falling in love at a coffee shop - suyeol

hello, hello

falling in love at a coffee shop
chanyeol/suho - g
there is this coffee shop that chanyeol always visits

there is this coffee shop behind their college that chanyeol has never told anyone about, not even his best friend kyungsoo.

he has never been a big fan of the bitter drink, simply entering the shop when he has nowhere else to hide from the rain. but now, he couldn't help but to go back daily, and not for the coffee.

the shop is tiny, with barely enough seats for four people at the back of the shop. there is a one person wide path separating the counter and the bookshelf once you enter the store, and chanyeol can imagine how difficult it will be to move in the shop when they are people queuing up for their drinks.

he has yet to face this problem, barely seeing people enter his little haven throughout the weeks he has been there.

junmyeon gives his a small smile when he enters, putting down the cups momentarily to offer a wave.

it is different today, the tables are all taken, and chanyeol shuffles around awkwardly as he contemplates to leave or to stay.

"give me a moment," junmyeon tells him, before continuing his preparation of the drinks.

he serves the two customers at the table personally, and wipes his hands on the cute green apron he is wearing before walking towards chanyeol.

"come here," he reaches out to pull chanyeol, letting him into the area where only staffs are allowed.

even though there is the staff only sign, chanyeol has only seen junmyeon there for all the times he has visited. "are you sure this is okay?" he gestures at the sign unsurely, hands moving in an awkward fashion.

"yes," junmyeon gives him another of his perfectly gentle smile, "now someone can finally tend the counter when i need to go to the bathroom." he jokes, getting rid of any apprehension that lingers in chanyeol's mind.

despite being a regular customer, chanyeol has never gotten to speak to junmyeon much, spending most of his time looking at the other male bustle around the different equipments as he prepares the drink or looking on creepily as he reads his book when there isn't any customers.

"aren't you curious about how these thing works?" junmyeon pushes him in front of the coffee machine. "i'll teach you for free since you're such a loyal customer. it's super expensive to pick this up outside." he says, purposely trying to startle chanyeol with his generous offer.

chanyeol knows that he is supposed to pay attention, and that despite looking relatively harmless, any machinery is still dangerous to operate. however, he can only focus on the way junmyeon's mouth moves as he enunciates certain words or how graceful his movements are as he gets rid of the excess coffee powder. he repeats the steps mechanically, miraculously getting it right even when he is distracted, and junmyeon lavishes his compliments with no reserve.

he stays there till closing time as usual, just that he helps in the packing up this time round and junmyeon gives him the honors of turning the sign around to signal the end of operating hours.

"what made you start a coffee shop?" chanyeol asks in curiosity as they are making their way to the nearest subway station.

"hobby? or maybe i was just being wilful, and trying to prove to everyone and myself that it is possible to live life in a pace that you want in a city." junmyeon looks up at the stars as he replies, and chanyeol finds himself captivated with the soft smile that lingers even after he finished answering the question.

that is admirable, chanyeol wants to say, but instead he smiles, sharing junmyeon's contentment towards his life.

"hello," junmyeon greets when he walks into the coffee shop again the following day. "are you trying to guilt trip me into employing you? cause i really don't need an extra staff." he pretends to look troubled before pushing chanyeol into the available seats.

"i just like this place, and somehow the coffee here is drinkable." chanyeol shrugs, dropping his backpack onto the floor.

"hmm," junmyeon starts with a sneaky smile, "maybe i've added weed in it to make you addicted to it."

chanyeol laughs along with the joke, their voices echoing in the small store.

maybe, he thinks, maybe it is because i'm somewhat in love with you instead.

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 7: "i think you'll understand it soon" seems foreshadowing... hmmmm...
chanhun6482 #2
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Chapter 10: Why breakups for chanhun? :(
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Chanhun ftw!
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