*NEW PREVIEW* The Power Rings

The SHINee Heroes (Story On Hold)

Jae-Suk walked into the large training room, carrying a wooden box carefully in his hands. "After your powers were a bit..."

"ing useless..." Jong-Kook commented, leaning against the wall as he watched his hyung carry the box to the SHINee members.

"I was going to say underdeveloped... We are hoping that these power rings can help control them and use them." Jae-Suk stopped in the middle of the room and placed the box on a wooden pillar. The excited SHINee members quickly gathered, anticipating what would be revealed to them. "Each ring was made differently to help with each power. If you wear the wrong ones, it could cause serious problems."

Jonghyun titled his head to the side, curious as to what his hyung meant. "So if I were to wear a ring that was made for Key, my thunder powers would fail or something?"

Jong-Kook walked to the group, folding his arms and looking at the box. "Something like that. We haven't exactly had the chance to test it yet, but I imagine the powers would combine and create a mess. Maybe a storm or something..."

Jonghyun's eye's widened and a cheeky smile formed on his lips. "Really?"

"Yes really, so try anything funny..." Jong-Kook walked in front of the smaller hero and stared down at him. "If you mess about and cause trouble, I will kick your around the globe as fast as you can say' Ops!' You understand me?" Jonghyun went pale in the face and nodded quickly, not taking his eyes away from the commander. "Good."

Minho took hold of Jonghyun by the arm and pulled him away from Jong-Kook, sending a serious glare at him. There were always a little rivalry between them since the first time Minho guest stared on Running Man, and managed to tackle Jong-Kook to the floor; Jong-Kook had never let it go since. "Go bully someone else hyung!"

Jong-Kook's eyes widened as he stepped back, shocked by Minho's sudden response. "You want to start a fight, because I will happily~"

"Yah, Jong-Kook! You either help out and stay quiet, or you leave us alone." Jae-Suk put his hand on his hips, waiting for his younger friend to respond.

"Fine... I'll shut up and stay here..." The commander walked to a metal chair and sat on it, watching as the group continued with their talk.

Jae-Suk pulled out a key and placed it inside of the golden padlock, turning it as the SHINee members leaned forward to get the best view of it's contents. "Each ring has powers of their own, and can only be handled by those with the correct power. You will instantly know which one is yours by looking at the symbol on them." Jae-Suk opened the box, revealing 5 power rings.

There were five colours; red, yellow, blue, green, and pink, and each ring had a symbol engraved on the round face. Red had a flame, yellow had a lightning bolt, blue had a water droplet, green had a tree, and pink had a swirl, each representing the powers of their new owners. Everyone picked up their ring, admiring it's shine and polish. "I hope it's what you expected." Jae-Suk commented as he watched the heroes put the rings on their index fingers.

"This is so cool! I feel like the Green Lantern!" Onew smiled as he looked at his ring, glowing as he felt his power build inside of him.

"It's awesome! This colour suits me so well!" Minho beamed at his hyung, bowing in thanks.

"I never wanna take it off!" Taemin kissed the ring, giggling as it glowed on his lips. "Being a hero is so cool!"

Key looked at his ring and pouted, getting slightly jealous of his friends having cool rings; his looked really girly. "Aish, why does it have to be all pink and girly? I'll look like an idiot!"

"Like that makes a difference..." Jong-Kook muttered, unaware that Key heard him.

"YAH, I HEARD THAT!" Key spun around and pointed at Jong-Kook, sending a strong wind at him and knocking the commander off his chair backwards.

Everyone burst into laughter as the flustered hero got up from the floor and stomped in a huff. "See... THIS IS WHY I DON'T WORK WITH AMATEURS!" Jong-Kook stormed out of the room, trying to hide his bright pink cheeks.

Key looked at his ring, amazed at the sudden power that he produced. "That was amazing! Did I do that?"

Jae-Suk nodded and smiled in satisfaction. "The rings seem to respond well with your powers. That's a good sign of getting towards success. But this isn't enough. You need to get in control of your powers... Bond with it."

Onew stepped forward, rubbing his head in confusion. "Bond with your powers? How can we do that?"

"Hug a tree?" Taemin joked, earning a slap around the head from Key.

"You'll learn through training. Once you bond with your power, it will help you out when you can't think of a solution yourself." Jae-Suk picked up the box and put it in a storage unit.

Taemin looked at his ring and then at the others, taking in the colours of them. "Hey... It's kinda like the Power Rangers isnt it!" Everyone looked at their rings and nodded in realisation.

"Oh yeah! So Jonghyun would be the outgoing Yellow Ranger, Taemin is the best fighter Blue Ranger, I'm the clumsy Green Ranger, Key is the diva girly Pink Ranger~" Onew pointed at each member, causing Key to fold his arms and sulk about his ranking in the Rangers.

"And I'm the powerful leader Red Ranger!" Minho struck a pose, acting like he was a Power Ranger.

Jonghyun was quick to protest. "No way! If anyone is leader here, it's me!"

"You wish!" Minho walked over to Jonghyun, they both stared at each other, trying to intimate the other.

As the two started to get into a childish argument, Jae-Suk rubbed his head and sighed. "This isn't going to be as easy as I thought..."



*drops to the floor asleep*

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The SHINee Heroes will be updated tonight! (7/1/14)


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Chapter 12: WOOOOAAAH ~~ LOVED IT !! YOU ROCK THIS !! ^^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 12: I like this more than Jonghyun's XD keke~ >_< It's so cool! ^o^
Chapter 11: Oh My God !! LOVE IT !! ^^
Wanna see the others ~~ Wanna see the others ~~
wheres-my-cookie #4
Chapter 11: Wow! I love it!!! :D It's amazing! ^o^
goojayhee #5
Chapter 10: Awesome~ SHINee as Power Ranger! XD
I think they're going to kill their hyungs until they learn how to control their powers XD
They're so childish!!!
I love this story, it's makes me smile and laugh even when i'm in a bad mood :)
This is amazing can't wait to see what's gonna happen next, keep going~
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Power rangers!!!!! XD Now they just need to learn to control their powers....
Chapter 10: Awesome~ SHINee as Power Ranger oppas ;3
thanks for the update :) sleep well!
ChoiSammi #8
Chapter 9: Ahh so it's MBLAQ... Interesting hmmm...
I look forward to what will happen next :)
goojayhee #9
Chapter 9: MBLAQ?!?! Really??? Kekeke~
This is going to be fun!!!
wheres-my-cookie #10
Chapter 9: Omg the thieves are MBLAQ?!?! :O *gasp* And you must get stronger Shinee!!! ^^