hopeless valentine - sekai, onesided! kaiyeol

hello, hello

"stop hiding behind the pillars," jongdae nudged his extremely lanky friend who's trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"why don't you just try talking to him?"  he asks in exasperation when they are attracting attention from other students for acting weirdly.

chanyeol lets out a pitiful whimper, imaginary ears drooping dramatically. "he's kim jongin, I'll never be able to talk to him."

"kim jongin!" jongdae calls out before he is able to walk into his faculty building. "my friend here has something to say to you." chanyeol stumbles over his own feet, and hurriedly straightens himself in front the man of his dreams after jongdae pushes him viciously.

perspiration pools on his palms, and he loses his ability to speak as jongin stares at him curiously. "so what is it?" the beautifully tanned boy asks when the silence is getting oppressive.

"i..i," chanyeol curses inwardly as he stumbles over his word. despite that, jongin still smiles patiently, further cementing chanyeol's belief that he is the most perfect man that has ever existed.

"i really like you. do you want to go on a date next week?" the rest of the words come out as a rush, but the stricken expression on jongin's face shows that he has heard everything, and that chanyeol is about to get rejected.

a voice interrupts before jongin has the chance to reply. "that's cute, but i'm afraid he's mine." a hand snakes itself on jongin's waist, and chanyeol sees the person addressing him is someone who's ridiculously pale.

"this is all your fault," chanyeol whines as he thrashes on jongdae'a bed later in the afternoon. "and why didn't you tell me that his boyfriend is behind him, or that he has a boyfriend."

"aren't you the jongin expert who's supposed to know everything about him?" jongdae retorts, continuing the furious typing on his laptop. "and whose fault is it for only having eyes for his oh so perfect crush?"

chanyeol lets out another groan before burying his face deeper into the pillow. now, he's going to be the brunt of the joke for the next month.

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 7: "i think you'll understand it soon" seems foreshadowing... hmmmm...
chanhun6482 #2
Chapter 10: why?
Chapter 10: Why breakups for chanhun? :(
kpoppinstyle #4
Chanhun ftw!
Chapter 9: T^T Chanhun.....