

The coolest kid in the university.
That's what Henry Lau is.

Everybody likes him. Every girls want him to be their man. Every man want to be like him. Every parent would want him to be their son.

He plays piano, violin and cielo. He sing. He dance. He compose songs. He's undeniably good looking and rich. Speaks English, Korean and Chinese fluently. And he's the president of the student council.

And i can't believe i have to work with him as a punishment for a mess i didn't even do. Jeez. Isn't it the sweetest punishment ever?

"Miss Park. Please clean the remaining papers that are scattered in the office. Now." Henry stood in front of me. His words are ice cold, and i can't convey any emotion in his eyes.

"Y-yes Mr. Lau." I stammered then i stood up.

He then turned his back on me and walked through the door.

He seemed perfect, from what i have said. But i forgot to say that he's also the ice prince in the university. Although he has friends, he seldom interact with other people. He rarely smile, he rarely laugh. He'll just look at you and tell you what he wanted to say in a monotone voice.

I sighed.

It's been three days since i became his assistant. More likely a slave.

If i was my old self that wants to have even just a peek of Henry, i'll be very happy. But he's a sadist! The more the work is hard, it's always me who would do it even though the other officers are free. He would even stay at the office to monitor me. Well, he do something while i was cleaning or what but i felt like he was just monitoring me in secret.

After i put the scattered papers in the trash can, i looked at myself in the mirror and check myself if i still look normal since i felt like i was really tired. It's the first time though that he did not monitor me, he just left.

"Hyura-ah." The door opened and my bestfriend's face popped.

"Sulli!" I squealed.

She laughed. "Are you done?" She asked after she came in.

I nod. "Yes. I feel really tired." I pouted.

"Ya, didn't you liked being close to Henry? You even said that it's the sweetest punishment ever." She teased.

"Forget what i said. I still like him but i would be very happy if i would just be a normal student who would find a way just to see him even though his building is a bit far from ours."

"Well, you still have seven days." Sulli added. "Hope it would go fast."

I have to be Henry's assistant for two weeks. The foundation day is coming so everyone is busy, and all of the students who went into the guidance office are ordered to be punished by helping the student council prepare and we can't complain.

And what is the reason why i was in this situation?

My classmates brought a bottle of wine and made fun of putting it in my bag without me knowing. I just came in from our lunch break when i saw our professor holding a bottle of wine that came out from my bag. And my classmates were acting as if they're shock.

So the ending.. they told my parents about it and i am grounded for a month. I even explained to them that i drink but it's not mine because i wouldn't bring it. They know i drink because well, it runs in the blood. They do too, even my younger brother.

My parents know my punishment and they agreed. I can go home late if it's about helping the student council.

It .

"So.. i found this really cool coffee shop downtown and i swear, you'll like it because it's spacey and it's -"

I stopped Sulli. "I can't go.."

She pouted. "But!"

"I'm sorry. I think i still have to do something. I got to find him." I said.

"No, you won't find him. I saw him got out of the gate in his car." Sulli said, then her lips.


She nod. "Yes. So you have no excuses anymore." She put on a peace sign with her hands. "I'll wait for you at the gate, i'll get my bag." She winked then she left me.

I'm still a little wondering why he went home earlier. He would usually go home really late because of some paper works and he's hands on when it comes to anything that involves the council. That's also the reason why i went home late two days in a row now.

I got my bag and checked myself again before i left the council office. I made sure that i locked it before i go.

Sulli and I went into the coffee shop she was refering. We are about to get out coffees when we saw Henry.. with someone. Someone unfamiliar. Maybe his girlfriend?

Their table is far from us. We don't hear what they are talking about but it feels like they are arguing by the way their hands are swaying and all. Their mouths says it all too.

The girl is very pretty. I can say, even though it's just half of her face

"Woah. Seemed like the Ice Prince got a girlfriend and they're actually arguing.." Sulli hissed. She was now holding our coffees.

I kept my eyes on them. Later on, the girl stood up and said something before laving Henry behind.

"Ya, why do you keep on looking at that guy?" Sulli tapped my hand.

"Ssssh!" I said, puting a finger in front of my mouth.

"Aish. I can't get you. You like Henry, but you hate him in an instant."

"I have my reasons." I said.

Then Henry stood up and left.




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