B2st? U-kiss?and me?!

I woke up to the nice smell from the ktchen..

I brushed my teeth...

Then I  wore my slippers yawning walking to the kitchen..

I saw Junhyung with a apron ...

Junhyung turned around : Morning~~

I smiled : Morning..

He was cooking kimchi pancake ..

I hugged him from behind..

Junhyung : You must be hungry..Go sit at the couch..Breakfast's done in 5 minutes..

Me: Ok..Just make sure I dont get food poisoning from it *I teased* *sittind down on the couch*

He laughed : Hmm..lets see about that..

He brought the pancake and two glasses of milk to the table..

We ate it happily..It was delicious..

After finishing our food...Junhyung : Hmm..looks like I have a schedule to go to..

I frowned: How come I didn't know about it?

Junhyung : Ermm..I forgot to tell you..Its nothing special..

I pouted: Can I come with you?

Junhyung immediately snapped: No~!

Me: Huh?

Junhyung : Oh, haha..It'lll take a long time..Why dont you stay home? Or go shopping?

We finally agreed to me staying home..

After he left for quite awhile ...President called..

President : Erm..Ali ah, There's a photoshoot schedule for you to go to...It's a wedding title..

Me: Okay, sure..When is it?

President : Erm..the car's arrived at your apartment..So you got to leave now..

Before I managed to say anything he hung up..

I was like : Wth? Shouldnt' they tell us like a few days earlier..I've gotta rush dongs~ =.=

I changed my clothes and hurried to the car..

We arrived there and it was kinda empty for a photoshoot...

Normally 4minute, G.NA or B2ST would be there too with their schedules..

I couldn't care much ...

So I changed into a wedding dress which fited me so beautifully I was thinking about me and Junhyung's wedding..

Then an eunnie helped with my make up..It was a little different from my normal makeup..

Me: Eunnie, Who's my partner ?

She shrugged and left after some touch ups~

I was weirded up thinking she was kinda rude..

I went  and sat down in front of the camera..There was almost noone there..

So I thought maybe I was a little too early...

---15 minutes past---

----akward silence----

I started to get impatient..

I was just about to get up when I saw G.NA eunnie coming to me..

Me: Eunnie~ I was so afraid I got to the wrong place..President said a got a phtotoshoot schedule but there's hardly anyone here~

G.NA : Come with me..

I gave her a strange look : What~? I've got a photoshoot~

G.NA  mumbled packing my stuff: You've got the wrong place..

I was feeing akward ...thinking the whole day was strange..

She drived me to a so beautiful decorated small church ..

G.NA: There..Go in~ Bye~

She drived away..I just walked in...

 When I walked in there was noone there ..It was pure silence and akward..

Then everyone..My parents, Minho ,Charlotte, B2st, 4 minute.. G.na who was right behind me and even our President jumped out: SUPRISE~!! 

I was shocked ..: What's going on?~~!! Mom, dad~!!  Charlotte?~!

Charlotte came hugging me : Congratulations Ali~~I'm sorry I treated you like that..I had to~ *She winked to my parents*

Me: What is going on? Mom? Dad? 

Mom and dad came smiling brightly : We miss you~ 

Dad: And we are satisfied with our Son-in-law..

They laughed hugging me...:This is your wedding we secretly prepared...

Junhyung walked up to me looking so handsome with a suit ...

I squinted my eyes at him : Babes~~

Junhyung hugged me : What? A suprise is a suprise..*He kissed my cheek* By the way you look so beuatiful today~

B2ST AND 4 MINUTE and G.NA came congratulating me and complementing me...

The whole day I was so happy seeing my best friends and parents  ...

We all took pictures together..Everyone looked great..

It was time to do our wedding wovs..

The best moments of my life..

Pastor: Both of you, Are you willing to love each other and take care of each other forever and ever..

Junhyung  looked at me and we held hands togetehr saying : I DO~ XDDD




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jo-anne #1
This was actually good hahahhahaha
Actually its just that all of them too tired..hyuna just accidently sleep on junhyung's bed only...xDDD
dark37 #3
What actually happened to Hyuna and Jun Hyung?
dark37 #5
What is Jun Hyung trying to do..haha!
Thx for commenting!!!...I will..If I have time..><
haha, Charlotte and Minho failed dinner xD poor them ~~ <br />
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But I cant wait until they get back to Korea!! :))))<br />
please update soon! <br />
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Watch more and you'll find out:) I'm still thinking about it..haha:P
Arghhhh....what is going to happen to junhyung<br />
..????<br />
Haha! No probs! Thank you for commenting on my story! Hope you like it! GAMSAHABNIDA!! xD