That Thing!

To List Or Not To List

“Back to singledom,” I plop back down against the pillows Luhan’s mother made. They’re soft and wonderfully fluffy, like white, puffy clouds. I love them. This is where I plan on staying to ride out my humiliation. “Perhaps… I’ll take some time off my lists.”


Luhan guffaws. And, really, I don’t blame him. I’ve said that exact same sentence so many times before and have yet to act on it. I can’t help my dependency for the lists, what they mean to me, and the sense of control they give me. I guess I’m just drawn to organization of thoughts on paper.


I think a lot better with a list somewhere near me, whether it’s deciding what soap to buy or which neighborhood to live in. Pro and Con lists are perfect when in the process of choosing a lover/future husband/ possible father of my two potential children. And, really, I see nothing wrong with that. Evidently, Luhan does.


“What was the issue Seungri? I can’t exactly recall.” Luhan’s begun to poke at my dinner, scattering the different foods on my plate. Clink, clink, clink. I have an intensifying urge to push him out of the couch, but I stifle it, choosing instead to glare at him. “Right, he did that super irritating thing. What was it again? Enlighten me please.”


“Which one? The insipid whistling or the ongoing looking-at-himself-in-EVERY reflective-surface? Because they are both pretty damn annoying.”


“Oh my gosh! Both of those? Damn, Joonmyun!” Luhan says, his deer-like eyes widening even more. “That stupid bastard!”


“I know.”


“Really.” Chew


“You’re making fun of me aren’t you?”


“Who me?” Luhan says, pretending to be upset. “Now why would I do such a thing?”


“Leave me alone,” I say, standing up. He looks on as I move across our small living room to get the remote from among Mimi’s toys.


“You know, Joonie,” Luhan begins disapprovingly, his mouth containing a forkful of my dinner. “Sooner or later, you’re going to have to give a guy an honest chance, without that ridiculous list.”


I laugh at the very idea of it, knowing that that day will never come. Bored by our directionless squabble, I decide to watch this week’s episode of Hello Babythat had been recorded to the DVR as a way to calm myself down. It works, especially as I watch Onew gradually warm up to Yoogeun. That face, eyes, voice…. That everything. I sigh dreamily, absorbing his male perfection. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be so awkward so cutely.




“Be quiet!” I flail my arms at Luhan, attempting to make him quiet, then point towards the T.V. “Onew’s face equals No talking from Luhan!”


“Is this going to happen all season?” he grumbles. “Weirdo.”


“Hush!” I’m a second away from putting a pillow on top of his face until the episode is done. So I’ve got a crush. Who doesn’t?


When the commercial rolls around, I let Luhan say what he wanted. “Imaginary Lovers aside,” he says. “You are aware that there is little to no chance of you meeting any man without any Cons, right?”


Still on a high from Onew’s cuteness, I barely register what Luhan is saying. I settle back into my seat, opening my bottle of Diet Pepsi. “And why is it so improbable? I’ve met more than enough guys without any positives.”


Comforted by the set rhythm of my running feet, my thoughts go back to the disastrous dinner with Seungri on Friday. Like it or not, Lee Seungri was the only man, other than Onew, even remotely close to my ideal marriage type. But something didn’t feel completely right with him. It’s a pity really, but it had to happen. My lists are always correct.

Over the sound of Infinite’s newest song in my ears, I hear the pebbles crunch beneath the sole of my shoes. As I cross the parking lot of Angel Café, I see the employees inside setting up before the morning customers arrived. It’s a routine as every day and perfectly constructed as my own. And, Christ, I can smell the coffee from here.


Since I haven’t had my morning serving of coffee, I consider stopping for a cup, but it’s cold enough for me to be alert without it. I begin my mental list of Joonmyun’s New Promises of Singlehood. First, I’ll reserve the six months before my 25th birthday to expand my career, thereby ensuring that I’ll meet a guy far better than Seungri. I’ll also start a list of Different ways to Improve Job Performance first thing when I get to my desk later today. After all, a great morning like this is grounds for a new beginning.


I check my phone and discover that I’m about 56 seconds off schedule today, so I move a bit faster. Taking too much time to complete one thing in my morning routine will just throw off my whole day, so I definitely don not want to be late. After all, there’s coffee to be made and a shower to be taken.


“What’s wrong, Myunie-hyung?”


“Huh?” I lift my eyebrows in surprise. “Oh it’s nothing. Nothing’s wrong, Chen.”


“Where’s that guy I’m always seeing you with nowadays?”




“That’s him,” he replies happily. Despite still being in college, Jongdae, or Chen as he prefers to be called, enjoys getting to know his everyday customers, who include a majority of XOXO’s employees. “You guys always meet up here, but I haven’t seen him in a while…”


“You see… we- I broke up with him,” I stutter as I try to get the words out, trying to play off the awkwardness by taking a sip of my coffee. I glance at the clock behind Chen hastily. “Oh would you look at the time! Got a meeting, Chen-chen. See you tomorrow?”


“Okie hyung.” Although I don’t turn around, I know he’s shaking in head in amusement as I leave the café. I hope he doesn't take it out of proportion. Chen’s a lovely person, but there are just something’s I really don’t feel like discussing before I’ve had my macchiato. Or in front of Starbucks patrons.


I have a long day ahead of me, including a few vendor meetings and a bucket load of phone-calls to make. And that doesn't even include all the client’s I have to meet today. But all I have to do is follow the lists. Keep on track and—




Try not to go hurling into any pedestrians.


“Holy Fudge! I’m so sorry!” says a voice, coming from somewhere in front of me.


Confused, my vision a bit blurred, I rub my thigh, which has just been assaulted by… a guitar case? Well at least it looks like a guitar case and feels like a hammer. I’m counting myself lucky to even be able to stand. Ouch!


To make things worse, my coffee  is now spilled on a snow bank. I see the steam lift and I can feel a part of myself die. Freaking waste of five bucks and twelve minutes.


Clenching my jaw through the pain and anger, I look at my assailant.


“Are you ok, sir?”


I nod, surprised by the concern radiating in his brown eyes. He looks at me through lens less glasses, and the smile that light up is face is almost as beautiful as my SHINee crush. A black stud piercing, the first Negative, breaks my focus.


“I’m fine,” I answer stiffly, trying to get out of his hold. He doesn't get the idea though, so I reiterate, “Seriously, I’m ok.”


Finally convinced, he lets go of my arm and smiles again. The corners of his pink, soft-looking lips curve up. His eyes squint and they sparkle with relief. I would be experiencing the usual speechless thing, if there wasn’t a huge Con on the inside of his wrist.


“Yixing.” He takes my hand, previously forgetting by my side, and shakes it. so he’s cute, and, sweet, and has that adorable little Chinese accent, and polite enough for me to overlook the demure rocker look he’s trying to pull off with the front of his chocolate hair, but there’s no getting past that. “Glad you’re alright. I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m in kind of a rush.” He shrugs. “Late again.


“I’m Joonmyun,” I hear my mouth say, without my brains consent. We stand there for a while in comfortable silence before I realize what he said. “Well, you should be on your way! Have a nice day!”


And because I’m late now too, I turn abruptly on my heel and run up Sung Street. The more distance I put between myself and that hot guy with the eyebrow piercing, the better for everyone.


A/n: Ok so srry if this doesn't make any sense, but I’m kinda tired nowadays. My sincerest apologies everyone. So, anywho thank u guys for upvoting and commenting and subbing. It means a lot. Kamsahamnida! (Is that even how you spell it?) Thank You!

Comment and subscribe please. Thank you

Bye <33

P.S. Imagine Yixing with an eyebrow piercing! Sooo...?

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Chapter 5: Yyyaaaaaayyyy!!!! -dancing like a maniac cause me ish sou jappey that u updated- :D and that freakin sulay pic!!! ;_; -flips a coffee table- sulay wat r u doin 2 me?!!!!
Chapter 4: Where's the Sulay, author-nim? :D
are u in need of a cool poster?! cause this fic is giving me freaking ideas ><
Chapter 4: ^^ hope Yixing will come back soon !!
Chapter 4: i suggest a certain poker-faced dood for xiao lu! :D
SarahChoi #6
Chapter 3: Chanyeol!!! There's no other for Baek! Baekyeol all the way!!! <3
Chapter 3: Haha so cute