
New Girl { Taehyung / V}

It’s a day of practice for the boys. They eat some food before going to the basement to practice. ‘We have to leave the practice-room a little earlier today, boys. There’s a new trainee who practices after us. I heard a lot about her. The agency expects a lot from her because she’s extremely talented. Please make her feel at home’ They nod and continue eating. ‘I didn’t know that there was a new trainee.’ Taehyung mentions ‘Me neither, I’m looking forward to meeting her.’ Jin says with a mouthful.

They finish a great practice and are talking about whatever comes up. The door opens and suddenly an awkward silence fills the room… Turns out the new trainee isn’t Korean, you’re not even Asian. ‘I did not see that coming.’ Jimin whispers. ‘Uh.. Hi.’ You bow 90 degrees. Your cheeks turn red, why are they staring at me? Rap Monster is the first to regain his senses ‘Hi, we are Bangtan Sonyeondan. I’m Namjoon but I’m also known as Rap Monster.’ He stands up and walks to you to give you a hand and a polite bow. 

One by one the boys introduce themselves politely. Lastly V ‘Hi, I’m Taehyung. Manager-hyung told us a lot about you,’ He looks at you in awe. Not that he never saw a foreign girl before, but you’re so beautiful to him. Your manager walks in behind you and nods at the boys. ‘Now that you’ve met BTS, let’s start the practice.’ The boys sit in line against the wall. Taehyung watches you through the mirror. The music starts and a smile forms on his face, it’s hiphop. 

He watches you move to the beat and admires your talent. You’re really good! He notices how the others are also mesmerized by what you can do. ‘Okay let’s go.’ Their manager ruins the show and they walk upstairs. ‘Is it okay if I eat some more, I’m really hungry.’ V decides to stay a little longer. He’s not that hungry, he just wants to talk to you again. He munches on his food when he sees you walk up the stairs.

'Hi!' He waves at you and signs for you to sit down. You say something to your manager before you sit down with a big smile on your face. 'Try some of this.' He holds op a bowl and scoops some in another one before putting it infront of you. You thank him. Awkward silence. 'Soo… where are you from?' You tell him a little bit about your homecountry, he listens and seems to be really interested!

You talk about a lot. Your homecountry, Korea, BigHit. It seems like you get along pretty well. ‘We have some pretty cool places here, I can show you around if you want? The best places are the hardest to find.’ He blushes a bit and tries to sound like he really mean just a tour. Secretly it sounds like a date to him, but you don’t have to know. ‘Sure!’ You smile and his heart flutters. 

You get up and pull your bag over your shoulder. Your face crunshes, practice was hard and your bag isn’t the lightest. Luckily V notices and pulls it of your shoulder ‘Let me hold it for you.’ He smiles and his eyes twinkle. ‘Oh you don’t really have to.’ ‘No, it’s okay!’ You thankfully smile back at him. He’s so sweet.

You walk out the door and Taehyung waves at the restaurantlady. She yells something over the noise about a coat and the cold. He nods at her and holds the door open for you. You giggle at his cheesiness and walk along the road. ‘So, where are you taking me first?’ He smiles at the floor ‘Do you like ice cream?’ His voice sounds playful, is he up to something? ‘Yes, I do.’ ‘Do you like a lot of ice cream?’ ‘Uh… I guess.’ He chuckles ‘Good.’

You walk in an alley that doesn’t look very special. ‘Uh.. are we lost?’ You look around with a flustered face ‘No, were actually almost there.’ You walk around a corner and see a cute little icecream-shop with loads of colorful decorations. ‘Woaaah it’s so cute!’ You hop to the store and Taehyung follows you with a big smile. 

Taehyung orders for both of you. You pick a table and wait for your ice cream to come. You look at Taehyung for a moment. He’s being so nice to you, it makes you feel happy and fuzzy. He looks over his shoulder to see where you’re sitting. He smiles before walking over, ice cream in both hands. ‘Here you go.’ You smile up at him.

He tells you about all the things that happened there. How RapMon’s face was covered in ice cream and when Suga won the who-eats-the-most-contest. It’s hard not to laugh. ‘Do you like your ice cream?’ You nod happily as you take another bite. ‘Can I try it I never had it before?’ He blushes and stares down at his own ice cream ‘You never had chocolate?’ 

His face turns bright pink ‘Uh.. it’s been a while.’ if you call last week a while ago… ‘Hm.. okay.’ You scoop up some chocolate flavored ice cream and hold the spoon infront of him. Instead of taking the spoon he leans forward to eat the ice cream. This time you’re the one who blushes. ‘It’s tasty.’ He takes another bite of his own ice cream and looks at your through his upper lashes. 

Sadly it’s already getting late and you decide to walk around a bit before heading home. Taehyung points at some shops and tells you about them. ‘That one’s really cool, they have a new collection ever week. We-…’ Where did you go? He spins around, scanning the streets. He spots you at a petshop. Nose on the glass.

He stands behind you and looks over your shoulder. A little shiba puppy stares back at him. ‘Look Taehyung. isn’t it adorable?’ You look at the puppy in awe and don’t notice the glances that V gives to the employee. Someone picks up the puppy and walks away. ‘Yah. Why would he take it away?’ A bell rings as the door opens. You squeel at the sight of the puppy. ‘You want to hold it?’ The employee holds the little cutie pie out for you to grab. 

Taehyung pets his head and the puppy yawns. ‘It’s so cute.’ You whisper to yourself. ‘Not as cute as you.’ A shiver runs down your spine, did he really say that? You giggle as you give the puppy back to the employee. Taehyung is reliefed that you didn’t see his face at that point. He’s like a big eyed tomato right now. 

Clouds form and it’s getting darker. ‘We should go home, before it starts raining.’ You walk side by side as the first drops fall down. V takes of his jacket and holds it above your head as you both start running. You reach your front door. The water drips of his nose, you smile at the cute sight. ‘i wish i had more time to show you around.’ ‘How about tomorrow?’ You ask hopefully. V’s eyes twinkle as his whole face brightens up ‘I’d love that.’



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Chapter 1: I really like this little oneshot! You had very simple situations that were transformed into adorable moments! I liked how there was still an awkwardness betwren them (since they just met), but they were still really cute together! Some parts did not flow very well, and there was a few grammar mistakes, but the story was still enjoyable! I also love the idea of the main character being a trainee tehehe! If you ever do another V fanfic, maybe include a bit more of his trademark "4D"ness. Overall, a really nice story!
Chapter 1: ahahah.. Taehyung just blush ^-^