Your P.O.V

As warm as Snow

-Your POV-

                My heart was thumping very fast. My ears went deaf. It was now the kissing scene.

               “I don’t like you, you heard me right? I dropped out of the drama club because of you, because I don’t like being with you.”

                And he walked out after saying those words

                I stood still, feeling my world shattered into pieces after hearing what he said. I bit my lip, preventing myself to cry. I will not cry. I continued to tell and pushed myself but few moments later, I covered my face and sobbed. That was the last time I talked to him.


                Jung Jinyoung. 19 years old. He was my senior and probably the most popular guy in our campus. Everyone thought he was unfeeling and cold-hearted but it didn’t stop him to become the most admirable guy in our school. Mind you, it was also the reason he was popular, titling him ‘Frozen Prince’ because of his attitude. And it also didn’t stop me from loving him.

                When did I actually fall in love with him? Uhhh~~ I didn’t know. The first time I saw him was in our freshmen orientation because he was one of the speaker. I thought he was just good-looking but I didn’t feel anything special towards him at the first time I met him. But after that, I started to see him everyday. I DIDN’T KNOW WHY! It was like, everywhere I look, he was there and it was really making me nuts, until I woke up one day, I like him. GAH! I didn’t accept it at first but later on, I enjoyed and felt happy every time I see him so I got used to it.

                I joined the drama club, thinking that if I didn’t see him so often, my feelings would fade. My friends told me how many girls got rejected by him and they were afraid for me to have the same consequences if I’ll push my feelings for him. Are you crazy? Oh my gosh! You should not love him! One of my friends exclaimed after I confessed my feelings for Jinyoung to them and asking what should I do for him to recognize me, but obviously they didn’t approve my idea and so the ‘join-the-drama-club’ idea was formed, because they knew that Jinyoung couldn’t act. He’s good in everything but failed in acting. I was annoyed then but shocked when I saw him in the school theatre when the week for joining clubs started, he was auditioning. My friends’ plan flopped.

                Every weekend, I attended school because of acting workshop. I finally saw the ‘Frozen Prince’ during workshops. He didn’t approach people during practices aside from the teachers, because I think people were scared to experience his, on what they call, ‘freezing look’. When it was break or lunch time, he talked to Shinwoo hyung and Gongchannie, his two friends in the school.

                But he was not really cold-hearted. Haha! Bias. Uhmm~ because I actually saw his good points even though he had this negative image. He helped some students during workshops, like volunteering to distribute scripts to be practiced or suggesting how to improve their acting’s to scared-looking girls. I also saw him preparing coffees for each of us when we spent overtime practicing and my most precious moment was, there was a time it was raining hard and I was stuck in school because I had no umbrella, moments later someone pushed me an umbrella. It was Jinyoung, but he left as soon as I could thank him. He’s aloof and his smile could cost billions, but my feeling for him blossomed even more.

                The school festival, which happens in the start of the winter season, was near so our club prepared a stage play. Not Romeo and Juliet, it was very common. Our teacher proposed one of Jinyoung’s romance short stories, which he wrote when he was in the Writer’s club. It was about twins who fell in love with each other. She said it’s a very good story and the audience would be more interested in the story that was written by a student (I bet that our teacher was just bias, but no one argued so we had no problem, probably they were sick of undying novel of Shakespeare). I was shocked after reading the story, I didn’t know that Jinyoung had some romance in his body because it’s quite dubious on what everyone thinks of him. Our club held an audition, I joined half-heartedly and to my greatest shock, I’d act as the heroine of the story. I wanted to die . . . . . even more when I learned Jinyoung would act as the lead. This was ---------grudgingly awesome.

                It was embarrassing, doing scenes with the person I secretly love, while my friends were like going to explode the moment they heard the news. It’s really awkward doing scenes with Jinyoung. Gaaaahhh~~~ I always took a deep breath whenever I started and finished doing rehearsals with him. Even our director was like going to tear me in pieces, yelling how good I was in the audition but how I failed during rehearsals. I really felt bad but, HOW COULD I DO MY SCENES IF IT’S AWKWARD DOING IT WITH MY CRUSH? I really wanted to crush myself into pieces how dumb I was but he suddenly said to me.

                “I don’t have any problem with my acting; you have the problem so fix it. You’re causing trouble.”

                Strike one! How I wanted to melt that moment.

                “I’m not comfortable..”I stammered as I closed my eyes, biting my lower lip and thumping my head after in front of him. Stupid, stupid.  “Mianhae.”

                “I will not bite you.”

                I heard a chuckle and to my surprise, it was him. I looked at him with wide eyes as I pointed at him. “You smiled?” I pointed at his lifting lips

                “And so? Is it a crime to smile?” He sighed and stopped my hand from thumping my head. “You’ll be stupider if you thump your head.”

                But I was completely mesmerized by his smile. OMG! Million-dollar smile! And I saw he was holding my hand. OMG!

                And after that we became relaxed to each other, because he commanded me to be comfortable with him. I didn’t even know that you could order that thing, BE COMFORTABLE WITH ME! He said when he got annoyed on what I was doing. I thought we became closer too because people says that I was the only girl in the school who could approach him. I was happy that he could now recognize me. I even tried to pack lunch for him, expecting that he would reject it but in my surprise he accepted it. We also started to see each other more because we practice on our own. My mother also knew him, because he sometimes drops me in our house whenever we practice late.

                My heart was dancing, celebrating like there’s a feast. I was completely in love with him. Well, my friends didn’t still approve what’s going on between us so I open more of my feelings to No Min Woo, my closest guy friend, which happens to be classmate and ex-suitor (because I said to him I was in love with Jinyoung and he accepted it). He actually shares his thoughts what would Jinyoung feel if I confess my feelings for him and he really gives me motivation to pursue my feelings (but he said if I’ll get dumped, he will do everything  to have me back, which I ignored because I don’t care how many times Jinyoung will dump me). Days passed and the school play was getting nearer and nearer, Jinyoung started to avoid me.

                Atmosphere went awkward again. I could feel he was miles away from me though our body was close. He didn’t smile, looking more irritated as days pass by and our rehearsals were getting worse. He admitted to our teachers that there’s something wrong with him, so I tried to cheer him up. He refused. He’s ignoring me and worst of all, acting like a stiff mannequin when we rehearse. I couldn’t understand him; even Shinwoo and Gongchan couldn’t talk to him seriously.

                Two weeks before the stage play, he quitted, leaving us like we just experienced being hit by hurricane as we started again from pieces. They got Minwoo for the role that Jinyoung dumped, while my mind and my heart were still in catastrophe. Why did he leave? Did I done anything wrong? I was hurt but I hid it. I was back in staring at Jinyoung from afar.

                I decided one lunch break to talk to him or should I say, I was going to confess to him. I found him sitting in one of school’s benches in the park near the school theatre. He was busy writing when I stood in front of him. He looked up, giving me a very irritating look but it became emotionless after. He stood up, grabbing his bag and started to walk.

                “Jinyoung-ah!”  He stopped but he didn’t glance at me. “I just want to say. . . ” I took a deep breath, gaining courage. “I really like you.”

                He still didn’t take a look at me. I felt pity for myself.

                “I really like------------------”

                “I don’t like you.” He said blankly.


                “I don’t like you, you heard me right? I dropped out of the drama club because of you, because I don’t like being with you.”

                And he walked out after saying those words.

                I was nailed at that place, slowly trying to sink in the words he said inside my head. I looked up, trying to smile and control myself from crying, but I couldn’t hold back the tears profusely running in my cheeks. I was dumped. How unfortunate. I could feel my heart shrinking and it was painful. Gosh! I dried my tears but it was no use because of stupid tears pouring like waterfalls in my face. And Min Woo arrived, hugged me at my back and told me that he saw everything and everything will be alright. Embarrassing, but it’s a lot better than not having a shoulder to cry on, he just let me to burst out everything, hoping that all my love for Jinyoung will drain along with my tears but bull, it was not. It was still there. But I promised Minwoo to forget Jinyoung. Though I didn’t know how.

               I couldn’t survive a day without glancing at Jinyoung. I was still hardheaded as I tried myself to have a look at him. It’s okay if we didn’t talk, I endured that. I actually reward myself to have a good look of him after a very exhausting day.

                The rehearsals stressed me a lot because for GOD’S SAKE THERE WAS A KISSING SCENE! I actually didn’t know that there was such scene because on what Jinyoung wrote, there was no such thing as a kiss. I think it was a conspiracy did by our cruel director for giving him too much trouble but he said he added that to have more spice. I was like a zombie in drugs, whenever the director reminded me and Minwoo to have a passionate kiss, but we didn’t kiss during rehearsals, we’re going to do it on the real event. I was doomed. He actually requested us a passionate kiss when I’m only 18 while Minwoo was 15? I wanted to faint at the very thought, and I could see how many haters I’d have after the play; Minwoo was as popular as Jinyoung. And for god’s sake, Minwoo was only 15.

                But I will still try my best to have a good play. It’s for Jinyoung, I’m going to give justice on what he wrote and besides, I can express for the last time my love for him through this.


                I saw him there. He was sitting next to Shinwoo and Gongchan with blank expression; I don’t know what he was thinking. I was getting nervous as the play paced. The kissing scene was really making me anxious. How could I kiss someone in front of the one I love? I couldn’t act as a professional this moment. It was getting into my nerves; almost all the students and teachers were watching how I will ruin the play. GOD!

               “Only if we can control our fate, I will not choose you to be my sister.” Minwoo held my hand and smiled at me weakly, while I was trying to block Jinyoung from my view to act my role. “Funny how fate could intertwine us, my sister and my twin, is my lover.”

                I cried, according to the script I was acting but remembering my I-got-dumped moment by Jinyoung. I gave a faint smile at Minwoo. “I’m sorry if I love you.”

                “Don’t be sorry because I didn’t regret each day I love you. Sorry, Eun Mi-ah but I couldn’t keep my promise to marry you.” Min Woo told me teary eyed as he pulled me closer to him and hugged me. He held my hair as I pushed my face to his chest. We were still acting in the roles we’re playing and heard sobbing from the audience.

                Minwoo kissed my forehead; he pulled my head to see my face and caressed my cheeks. “I love you, Eun Mi-ah.”

                My heart was thumping very fast. My ears went deaf. It was now the kissing scene.

                Minwoo’s lips were almost an inch at mine when I felt a tight grip on my wrist and heard gasped from the audience. Someone pulled me and I landed on a soft but firm body. I smelled the scent, it was familiar. My face was buried even more from the person who grabbed me from Minwoo, preventing me to have a look at him. He made me a prisoner in his arms, but it was gentle.

                “What are you doing, Jinyoung------------”

                Jinyoung.I heard Minwoo uttered Jinyoung’s name.

                The next thing I knew was soft skin met my lips. I was stunned but I could see who prevented me from kissing Minwoo. His blond hair, thick eyelashes, sparkling earrings, beautiful face and the familiar touch, it was Jinyoung.

                His eyes were closed, our lips locked. He pulled me even more as his lips looking for response, but I was still shocked. I still heard comments from audience, asking if it was still part of the play and girls protesting, while the director was shouting at us to stop the scene and yelling Jinyoung to come down from stage, which he completely ignored.

                Our lips parted, but I could still feel the ends brushing mine. He caressed my face, looking at me lovingly.


                But he stopped me from whispering his name as he pressed again his lips, kissing me more as I could feel his tongue inside. I was now lost. He continued to his fingers in my cheeks as we ignored the all the people around us. I kissed him, showing how I much I miss him and felt my tears running down to my face.

                “You promised me to forget him. . .” I heard someone said, with a tone of pain from his voice. Minwoo. “I thought you’re enough of him.”

                I pushed Jinyoung, who gave me a blank look. I turned my head back to Minwoo, who looked quite indignant but wearing empty emotion. Then I looked at the audience who was astonished on what was happening in the play, while the girls were still shouting and protesting and crying.

                “You were dumped by Jinyoung and I’m the one who comforted you. . because you know how much I really love you. .Soojin-ah.”

                “Soojin-ah? I thought her name in the play was Eun Mi? What’s happening?” I heard a teacher exclaimed.

                My head swam. Ohmygah! The whole school was listening. I suddenly wanted to vanish in the middle of the play. I heard more wails and protests.

                “Soojin. . . ” Jinyoung held my hand.

                “The play isn’t finished”. Minwoo said, looking stern for the very first time. “Let her go Jinyoung, you already dumped her. You can’t take her back because like what I said to you, she’ll be mine if you neglect her.”

                Jinyoung didn’t answer.

                “Jinyoung dumped her too?” I heard voices from the audience.

                “I’m sorry but I can’t give her to---------” Jinyoung muttered but cut by Minwoo’s words.

                “She cried many tears because of you. Don’t you know how miserable it was, watching the girl you love crying because she loves someone else who can’t love her back? You’re the ‘Frozen Prince’ remember? You can only give her a cold heart.” Minwoo walked between us and pulled my hand from Jinyoung’s grip. “You will only make her miserable, while I can make her happy.”

                Jinyoung released my hand.

                “You can leave the stage, Jinyoung hyung. You completely ruined the play.” Minwoo muttered.

                 Jinyoung smiled at me, but a painful smile. “I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I just . . . . .  couldn’t stand watching the girl I cherished being kissed by a more deserving man than me.” I saw a tear released by his eye as he grinned again. “. . . . . Because it really hurts.”

                Jinyoung walked down from the stage, heading towards the exit. I saw Shinwoo walking nearer to him but Jinyoung raised his hand, stopping him if Shinwoo would only try comfort him. He looked gloomy, expressionless.

                 “I couldn’t believe Jinyoung sunbaenim will say that. It was------------------- painful!” The girl in the front burst out crying after following Jinyoung’s view, which lost out of sight when he exited the theatre.

                I was stricken. The girl I cherished . . . It was me?

                I grabbed my hand from Minwoo and looked at the door where Jinyoung left.

                “You will not follow him.” I sense hatred at Minwoo’s voice.

                I started running down the stage and through the door. I wanted to find him. I would not waste the words he confessed to me. I love him.

                Strong gust of winter breeze greeted me as I reached the exit, leaving the dumbfounded audience in the theatre. I ran and panted, trying to search him though the chilly environment was making me weak. It was very cold, as cold as those days when Jinyoung ignoring me. The freezing environment was penetrating my skin, for I was only wearing a white above-knee dress and high-heeled shoes. It was white everywhere and snow was still pouring down generously. I ran and ran but he was nowhere, until I reached the soccer area, the place where we practiced in our own before. He was there in the middle of the field, walking.

                “Jinyoung-ah!!” I shouted as I ran in the snow, but my shoes got stuck, my high heels was pinned in the snow. Jinyoung didn’t glance.

                The next thing I did was running in the snow, bare-footed. I didn’t care if the cold environment will kill me; I was used in that feeling.

                “Jinyoung-ah! You jerk!” I shouted once again when I was few meters from him. He stopped and I ran as fast as I could. I reached him, and kissed him.

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So I will finally edit this one and repost the sequel. I think I have much more timeto type this fiction LOL. And seriously, I love the plot that I've created.


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Chapter 6: Medyo paasa yung M-chapter ha. Hahahahaha. Pero grabe. You write wonderful. So cute :">
Chapter 6: ang galing moh talaga..

Best story ever *__* Its like I could feel his kisses OTL~
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *runs to sequel* <333
uknowtime #5
Omg this story is so good :')
WHAT THE *beep*?!?!?!?! WHAT'S THE LETTER FOR?!?!
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Doesn't Youngie seems to have a kind of horrible disease? OR maybe something of that kind. :>>
YoruxRuki #8
Can't wait for the sequel~^^ XD Btw, I'm Ruki from FLIGHTB1A4.. xD I just noticed that it was recently completed when I checked the "Online Comics" section..TT I didn't get a PM <br />
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And then I found you here :O I'll be reading your Gongchan story too :D
Maiko_chan #9
sweet. i love it..<br />
you could be a sript writer someday, since urs has plot like in dramas. change scenes and also some flashbacks, it remind me of that.<br />