What is love?

What is love?:But your love is all I need

Jiyeon stayed all night near Kris. She watched Kris as she imagines how they would turn out to be a couple. Couples contented to each other.  Growing up having kids with the man she loves. This is  an every woman's dream.

She fell asleep imagining these things to happen someday.



Right in time when Jiyeon fall into her dreams, Kris woke up. Waking up seeing Jiyeon calmly sleeping at his near side, Kris can't help but to smile 'You're really stupid, you really stayed by my side, He murmured

He took his blanket as he used it to cover Jiyeon who is sunken to her dreams. He sat by Jiyeon as he look at her,


'I wish I could love you back the way that you are loving me but.. *coughs* I can't.... I'm leaving


Kris left without disturbing Jiyeon in her sleep, leaving only a note that says "I'm leaving"



At the middle of the night, when Jiyeon suddenly woke up... She woke up having a blanket over her shoulders.

She noticed Kris was no longer on his bed. Jiyeon stood up looking all over the room as she calls for Kris with her soft tuned voice.

Looking all around the room when something caught her attention outside the windows 'Are those eyes? As she came closer to take a better view, she felt the creep that usually crawls into her everynight in her room and by the time she met Kris.


Talking another step closer 'Is he staring at me from that roof?- As she blinked, the blank figure disappered  followed by a strong Growl that made her step away from the windows. Trembling as she felt out her senses are slowly flowing out from her and falling unconscious.



Dawn arrived yet Jiyeon is still far asleep at Kris' house.

As the sunrays came and flashes out on her face--


'Kri-KRIS?! she can barely stand while thinking about what happened last night then she suddenly thought of the time,

'WHAT TIME IS IT?! I'M GONNA BE LATE! she left without noticing the note Kris left to her side.


As she stepped out of the house she started wondering about Kris leaving him and where did he go in the middle of the night,

till her memory flashed back on her about what she saw last night, Jiyeon can't help thinking about it and haunted by it.


Jiyeon catch ups with the time as she don't want to be late for her class, She was on her way to her room but

she was shocked to see a food was prepared on her table and only waiting for her and a note was left


'Sorry about last night, By the way I prepared this

meal for you. I was calling you out but

you were not answering so I did not disturb you.

Finish this okay =)




Jiyeon hurried her way to school till she arrives to the alley where Kris pulled her, she touched her lips as she reminisce the

words that Kris said to her, and the kiss that made her heart pound. After some moment, she continued her way to school.


She arrived exactly in time, catching her breath, she went to her locker to get the things that she would be needing for her class.

Surprised seeing a Bento Box prepared in her locker, and there was a note left with it---


'I made this awhile ago, it's for lunch.

Don't starve and eat up okay =)

By the way how was your breakfast?



'aeh? What is he thinking all of the sudden? Crumpled the note as she dumps it to the floor.

She went to her class bringing her things with the luch that LJoe prepared for her.


Bringing the bento with her, She plans to return the food to LJoe herself but as she looked for him in his sit

it was vacant. Within the time of their classes , Jiyeon wonders on how did LJoe place the food into

her locker but being absent or not around the school, the same thing goes to Kris who was gone in 

her sleep and not around in class too.

First peroid ended and she asked LJoe's friends if there could be a instance that they saw LJoe.


'No I didn't saw him around, Wow is this really true? You don't know where he is? *laughs


'Jiyeon looked worried 'Is that so... something just happened between us.. that's why..' Jiyeon turned away after she replied

and there she saw Kris coming to her way and somehow she was relieved seeing Kris is okay.


'Kris where were you last night?


Kris continued his walk, having the usual poker face.. he faced Jiyeon 'It is none of your business.

He passed through her like nothing, and went straight to his seat.


'Jiyeon stepped up to Kris having a worn out smile to her face 'HEY KRIS! you left me last night wit-----


'Okay look, It isn't my fault if you haven't read the note I left you. Kris stood up leaving.


Jiyeon left tight-lipped turned away looking dissapointed, thinking things will be different for the both of them.

Jiyeon sits to her seat, she was clouded by thoughts of what she saw last night, she stares out to Kris' seat

and realizing Kris was out when that happened.


'Could it be Kris?! No it's impossible, maybe it's just my imagination. 

but the creeping feeling I felt by the time I saw Kris and that blank image are totally the same..

Is he some mytical being? watching me in my sleep?


Jiyeon is puzzled on what's happening and on who really Kris is.


'Or maybe all of this is just a coincidence... I guess I'll just sit and watch for now..



Kris... just who are you really?




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Sorry if I can't post my chapter 12 yet.. I got sick and I can't work with my story.. I'll work hard for it tomorrow. thank you :)


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Chapter 14: Emegeeeed. Author-nim. TnT Continue your story! Why is Ljoe alive? Continue it. I wanna know why is my HUBBY LJOE, alive. Nice story! Mehehehehe. :))
Chapter 13: I actually cried when LJoe gave his heart away for Kris D: omg i wanted LJoe and Jiyeon to ve together too :S this was sad and it touched me ^^ good work
angelicjiyeon #3
Chapter 13: i really want to know who is the person in the end.please tell me
Loverjiyeon #4
Chapter 14: I cried in the last chapter, are you going to make a sequel to this? I want to know who is the person at the end
Chapter 11: Oh my God. I love your story! ^^
Chapter 11: I hope Kris will move on and love jiyeon back and also hope jiyeon will stop being dumb towards Ljoe... I can't choose between lji and krisyeon
Hi, I'm sorry your poster took a long time. I just saw your submission on my tumblr account do expect a poster by tomorrow afternoon. :) I will just Pm you. Thanks!
Chapter 8: nice story!!!
Retsel_ #9
Chapter 7: What.... i don't get it...
What's going to be Krisyeon o L.ji ????:D
Riansweetie #10
Chapter 7: What happened ???
Update soon author-nim
L.ji <3