The Dumpee and the Oblivious Dumper


A simple story of love and hate, with bloodshed and murders. . . 


I'm just kidding,. ^_^



Park Haneul is a 17 year old child prodigy who loves eccentric stuff. She'd rather stay in her room surfing Tumblr, watching anime, fawning over British and Japanese actors, likes killing off people in her fictions and blasting aliens in her computer rather than improving her social life and existence in this world. She has a good-for-nothing bestfriend whom she secretly like for years and being constantly dumped (she thinks of that), she tries to forget her feelings for him.

(I know my plot but. . yeah *sighs*)





I'm too lazy to make and intro. Yeah

Whatever HOHO.

I'm Jeannie. Yoroshiku.



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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 2: Oh~~~~ another girl again O_0 update soon
DeullieSa34 #2
Chapter 1: nice storyyyy:-*:-* update soon:-*:-*
jinyoung nanman ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
DeullieSa34 #4
seems interesting:-D:-D:-D:-D update soon:-*