A Common Love Story


*FTI and the girls are walking around*

Seunghyun:Hey guys.Don't you think Jonghun hyung has been acting really weird recently??Usually he'll want to come out with us.Any idea what happened??

Jaejin:How would WE know??Go ask him if you are so curious.

MinHwan:Something must havee happened.I mean,we all have our down days right?


Mabel:HYUNG!What are you guys doing?Walking so slowly..Come on.

Jaejin:Yah.How many times have i told you not to call me hyung??Call me Oppa.

Mabel:Shireoyo(I don't care).I like to call people hyung.You know me.

Hongki:Are you going to call us Hyung forever?? It is just so weird.

Jaejin:Yeah!Call me Oppa!!



MinHwan:Hyung.No use.You know Mabel.She won't budge.Like how she calls you goat even though you keep telling her not to.

Hongki:Neh.Ok.Mabel.You can stop now.People are staring..


Brenda:You guys are ado-a-ble.(Purposely spelt wrongly.Supposed to be prounced this way)

Jaejin:Good thing its morning.Otherwise our disguises will look out of place.

Mabel:Yeah.Imagine wearing sunglasses at night.


Brenda:But we can't stay outdoors the whole day right??

MinHwan:We can use stuff like Geek specs??

Brenda:Hey.Even me and Mabel will be able to recognise you.And we have bad recognisational skills..

MinHwan:So what do you suggest?Stay outdoors the whole day?

Brenda:YES.NO.I don't know.

Mabel:Let's see where we are going before we consider ok?

Hongki:I want to go play...

Brenda:Oppa.All you ever think about is play.

Seunghyun:Let's go watch a movie.

Jaejin:You are kidding right??The girls come all the way from Singapore and you want them to go watch a movie that will be available in singapore?

MinHwan:It'll give you and Mabel more privacy.

Jaejin:Araso.Movie.Let's go!

Mabel:Wait..I want to go play too..

Brenda:How about we go to an amusement park??I haven't been to one in ages..


Jaejin:I'm ok with that.

Seunghyun:Araso.Let's go then!



MinHwan:So where do you guys wanna go??Lotte World,Dreamland or Everland.

Hongki:Choose the nearest and least populated one.

MinHwan:That'll be Dreamland.

Hongki:Alright!Let's go to Dreamland!!

Mabel:I'm excited.I haven't been to an amusement park in like forever.(How i wish Jonghun Hyung was here with us..)

Jaejin:Everything ok??

Mabel:Yeah.*Takes out phone* Just need to text someone.

-Mabel phone-

Sms:Hyung.Where are you??Everything ok??

Jonghun:Neh.I am fine.Just a little down.Go enjoy  yourselves.I will be going somewhere else.See you later.

Sms:Neh.Take care.Smile(=



Jaejin:Jonghun hyung??

Mabel:Neh.I'm worried.

Jaejin:He'll be fine.Just give him some time..

Mabel:Neh.Come on...


How was this chapter?? I changed some stuff inside. Anyway.Hope you like it! I feel like i'm talking to myself.LOLS.

Please give me some story ideas!

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I'm gonna rewrite some of the earlier chaps to make it smoother.LOLS.Go back and read em when you have the time,it still has the same flow thou.


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congrats ^^
Chapter 1: congrats on the feature! ^^
congrats :))
Infinite_7 #6
congrats on getting featured :DDDDDDDDDDD
NadoSarang #7
congratulations :)
Infinite_8 #8
congrats ^^
congrats c:
congrats! :D