Kyuhyun's POV (Part 1)

A Bus Ride Home

Hello I'm Cho Kyuhyun and it's my turn to share to you my side of the story...



I'm just an ordinary high school student who happens to be a GENIUS. I'm not bragging about it, just telling a fact. I have two friends, though I’m not sure if they really are counted as my friends who are really intimate. REALLY intimate. They're known as the famous "HanChul couple" in our campus. I've got to spend my days witnessing their "acts" but good thing that I always bring my game console, the only thing that I consider as my friend or rather best friend.


Right now, I'm on my way home riding a bus and about to reach my stop. I'm about to stand from my seat when someone bumped into me accidentally making me startle. 


"Oh I’m sorry...”


I looked at the person but he already went off the bus. I immediately stood up feeling pissed and went straight to go down also. Reaching for that guy is my goal but I changed my mind after seeing his face. He's just so....what's the right word for him? Hmm... Ah! He looks so cute with those m-shaped lips pouting and with a confused look while he stares at me. I think? Then he started to walk to my direction. I stood there frozen but then he just walked pass me. Now I’m the one who's confused. I looked at him again and he went just straight ahead not looking back. I have never seen a guy who is as cute as him...and it's weird for me because I’m not really a fan of cute things.


Days passed and I started to notice him every single day and I have this feeling that I must know something about this person. Honestly...I’ve been eyeing him already for so long but I’m not a stalker! Just an observer. OBSERVER. I noticed that he's close to eunhyuk and donghae, those annoying weirdoes. But I have to be nice to them for once so I could know who that person is. 


Speaking of those two, I spotted them in the lobby arguing on something. I better approach them now while I still have the chance to talk to them.


"Yah hyukkie~ you stole my food!"


"Me? No I did not! Why are you accusing me you fish!?"


"Well you're the only one I know who loves strawberries! Why did you steal it? I'm going to share it with you anyway~"


"Yah Anchovy!" I called and received a glare from Donghae in return.


"Don't call him that! You're really evil, kyuhyun. You don't know when to shut your mouth." Donghae complained.


"Don't mind him Hae...” Eunhyuk then looked at me. "...what do you want? You won't talk to me unless you need something." Wow I didn't know that he know me that well.


"I'm just curious on someone you know...”


"Who?" Both of them asked.


"He also rides the same bus with us when going home. He looks like..."


Then someone walked or more like of stomped pass us. Just then I realized that it's him! But with ryeowook? Are they close? After looking at ryeowook and that guy, I looked back at eunhyuk and donghae. I lowered myself a little and positioned closer so I can whisper. "That one...” I used my eyes to point at his direction but looks like the two don't get it. Are they really that slow to comprehend what I’m doing? Aish! "The guy who is with ryeowook right now..."


"Ha? What?" Both of them looked at the guy but then I immediately grabbed their heads. They're too obvious with their actions! We might get caught! How can they be so stupid! "Don't look at his direction stupid!"


"Sorry about that" then eunhyuk chuckled. "That's Sungmin. Lee Sungmin. Why? You like him?" Donghae then started teasing me, "Looks like Cho is interested on someone~ didn’t expect that you like cute things...” Eunhyuk suddenly grabbed Donghae's arm to face him. "Ya ya yah! Who are you calling cute? You like him?!" Argh I better stay away from them. It seems like they'll gonna start a scene again.


So Lee Sungmin is his name...




Witnessing Heechul hyung and Hankyung hyung being “naughty” was never my ideal lunch to begin with. I’d rather trade myself to one of their fans. It makes me end up playing with my game console but not this time. I’ve been thinking about Lee Sungmin lately and I just can’t stop knowing that Siwon made flirted with him before. I won’t let that happen again. I must make a move. Suddenly Heechul hyung made me go back to the reality. I didn’t notice that I was already staring into space.


“Well this is new. I never have seen you like this before my evil apprentice.” I glanced at him who happens to be sitting on Hankyung hyung’s lap. It seems like they’re having a break for their next make out session. This kind of scene is NORMAL for them and I find myself getting used to it.


“Chullie is right Kyuhyun. You’re usually playing with your gaming thing.”


“It’s not just a thing hyung! It’s my best friend!” He raised his hands defensively at me.


“Yah! Who gave you the permission to shout at my hannie? I’m the only one who can shout at him.” Hearing that from heechul seems like it has a double meaning and I don’t want to further imagine things like that if you know what I mean.  “So WHO are you thinking about?”


“None of your business.”


“So you are thinking of SOMEONE. Spill it out or I’ll take away your best friend.”


“You won’t.” I looked at him horrified.


“Oh you know me Cho. You know that I can do that.”


“Fine…His name is Sungmin.”


Heechul hyung then smirked at me. “Wow I didn’t know that you like the cute ones but nice choice. He looks hot without clothes on.”


“H-hyung!” I can already feel my face getting hot because of his statement.


 “Fine fine…So what’s bothering you?”


“I heard that he once flirted with Siwon. That guy was a model and I kept on thinking that if he’ll ever notice me.”


Then hankyung hyung patted me on the shoulder. “But Kyuhyun, you’re good looking. You won’t be beside us now knowing that heechul doesn’t allow ugly beings close to him.”


“Hannie is right. You better start moving or your Sungmin will be taken away before you know it. Just be yourself my evil one. I know you can do it.”


I take a deep breath and exhaled to remove away my nervousness before answering. “Okay then. I’ll make my move…”


Heechul then stood up in front of me and said, “Good. Then start tomorrow. No buts.”


Right then and there that I can feel my heart stopped beating. Thankfully Hankyung hyung shook me to go back to my normal state.





Hello! I finally posted Kyuhyun's pov! Though it's still part 1. I divided it into three parts. I will be posting the other parts soon! Part 2 is currently now in progress. I'll most appreciate it if you'll leave me some comments. Thank you! <3



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elmokyu #1
Chapter 4: Great! Now we know both feelings are mutual. .. Sungmin must be so happy that Loki is Kyuhyun!
zozo01 #2
Chapter 4: ohh, the sweet moments are coming!!!!
venzsuju #3
Chapter 4: kekeke okay, so kyu need a lot of effort to get min right??
and that's so sweet~! :3
kyushin040187 #4
Chapter 3: your story is so cute!!!! i like it!! its nice u made kyu's POV
elmokyu #5
Chapter 2: Cute! Now we know that Kyu noticed Min much longer than Min! Anyway, thanks for Kyu's POV!
KM_jade #6
Chapter 2: It's interesting to see both POV. I hope you'll update soon
zozo01 #7
Chapter 2: Heechul is fantastic, he doesn't allow ugly people around him!! I like Kyu'a pov too!! Thanks for the continue!!!
venzsuju #8
Chapter 1: hahaha sweet~ i think u should make a sequel :)
Chapter 1: Your stories are very cute! Thanks <3
zozo01 #10
Chapter 1: Hi! Your fic is good, i like it!!! When Min takes his bag in Kyu's lap was really funny.