untitled - sekai

hello, hello

kai/fem!sehun - pg
jongin is too invested in mario kart when all his girlfriend wants to do is cuddle
written for this exopromptmeme

"Jongin,” Sehee whines dragging out his name to get her boyfriend’s attention. Finals ended two days ago, and after weeks of not being able to spend quality time with her boyfriend, all Oh Sehee wants right now is to cuddle and probably watch cheesy re-runs of old movies with Jongin.

“Yes baby?” Jongin asks, never tearing his eyes away from his game.

“Look at me when you’re talking, you .” Sehee kicks his shin in frustration. “Can you please, please stop playing Mario Kart?”

“But baby, I haven’t had the chance to play it in three weeks, and I’m Mario Kart deprived.” Jongin answers, swerving his body in the same direction his car is going. “Give me another fifteen minutes,” he negotiates, eyebrows furrowing as he tries to overtake the AI that is leading the race.

With Sehee’s understanding of her boyfriend, she is sure that the fifteen minute will eventually stretch to an hour, and subsequently Jongin will spend the entire day playing this stupid game while she sulk in a corner.

“I’m going to make you Oh Sehee deprived.” She replies irately, putting on her best sulk.

Jongin reaches over to ruffle Sehee’s hair, messing up the neat bun that she has tied earlier on. “Are you jealous that I’m not giving you enough attention?”

“Of course.” Sehee punctuates every syllable with annoyance. “You’ve been holed up in this room for the past two days just to play this game.”

She plucks the controller out of his hands in vengeance, pressing on the quit game option before Jongin can object. Sehee has expected her boyfriend to get upset, like he always does when his game gets interrupted, but he simply gives her an indulgent smile before pulling him into his lap.

“I’m sorry.” He apologizes softly, pressing light kisses onto her hair. “I should have realized that you’re more important than the game.”

The pout on her face grows more pronounced as she tries to guilt-trip the other boy while nestling herself into his embrace. “You are the worst.” She complains, finding the most comfortable spot on his shoulder to rest against.

The day definitely didn’t end the way Sehee has envisioned, with the two of them cuddling in front of the sofa watching her favorite show. Instead, Jongin picks up his controller when she isn’t paying attention and restarted the game.

The only difference is; her boyfriend’s arms are tightly wrapped around her as he tries to maneuver his car and she joins in the extreme swaying to different directions whenever the car makes a turn.

Oh well.

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2449 streak #1
Chapter 7: "i think you'll understand it soon" seems foreshadowing... hmmmm...
chanhun6482 #2
Chapter 10: why?
Chapter 10: Why breakups for chanhun? :(
kpoppinstyle #4
Chanhun ftw!
Chapter 9: T^T Chanhun.....