?!


As we went in I cried looking at his sick face..


I cried :Its all my fault! I-I-I *speechless*


Yoseob tried to calm me down: Its not your fault..You were just confused

not knowing what to do..


I cried on his shoulder and he patted me..


Hyunseung: I hope junhyung hyung's alright..*sighs*


Then doojoon and dong woon came running in...


yoseob gasped: HYUNG?! How did you know we were here..?


Doojoon: Hyunseung messaged us..


Yoseob: UH? GI~ 


Doojoon: Don' worry he's still in school..He still doen't know what has happened..


Dong woon: There are lots of papparazies outside..!


Doojoon: Yea..We sneaked in through the back door hiding our cover..


Yoseob panicked: How did they know?


Doojoon: I guess either one of the doctors or nurses did it..


I just kept quiet...I just wanted to stay by junhyung..


Dong woon stared at me: They can't know about Ali..


Doojoon: Ali, you stay here with junhyung..We have to answer some questions about junhyung

from the papparazies..


I nodded..


The B2STs went out~~~~


The papparazi 1 : Is Junhyung in a critical conditions?


doojoon smiled: Surely not..He's having a slight fever..


The papparazi 2: Then will B2ST continue to have their concert ?


Donwoon smiled:SURE!


The papparazi 3: Eehh, Why isn't gik wang here?!


The papparazi 4: Oh, is he taking care of junhyung inside?


Yoseob smiled: No, our gik wang hyung is still in school because of some issues


The papparazi 2: Are you sure? We heard that a girl came with yoseob and hyunseung with junhyung..


The papparazi 1: Is that true?!


Doojoon stopped the members from answering any other questions: Sorry, we have to head back to

practice for our concert..


And they went in the B2ST van...


----in the B2ST's house---


Gik wang was sitting on the sofa looking really sorry..


All the members came back looking tired and sad..


Gik wang rushed to doojoon: Hyung? Is Junhyung hyung ok?


Yoseob: Like you care..*he muttered under his breath*

Hyunseung and dong woon heard him and nudged his shoulder..


yoseob: what? It is true!


Gik wang: OK! I admit I was cruel! I'm sorry..! I hope you accept my apology..


Yoseob shouted: We don't need your apology! The one who you should apologie is

Junhyung hyung!!


hyunseung and dong woon nodded and agreed..


Gik wang *speechless*


Doojoon: ENOUGH! OK! We have to practice.COME ON! The concert's in two weeks..


The members went to practice ....


-----meanwhile in the hospital----


I slept next to junhyung..


And he woke up and found himself looking at me..


junhyung * ALI? Am i dreaming* He slapped himself...*OUCH! DAMN IT!*

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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
<br />
But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
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Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD