

I went home and found out that Olive left to see her friend who's also in Korea vacationing.

Aish. If it will be like this, it's like she's not even with us so i hope she'll go out more.

I went into my room and saw Olive's cellphone in my bed. It's ringing!

I looked and found that it's Henry. It's his name and picture that appeared on the screen but i just let it ring. It rang for almost five times.  Olive seemed to left her phone. I wonder how is she gonna contact her friend.

I changed my clothes into something comfortable.

I sat on my bed and grabbed Olive's cellphone. And idea came into my mind. I got Henry's number. I'm not going to text or call him. I just wanted to get his number.

Then i slept.

I woke up around dinner time. I saw Olive beside me in my bed.

"I'm sorry, did i wake you up?" She asked when she saw i opened my eyes.

"No. Where did you go?" I felt like i have to ask her that.

"I met my friend down town. I left my cellphone accidentally but good thing he's already there when i arrived." She explained.

"He?" I repeated. I was thinking it's Henry since he left school earlier and he's been calling Olive in her cellphone.

"Yes, he's a friend. He's also from states and he's here just like me for vacation." Just like that and the idea that it's Henry vanished through the air.

"Alright." I said, then got out of the bed.

Just in time that my mom called us for dinner.

Olive is just lovable in my parent's eyes. Anything she says seemed to amuse my parents. I just listen to them the whole time and just nod whenever they ask me. My younger brother, who stays at our Aunt's house because it's near his school where he is a scholar, might love every bit of Olive too.

Olive volunteered to wash the dishes but of course, mom did not let her. It's actually my duty to wash the dishes every dinner if i am home early. But since i'm grounded, there's no reason for me to be late beside helping the council and Prince Henry.

After i washed the dishes, i went to our backyard. There's an old swing there and i juststayed there. Olive is already in my room and i don't know, i just don't feel like being around her. Although she seemed nice and all. Maybe i'm really not used to having someone with us.

My cellphone rang. It's Sulli, asking me to go out.

I wanted to go but my mom won't surely let me.

"Let's just go hang out tomorrow after class if the ice prince would go home early." I told her, talking about Henry.

"It's hard being your bestfriend when you are grounded." She said.

I laughed. "You think so? I hate being myself at the moment too."

"Alright. Let's see if you can come tomorrow."

Olive was still sleeping when i woke up and left. I slept earlier. Olive was busy on her laptop last night when i went in and slept, so maybe she really slept late.

"Ya! Hyuraaaaa!" Out of nowhere, someone hug me from behind.

I looked back and saw Kyungsoo standing, while Junmyun hugging me from behind.

I smiled automatically when i saw them. "Woah! You all came back! How's the trip?" They've been into a competition that was held overseas.

"Well, of course we won something for the school." Kyungsoo said proudly.

"Kyaaa! I'm so proud of you!" I squeezed Kyungsoo's cheeks that made him shriek.

"Ya! Why do you keep on doing that? Aish!" Kyungsoo said, removing my ahnds off his cheeks.

I laughed. "Kyeopta!"

"What about me? I even won first! He just won third!" Junmyun said on the side.

I also squeezed his cheeks. "I'm also proud of you!"

"We'll treat you later. Tell Sulli, okay?" Kyungsoo then said.

"Woah! Sure. I'll tell her."

"We'll go first. We have to go early." Junmyun waved his hands then they walked towards their building.

They are my middle school schoolmates. Sulli, me, Kyungsoo and Junmyun were the closest so we're really happy that we got accepted in one university. We also have another friends. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, but they went into another university.

Sulli and me are the only girl in the group. I don't know how it happened, but we just became close.

I told Sulli that Junmyun and Kyungsoo already arrived and that they will treat us.

"But what about your duty later?"

"Aw. Yeah. I guess i'll just have to be late if i would be doing some chores for the ice prince." I said sadly.

"Well, i just hope that we can all leave together."

I really wanna go with them. I hope Henry's not in the mood again. Good things happens whenever he's not in the mood.

I even had the chance to talk and play piano with non other than the vice president of the student council, Minho! He's really not my crush but he's one of those prominent student figure in the campus that you can't really talk to unless they does or if you just really know him.

I haven't told Sulli about Minho. I don't want to brag about it because it's not something like we're already close or what. We just talked, and i was thinking that he's just bored that time.

But luck is not on my side. Even before our class ended, a student came to tell me that i have to go to the auditorium said Henry. I just told Sulli to text me where they would go because i would surely come after, even if it meant that i would be scolded since i really miss hanging out with the two dork.

So i went to the auditorium, and saw some students i recognized cleaning. They were all like me, students that were sent to the guidance office. They were cleaning the chairs and the floor of the auditorium. I was about to get a piece of cloth to help them clean when i saw Henry.

He called me with his hand. He was in the stage.

"You're not doing that. Come with me." He said, not even looking at me, but at the papers he was holding. He walked towards the backstage door, and i just walked behind.

We went inside. I saw some more students being busy with paper works.

"Here." He put the papers he was holding in the table. The only table in the backstage. "I want you to sort this out, alphabetically but separate the ones with the sigantures to the ones who doesn't."

So i went in front of him and took a look at the papers.

"You can sit there." He pointed at the only swivel chair in that room.

I felt that all of the other students looked at us. They were all sitting in the floor while me, on the swivel chair.

"Go." he ordered, then left me there.

Some students are still looking at me, but i had to finish this now so i just sat there. Ha! Victory. After hard work, a simple gesture like this is great. Peasants!

In thrity minutes, i got the work done. Some of the students finished their work earlier than me, so only a few were left. Henry went back.

"Are you done?" He asked. He was holding his cellphone when he came.

His presence really fills the room. There's a big difference in the atmosphere whenever he was in the room and when he was out. Or maybe i'm just imagining things.


"Good. Bring that papers and come with me." He said. he hurriedly left, and i had to catch up.

The papers are really not that heavy but i felt bad that while he wasn't carrying anything but his cellphone in his hands. I feel like a slave, literally! Ugh!

We went to the faculty office, and walked straight to the President of the University.

"Sir, we already arranged the papers with the siganture." he got the papers in my hand. "This ones are the ones that still needs your siganture." He pointed.

"Alright. Goodjob Mr. Lau. How's the preparation for the event? Is it alright?" Lee Soo Ki is a tall man who's already fifty three years old but with a physiq of a forty years old man. He's been the President of the school for almost eight years.

"Of course, sir. Everything's okay. As the event is getting near, we are getting more prepared." He answered with certain confidence.

I stood there like a crazy fan girl watching her favorite idol gives his speech after winning an award.

Before i knew it, he was already headed for the door, and i went behind him.

"Do you still need me to do anything?" I said. I looked at my wrist watch. I badly wanted to go now.

"Yes. Just come with me." He said, while walking and looking at his cellphone.

Ugh. Is he texting Olive?

We went to the gym. Everyone are also cleaning. Henry just sat to the lined chairs in a corner. So i did too. He was playing with his cellphone on the table, making it turn. Then he stood up and talked to one of the leaders that was tasked in cleaning.

He went back but instead of sitting again, he just stood in front of me.

"I'll have to go. Look at them for me for thirty minutes more. Alright?"

Before i had to say anything, he just left in a hurry.

I just sighed and just sat there looking at the crowd cleaning.

After minutes of actually looking at them, i noticed something on the table. It's Henry's cellphone!


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