

From the auditorium, Henry headed to the parking lot where his car was parked. He needed to clear his head out.

Olive wouldn't see him. They just met one time since she arrived and just argued and he was pretty annoyed that he did not call her after that. He don't even know whe she lives. The hotel said she already checked out yesterday.

He drove downtown and went into a music store. He'll just buy more albums for his collections and inspiration.

"Henry?" He looked on his side and saw Kris.

"Kris?" He can't believe Kris is also in Korea.

"Hey, man. I can't believe i would see you here, of all places." Kris came to him and they show a gesture with their hands.

"I didn't know you're in Korea too.." He said.

"I'm on a vacation. I was about to surprise you, but i was the one surprised instead." He laughed. Kris looked cool, as usual. "What are you doing here?" He's also fluent in Korean, Chinese and English just like him.

"My class already ended, i was just buying new releases."

"I see. I'm checking new albums too. Some songs to inspire me compose raps." Yeah, Kris specializes in rap. he can rap in Korean, English and Chinese too.

"I see. Come to my place sometimes." It's not really hi like to invite friends over, but Kris is different. He's not a friend that he can see everyday. He's staying in New York that's why he wasn't expecting to see him anywhere in Korea.

"Alright. See you. I have to go. I'm with a friend." Kris said before waving goodbye.

He felt a little uneasy after Kris left. Something seemed not right, but he dismissed the idea as soon as he decided to pay for the albums he wanted to buy then went straight home.

The helper opened the gate for him.

Their house is big, but it's empty. He's living with his parents by words only, because his mom and dad weren't home all the time. Most of their time is invested in business and business alone. Specially his dad that's based in their business branch in California.

"Sir, what would you want to eat for dinner?" A helper came up to him.

"Anything will do." He said in his famous monotone voice.

The helper just nod. She's used to his answer but would still bother to ask him everytime he goes home after class what he would want to eat. He's really not choosy when it comes to food, but he's a bit moddy whether to eat or not.

He went straight to his room and listened to the albums he just bought.

After a while, he can't stop his self anymore. He tried calling Olive but no one's answering. He wanted to see her again. Two months is a short time so he can't just sit there and wait. It's a rare opportunity that she decided to have a vacation in Korea.

They met in California way back. And they had something special. Something that's no label, yet they felt that it's the right thing at that moment. But things do change, and in their case, it's their preferences and feelings.

But he's still willing to go back the way it is before, but it seemed like Olive has another thing in her mind.

And hes' determined no matter what.

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