Surprise surprise

Back to you.

He looked at me as if I was a ghost.
"You could pretend to be happy to see me.. ahem"
He poked my shoulder with his forefinger
"Woah you're really here"
"Of course I'm really here" I rolled my eyes.
"Your hair!"
"Mhm" I flipped it back and forth. He leaned his back against the elevator wall.
"Aishhh You're lucky I don't have heart problems" he mumbled. "I haven't heard of you in.. quite some times and.. you're here, you're really here!"
I nodded.
"How.. Why..?"
I bit my bottom lip and shrugged. "Ah..I'm..sorry.." I whispered.

I didn't know why I apologised, it wasn't what he asked for. But my brain just blurted it out. He walked slowly towards me and put his arms around my shoulders. He stood there and hugged me.
"I know you're trying to make cry" I said, still whispering. He laughed.
"Or.. maybe you don't want me to see you cry?" as I buried my face into his chest.
"Mhm , jongdae keeps telling me my face is ugly so.." he added as he was my hair.
I smiled.
"He's right though. Please don't cry on award shows again.."
He hugged me tightly as a response.
"Okay I was dkfkdk kidding you're going to kill me" I said giggling. He stepped back and quickly wiped the tear on his face.
"Oh my god, you really were crying!" I took his hand and kissed him on the cheek.
"I missed you too. a lot."
He tilted his head "Hmm.. did you really though?"
I punched his shoulder.
"Of course I did! I know I went MIA but.. you" . He shrugged. "But you're back now, right?"
"Yes I am. You have a choreographer in front of you man!" I bowed.
"Woah..Oh?? They were talking about you ?? For the youngsters?" . I smiled proudly and nodded .
"Youngsters..You say that as if you were 100 years old"
"I kind of am"
"Pff shut up ! and by the way no one uses this word anymore you know"
"Hmm.. so.. no more music?"
"Mmm. I don't feel like singing will bring me the happiness I need."
He looked at me and nodded but didn't really seem convinced. I was still holding his hand when he asked me if I was ready.
"I think there are some guys who would be happy to see you" he smiled. I clapped my hands in excitement.
"I want to scare them"
"Oh god sunny, you're still maso" I sticked my tongue out.
"Trust me, they'll be shocked enough just by seeing you.. Oh and they all know why you were gone.." He added, avoiding my gaze.
"What.. WHAT??" I smacked the back of his head.
"You promised!!"
"They kept asking me.. I-I'm sorry! you know I'm a terrible liar!! And I didn't completely break my promise alright??"
"You didn't tell Kai"
"I didn't tell Kai." I smacked him again.
"Oh myg- can you STOP hitting me!! I thought that's what you wanted!"
"Idiot! Are you telling me they ALL KEPT THAT from him???" I rolled my eyes. "Gramps, this is even worse!"
"But.. but he doesn't know" Suho looked really confused.
"Yes, and he's going to be furious that his brothers lied to him. This is kai we're talking about"
He sighed .
"I know.. that was stupid. But I carried that lie for 2 years by myself alright. It was the best of my ability.."
He picked up the drink on the floor and faced the doors. We finally reached our floor when he grabbed my hand.
"You're not running away"
"I never said I would. You know that" I sighed. "Okay let's do this"

The doors opened on a bright hallway. The neon lights were killing my eyes. It took us five minutes to get in front of the rehearsal room. I could feel the music vibrating through the floor. Suho put his hand on the handle and slowly pushed the door.
I put my finger on my lips signaling him not to say a word about me.
"Alright I'm back.. Xiumin, here is your drink!"
"Ahhh hyung , where is mine??" I recognized Sehun's voice.
"Don't be so impatient, here but hum.. careful when you ope-" Sehun didn't even wait for his warning and opened the bottle. The fizzy drink splashed on his face. I could hear the boys bursting out of laughter and clapping their hands. I could hear Kai laughing, which almost sounded unreal.
"Next time you'll listen to me"
"Hyung it's not my fault if you talk slowly! Why isn't xiumin-ssi having trouble with his drink??"
"Because I like him"
"Hyungg can you close the door please, it's cold" Tao whined.
"Alright.. But I have one more special delivery.." He cleared his throat.
"Chicken???" Kai and Chanyeol asked at the same time.
I guessed Suho rolled his eyes at them.
"Well, at least your chicken obsession hasn't changed" I said, walking into the room.
They all stared at me trying to put a name on my face. 4 years did feel like an eternity. I scanned their faces, theirs muscles, I noticed how much they've grown since their first breakthrough. I left boys and came back to men. They sure changed a lot.. and the Kai I always knew with dark hair was blond.
Luhan was the first to react. I saw his eyes widening.
"... Sun????"
"No way???" screamed Chanyeol before jumping on me.
Sehun messed up my hair.
"You're pink!! Aishh why did you cut your hair!"
"Uh okay I have no explanations to give to someone who sacrificed a parrot on his head"
Sehun winked at me.
"It was fabulous, you're just jealous!"
Kai was in the back, slightly waving at me.
Kris motioned to chanyeol to step back so I could walk up to him.
"..Hi.." I didn't move even though I had this urge to hug him.
He smiled.
"Welcome back Sun.. I like your hair"
"Thanks. I like yours too..It's .."
"Yeah. different..It's very..Blond."
He nodded , took off his beanie and stared at his feet.
Even though I could feel the warmth of his words, the conversation had this awkward aura of strangers meeting for the first time.

Hello guys! I hope you all had a great holiday! HAPPY NEW YEAR BY THE WAY!

Little update to start off 2014!!

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Chapter 7: you're backkk o u o
i used to be a silent reader excuse me lmao
ugh chanyeol and xiumin my two biases<33
and chicken lol its a nice touch to the chapter ehehhe
update soon!
mushiromigal #2
Chapter 6: Chickeeeennnnnn haha, now I am getting hungry :D Why are Chanyeol and Xiumin so cute!! Oh man I hope Kai would never find out...And the new guys.Are they a real band?Haha just kidding, they sound like one though! That Il Sung is sure haughty! Am glad you are back! Update real soon!! :D
mushiromigal #3
Chapter 5: They met!! I don't mind being Sun right now! Or her best friend so I can tag along, hahaha. Sun and Kai are totoally cute!!
thaiteaboba #4
Chapter 5: Omagwad I love it! Please continue i reallllllllyyyyy looooooovvvveeee it!
mushiromigal #5
Hey, this is a really nice story! Maybe you could add more spacing between the paragraphs, it would be better? But it's a good story for a first timer! :DD I remember my first fanfic was horrible, hahaha. Update soon! :D