Will you be here for me?

A Common Love Story

FTI Schedule

Jonghoon:MinHwan's sister got into an accident.

Mabel could feel the blood rush into her head.Her heart pounded faster and she felt dizzy.She was not particularly close to the older the girl but being only 2 years apart with 5 same guys in their lives,Mabel and Dayoung had quite alot in common especially since Brenda came into the picture.

Mabel:Bwoh?! What happened??

Jonghoon:We don't know yet.We are on our way to the hospital now

As she stole a look at Minhwan,she noticed that his face had gone white.She bit her lips and held back an urge to hug him and tell him everything was alright.Since young,she had always been more boyish than normal girls,with her thinking and her weird ideas(Her parents always questioned if she and her brother had accidentally switched genders). Hence,she was usually very strong willed which explains why she was the one that wanted to assure Minhwan everything would be alright.

Brenda:Ok.Let's go together then.



As Ft Island rushed into the hospital,Minhwan's head and heart felt like it was going to explode.He and Dayoung were really close and as an older brother,he always felt protective of her.Millions of questions rushed through his head 'How was Dayoung?' ,'What will he tell his parents?'.He tortured himself with these questions and glanced at Mabel.Not usually one to show emotion,her face was panicked but still calm.He wanted so badly to hug her.

Minhwan:How's my sister??Where is she! What happened??

Hongki:Min.Calm down.

Doctor:Who is Choi Dayoung's family?

MinHwan:Me! I'm her brother!

Doctor:She is now in emergency treatment.We are doing our best.

Minhwan:You have to save her doctor.You have to.

Doctor:I will do my best.

With that one sentance,the doctor left to perform the surgery leaving behind worried souls.

Minhwan:What happened??

Jaejin:I went to find out.It was a car accident.The person driving had lost control of his brakes.Dayoung was walking home and the driver tried to avoid her,it was too late.

Minhwan:I see..

It was barely a whisper but it broke everyone's heart.All of them knew how much MinHwan loved his sister.They were praying for her safety.

Manager:Guys,sorry.Company called.Schedule has to go on.

Seunghyun:Hyung! Dayoung's in there and you want us to continue schedules?


MinHwan:Its ok..Let's go.

Manager:Except you.Minhwan,i cancelled all your schedules.You stay here and wait for your sister.If anything,call hyung.Ara?

Seunghyun:Hyung.He can't stay by himself.Mabel,please stay with him.




Brenda:Jin Oppa.

MinHwan:Its ok.You guys can all go.

Mabel:I'll stay with you.Brenda,go with them.

Brenda:You sure?

Mabel:I'm sure.

Ft Island starts to leave but Seunghyun hangs behind.

Mabel:Hyun,you can go first.I'll be here.

Seunghyun:Mabel,can we talk first?

*They walk to somewhere more private*

Seunghyun:Take care of Minari please.He needs your support right now..

Mabel:Neh.I understand..

Seunghyun:I don't think you do.You really will help him.


Ft Island has left and Minhwan and Mabel sit outside waiting for the news of Dayoung.In her head,Mabel is replaying the conversation she had with Seunghyun.She still didn't get what it meant.It was like the answer was right infront of her but she couldn't figure it out.Kinda reminded her of the Maths questions.

Minhwan:Thanks Mabel.

Mabel:Eh..For what?

Minhwan:Being here..you...will always be here for me right?

Mabel:Neh.Of course...

A few hours have passed and there is still no news of Dayoung.MinHwan's pale face starts to take an effect on Mabel.

Mabel:Minari..Look at me.


Mabel:She will be ok.I promise.

MinHwan:Neh...Can i hug you?


Minhwan hugged Mabel tightly and didn't want to let go.Mabel felt her heart thumping and wondered why....Little did they know,someone saw them..

Doctor:Um,Choi Dayoung's family?

Minhwan:Yes.I am her brother.How is she?

Doctor:She made it.The operation was a success.Both the driver and Dayoung are fine.But she'll have to stay in the hospital.

Minhwan:Neh.Thank you so so so much!! 

Minhwan and Mabel felt a wave of relief wash over them.Minhwan started breathing again.

Doctor:You will have to take very good care of her.

Minhwan:Neh.Thank you.

Mabel:Thank you.

Doctor:You need to see to some hospital arrangements first.Then,i'll bring you to see Dayoung.


While walking to the counter,the doctor looked at the and he couldn't help but ask.

Doctor:Are you two a couple?

Minhwan:Eh? Ani..

Doctor:Oh?Sorry.. It's just that the 2 of you look really sweet together.Reminds of my younger days

Mabel:Its ok.

-Dayoung Room-

Doctor:This is Dayoung's room.She's under the anesthetic effect.Probably will wake up a few hours later.Bye.

Minhwan:Bye.Thanks again.

Doctor:My pleasure.

After the doctor leaves,the room is plunged into a thick awkwardness.There is a tension underlying the atmosphere.Mabel couldn't take it and had to break the silence.

Mabel:Have I told you about my friend Wina?

MinHwan: I don't think so.Why?

Mabel:She's insane about Kpop.Seriously.She likes Seunghyun though.


Mabel:Cos of MakBanShi.And me.Hahas.

MinHwan:I see..

Mabel:The craziest part is she writes fan fics about you guys.Me and Brenda.But she doesn't know we really know you guys.


Mabel:Yeah.She's like some kind of psychic that can tell everything but me and Brenda have to keep denying it.

MinHwan:Hahas.Tell me about it.

Mabel:She comes up with these insane theories.Like how i out before.And it was true.And she always says i secretly live with you guys and Jonghoon is my brother.(Which i do.Haha.And i still think its true :P )


At this,Mabel and MinHwan talk for a long time...

Now,back to Brenda and the gang.

Brenda:Oppa,I'm going to the bathroom.


Jonghoon:Hyung(Manager) where is ChanYoong?

Manager:She's at the hospital

Hongki:Why is she there?

Manager:She went for a school thing and i told her to go down and check on them.

Hongki:I see..

ChanYoong:Sorry i'm late.

Jonghoon:Its ok.How is Dayoung.

ChanYoong:She's safe.MinHwan and Mabel are with her now. 

Seunghyun:Did you see Jin?He said he went back for awhile.

ChanYoong:Eh.Ani.I didn't



Jaejin:Neh.Let's go for our schedule.

Hongki:What's up with him??

-Somewhere in the building-

Brenda was walking back to the place she had left FTI but they were not there.Now,she was walking all over that huge building looking for those people who left her behind.

Brenda:Aish...What is up with this place..

She walks around until her feet hurt.At this point of time,she is no longer concentrating on what is infront of her...Suddenly,she bangs into someone.
'Sorry!' She hears a sweet and really familiar voice say. Hand on her head,she stuggles to open her eyes.At that point,a pair of chinky eyes stare deep into hers. 

Sandeul:I'm sorry!

Brenda was speechless.Always been a fan of B1A4 . She liked to annoy her Kpop insane friend with the 'B1A4,am i your target?' thing.(Which you totally can't blame me since the voice at the start creeps the hell out of me) and even asked her to write about Sandeul in one of her fanfics.Never did she think she would actually meet him.


Brenda:Oh..I'm sorry.

Sandeul:Its fine.I'm Sandeul.You are?

Brenda:I'm Brenda.

Sandeul:You don't look like a local.But your korean's really good.

Brenda:Oh.Haha.I'm from Singapore.I learnt ot from Ft Island and Sulli Unnie.

Sandeul:Oh.You are here with the Sunbaes?Cool.Where were you going?

Brenda:Me?I'm looking for Fti.They ditched me..

Sandeul:Hmm..Why not come with me to our waiting room.We'll look for them for you.


Let us leave this little fangirl for a moment and go back to the hospital where MinHwan and Mabel are still talking.

MinHwan:Yup! I used to play pranks like that too! Haha


Minhwan:Dayoung?You are awake.How do you feel?

Dayoung:Oppa...Why isit so dark?

Mabel:Dark?But Unnie,we...the lights are on..

Dayoung:Is that Mabel? But its really really dark..

Ok! Haha.I'm leaving this with a cliff-hanger.Hehehehehe.Muhahahah(Evil laughter). Fangirl moment again!!!

-B1A4 waiting room-

Baro:Yah.Sandeul ah.Where did you go? Flirt with some Coordi Noona again did you?

Sandeul:YAH.Ani.This is Brenda.She's with FTI Sunbaes...She needs help looking for them..


Jinyoung:Annyeonghaseyo.Do you need anything?



Brenda:Oh.Aniyo.Thanks anyway.

GongChan:How old are you?


GongChan:Younger than me..Hehe.

CNU:Yah.What are you thinking?


Baro:Let's play a game!! Truth or dare Brenda?

Brenda:EH? Uh..Truth.

Baro:Tell us all about what people think about us.

Brenda:HAHA.You could have just asked you know.

CNU:Yeah dude.

Brenda:Ok..Let's see..CNU Oppa makes me want to study.Jinyoung Oppa is one of my friend's bias.Another one thinks he looks like Jinwoon Oppa and sometimes,she can't really tell the difference between him and GongChan Oppa.

Jinyoung:What? I do not look like GongChan.

Brenda:Baro and GongChan Oppa are this friend's bias though.Haha.Sandeul Oppa is always known for his voice.

Sandeul:I see...


YO,another chapter done.Tell me what you think about it. I tried a new way of writing. 

Hehe.Got new subscribers.HAPPY(=


HyeSuh: Haha.Don't worry.Good things will happen(= Brenda and him are just not meant to be..Sad but true.Hahas,nah.I'm the lucky one.If not for them,i wouldn't have liked KPOP or found out about this site(= Thanks for commenting(= Read on!

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I'm gonna rewrite some of the earlier chaps to make it smoother.LOLS.Go back and read em when you have the time,it still has the same flow thou.


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congrats ^^
Chapter 1: congrats on the feature! ^^
congrats :))
Infinite_7 #6
congrats on getting featured :DDDDDDDDDDD
NadoSarang #7
congratulations :)
Infinite_8 #8
congrats ^^
congrats c:
congrats! :D