
My Best Friend's Secret Admirer

“What?!” Jungkook yelled as he stopped in his tracks.

“What do you mean ‘What?’ I’m very happy that you finally liked me back.” Said Ahreum as she snuggled on Jungkook’s arm.

Jungkook slowly slid his arm out of Ahreum’s grip, making sure he doesn’t hurt her. He responded, “I’m sorry Ahreum-ah. But what are you talking about? I’m trying to not sound mean here, but where did you hear that I like you back?”

She didn’t look sad, a tiny bit. “I received a note in my backpack. And it looks like your handwriting from the notes I used to copy from you, awhile ago.” She said, digging inside her bag, making she doesn’t drop anything out of her backpack. After a few seconds, she took out a paper, which kind of looked familiar.

“May I read it?” Jungkook asked. The whole time this was happening, Hyori was standing a few feet away from them, on her phone, looking on facebook. Teenagers these days.....

“Yeah sure!” she said in a happy tone, which Jungkook didn’t know if she was faking it or not. Ahreum was always the happy type, she doesn’t like getting mad – one is because it will be a turn off; two is because it will create wrinkles.

Jungkook gently took the folded paper away from her, and carefully examined it. After he unfolded it, his eyes widened. “It’s....” he paused for a second, “I’m sorry, but I’m not the owner of this letter. But I do know who it belongs to. I’ll go and return it to him!” he yelled, already running away from her.

He looked around and found Hyori still on her phone. He ran to her, and grabbed her arm, “Let’s go to your house now! Don’t worry about Ahreum, she’s fine.” He said already knowing what Hyori will ask.

Hyori looked back at Ahreum, and she seemed sad. Her face was looking onto the ground. Her hands were holding her backpack straps. was puckered, while her cheeks were puffed. She was sad. And she took it emotionally. She really liked him. A lot. And she thought he liked her back. But it was all a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding that he thought she could take easily.

“Yah! What did you do to make her sad?” Hyori asked, roughly letting Jungkook let go of her, and stopped walking.

He sighed, “She thought I liked her back. Which I don’t. I mean, she’s cute and all, but she’s not the one for me. You-“ he cut himself off, “I mean, maybe she got the hand writing wrong. She probably liked me so much that she thought the letter was written by me to her.” He explained.

Hyori blinked. Then blinked again. She sighed and replied softly, “So what you are trying to say is. You didn’t write that letter to her,”


“And she thought it was from you,”


“Then why the heck did you still say it was a misunderstanding?!” she yelled causing the crowd around them, pay attention to them. Hyori bowed saying sorry, and everyone continued with their business.

“What do you mean? She thought the letter was from me, and I told her it was a misunderstanding. Don’t you get anything at all?” Jungkook asked, starting to get annoyed.

“I get everything, PERFECTLY. Why can’t you at least try knowing her, even thought that letter was a misunderstanding?” she asked, calming down.

Jungkook ruffled his hair, “Look. Yes, that letter is mine. But it was not meant for Ahreum. It was for.... for...” he couldn’t continue for some reason.

Hyori looked down; “It was for Hani-ah huh?” she looked back up and smiled.

Jungkook looked at Hyori and found her smiling, “Huh?”

Hyori chuckled. “So you were the one who inserted that letter into Hani-ah’s locker. I would’ve yelled to ask who that person was, but the teachers would get mad at me. I would’ve run quietly to see who that person was, but I lost my energy, from running, to get to school.” She briefly explained. Hyori crossed her arms as she shook her head, smiling. “I never knew you had something for her, but she has Jhope.”

Jungkook was speechless, ‘Did I do it again? I’m so stupid.’ He mentally scolded himself.

“Jungkook? Hellooooo?” Hyori swayed side-to-side to get Jungkook’s attention, and even waved her hand back and forth in front of his face.

He snapped back to Earth, and cleared his throat, “Sorry, I was thinking about something. Let’s go to your house now?” he weakly smiled. Hyori looked back to see if Ahreum was there, but she was already walking the other way of where Jungkook and Hyori were suppose to go. She looked back at Jungkook, and nodded.

Even if they have walked, what, ten feet from where they were standing, Hyori has already got bumped into someone. Causing her to fall into Jungkook’s arms. The person bumped into her pretty hard, that she almost fell on her back. But Jungkook stretched his arms out, and caught her. Now they were at a position when Jungkook’s face is right in front of her. As the drama world say, they are suppose to ‘accidentally’ kiss, but that doesn’t happen here. They just stare into each other.

Hyori, the way she is, broke the ice, “Umm, Jungkook? My feet kind of hurt from this position. Mind if you... like...” she pointed to what position they were at now. And Jungkook’s eyes widened and put her up.

“Oh yeah *clears throat* sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck, in awkwardness.

They start to walk in silence. To be honest, this has happen way many times. Before! When they were kids, yes, and they would just laugh about it. But now they are teenagers and their hormones are growing, hair starts growing out of uncertain places, and it’s the age for... love. Mostly awkwardness, but yeah. Just kidding....

The two passed by the busiest street, (in Chapter 1) and spotted some carnival games being provided on the streets. As they were walking by some of them, Hyori would sigh because she wished that her boyfriend, in the future, will win a stuffed animal for her. Like one of the couples whom she stared at the longest. The boyfriend was playing a darts game, and won the game in two tries. His prize was a stuffed bear. He gave it to his girlfriend, and she kissed him... on the lips.

Hyori sighed again wishing she had that kind of love life. She’s got to be honest, she hasn’t been in a relationship for quite awhile, and she’s wanted one. Not wanting to look bad, she made herself look like she was waiting until she fully grows into an adult, and develop a real relationship, but no. Deep down inside, she’s been craving for a boyfriend. Desperate huh? Well, those are teenage girls for you. The last time she was in a relationship, was when she was in secondary school. It was the time when holding hands were actually something. Now that she actually thinks of it, it was when everyone had no idea what they were doing; it was when you thought that the person you’re dating is “the one”. But no.

Jungkook noticed her sighing, and looked around. The street was pretty long, that the stream of carnival games weren’t ending. Everytime they would pass a play station, he would look at Hyori, and watch her sigh at the lovey dovey couples. Of course Jungkook sighed too, wishing he would do that with his girlfriend, in the future, but he the girl he likes, is trying to give him a hard time. Jungkook spotted a play station with an elderly man, and immediately smiled.

He grabbed Hyori, who was in the middle of sighing at yet, another lovely couple, and dragged her towards the stand. Hyori was confused at what was happening. Was Jungkook really going to play for her? Like the other couples? The old man smiled at the two and gestured the hammer to Jungkook. The game is where the person playing, has to hit the plate really hard, with the hammer, and make the tick hit the bell, making it ring. If it rings, you win; obviously. Jungkook smiled, and grabbed the hammer. It was heavy.

He took a deep breath, and raised the hammer up, making sure he doesn’t hurt anyone in the way. He swung the hammer down and it the plate as hard as he can, to get the prize. The tick started to move upwards, and in two inches, is the bell. Jungkook put the hammer back to its original place, and Hyori watched the tick go higher and higher. In no time, the tick struck the bell, making it ring. Jungkook smiled and Hyori started jumping, clapping her hands, like a fangirl. She hugged him, making his eyes widened, again.

“Here’s a big teddy bear, for the lovely couple.” The old man said, handing over the big teddy bear to Jungkook.

“Oh we’re not-“ she got cut off by the old man.

“I hope your relationship will last forever. Like my wife and I.” The old man wished, smiling at them. Hyori and Jungkook wanted to say something, but that will just be rude. So they stayed quiet, and thank the man. They both bowed and left.

Jungkook continued smiling, but Hyori can’t see it because of the big teddy bear in the way. He held the teddy bear to the front of his body. “Here,” he handed the teddy bear to her.

“No, it’s okay, you can have it. You won it anyways.” She pushed the teddy bear back to him.

Jungkook clicked his tongue, “I won this for you,” he acted cute. “Come on, I know you love teddy bears. Especially big teddy bears.” Hyori smiled and took the teddy bear from his hands, and started hugging it, like she’s suffocating the bear.

“I am also happy to see that you kept the big teddy bear I gave you when we graduated middle school.” He smiled even more.

“Of course. It reminds me of you. Big, fat,” Jungkook gazed at her, and she chuckled, “I’m kidding, but mostly because it’s cute. Like you!” she tapped his nose, and started jogging away. Jungkook chuckled, and caught up to her.

In a matter of minutes, they reached her house. Jungkook looked at the windows to see if anyone was home, “Are you parents home?” he asked.

“No, they have a business trip to Jeju Island. They come back in exactly a week from now. So the whole week, I’m parents free!” she yelled opening the door. Jungkook shushed her because her neighbors might complain. “Make yourself at home. Well, this is your home, so do whatever! As long as I don’t have to clean up!” Hyori yelled walking to the kitchen.

Jungkook stayed in the living room, “Harsh,” he mumbled.

“I heard that!” Hyori yelled receiving a chuckle from him.

Hyori handed Jungkook a cup of orange juice and went up to her room.

Jungkook dropped his bag onto the ground and put his cup on her desk right next to hers. Hyori cleaned her hands and set them on her hips, “So, what do you want to do?”

He took a deep breath. He walked up to her and carried her by the waist. “Y-yah! Kookie-ah! What are you doing?” she yelled while laughing because his action tickled her.

He set her down on her bed, and Jungkook hovered over her. Jungkook leaned closer to her face. They were so close to each other, that Jungkook can see her blushing face, and can hear her fast pumping, like a machine, heart.

Jungkook started,

“I.............. like........”




author's note:

I want to first say that I'm sorry that I haven't updated. I haven't been able to write anything down because of Christmas, but now it's a day after, I can finally write. So how was the chapter. I decided to leave a cliffhanger, but I feel like you guys already know what is going to happen next.... That's all I have to say, for now. bye~

thanks for reading~saburiina




I've had a story in my head, and I don't know who to choose. So I'm just going to let my readers from each of my stories choose.


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My Best Friend's Secret Admirer: Sorry guys I haven't been updating, I have a HUGE project to do that is due next week. Sorry about that :'(


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tias_w #1
Chapter 15: Dyiiiiingg~ fluffy fluffy asdfghjkl
GOT7_JRookie #2
Chapter 15: OMG I MIGHT GET DIABETES FROM ALL THIS SWEETNESS!!! XD i love the story~~~ <3
sweetypiee #3
Chung_yeol88 #4
Chapter 15: Ooh very nice story.. i love it...
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 15: OMG! ITS TO SWEET . Kekeke , good jobbb .i really love this story .
Chapter 15: Omg this is the best story ive read in a long time.VERY NICE STORY I LOVED IT! :-)
Chapter 15: Wooow, it has been almost like half a year now . Haha . Oh gosh this ending is beautiful like how you are author nim. Hehe. Tanks ! (;
Chapter 14: Oh My G!! The feels! Update SOOOOOON Please???? I LUV IT!
Chapter 14: Ohmyguhd!!!!!!!!!!! Jeon jungkook why you kill in me?!?!?!?!