Kyuhyun's POV (Part 3)

A Bus Ride Home

After a few days, I learned a lot of things about Sungmin. For example, he loves pink. It’s obvious though. Every time I get a glimpse of him, there is always a color pink stuff with him. He even mentioned to me that he has a pink bunny plushie and he calls it Mr. Bunny. I know it’s kinda weird to still own a plushie for his age but he is an exception. Calling him “Aegyo Prince” really suits. I don’t know if I should say this but that plushie is more like of a threat to me. Every time we text each other, Mr. Bunny is always mentioned.

As I am busy texting with my aegyo prince, Ryeowook suddenly appeared beside me.

“You know it’s not good to keep on texting while my Yesung is explaining right now.” He tried to take a peek in my phone but I was fast enough to hide it.

“Wow… what a supportive lover you are.” I rolled my eyes.

“You know I really wouldn’t mind you texting but it really made me curious. You’re the kind of person who isn’t fond of texting. You never even replied to our messages regarding our activities in school.” He crossed his arms showing to me that it’s a big thing to mind.

“What’s your point? Just tell it to me straight.”

“I think I know whom Yesung gave my BEST FRIEND’S number and I have no doubt that it was you Kyuhyun. Oh! I mean Loki.

“W-what nonsense are you talking about? Haha…”

“I’m not a fool Kyuhyun. Don’t you even deny it.” He glanced at Yesung to check if he’s done talking then looked back at me. “If you’re serious with my best friend, better reveal yourself. If not, you’ll be dead meat.” He stood up and walked away leaving me shocked at what he said.

Yesung hyung suddenly sits beside me. “Better listen to what my babe said. He’s serious about it.” He chuckled and followed his lover.


Having that conversation with Ryeowook never left my mind. Is it time for me to show myself? I wanted to but… I might get rejected. It’s not that I’m confessing my feelings for him but what if he gets disappointed? Will it make him mad because I pretended that I’m an anonymous? *sigh* This is getting harder. I think I’ll call Heechul hyung for some help.

I picked my phone from my bedside table, dialed Heechul hyung’s number and waited for him to answer.

“Why the hell are you calling in this kind of time Cho? I’m busy!”

“No you’re not. It’s still early. In fact it’s just six in the evening. I’ll just ask something and it will be over. I promise.”

“Fine. Shoot!”



“Should I reveal myself already to Sungmin?”




Then the line went dead. I feel really stupid right now. ARGH! Okay. I’ll text him now…

To: Aegyo prince

I know this is sudden but I want to ask you something personally. (-_-)

From: Loki

[Message sent]

I… I-I… I finally sent it. O-okay. Now I’ll just wait for his reply. I’ll just play starcraft while waiting. Yes… that’s right. I’ll just play. It will help me relax. Now where is my laptop? Oh there it is! Now I’ll just turn it on. Wow! Waiting for it to turn on seems like an eternity. Time is getting really slow… Am I alright? But then I heard my phone vibrated beside my laptop.


To: Loki

Okay. When and where? (^ω^)

From: Aegyo prince


“HE SAID OKAY! WHEW!” I punched my fist upward to express what I’m feeling right now.

To: Aegyo prince

Tomorrow after class inside the bus. See you~ (^_^)

From: Loki



I’m finally going to meet Sungmin. I know that I should be preparing myself. I know that I should ready my lines for later. I KNOW that I should be relaxing myself at the moment so I can save my energy for later BUT NOOOOOOOO. No thanks to my homeroom teacher.  

After our homeroom class, he called for me outside the room to have a talk. I got nervous for I don’t remember doing anything wrong for the past few days. When I went outside and walked to him, he immediately said, “Kyuhyun we all know that you’re very good in math and you don’t even need to attend the class…” Oh no… I don’t like where this is going.

“So I’m asking you to help me in the faculty to organize some things. Math is your next subject after this right? You don’t need to tell it to your math teacher because I already informed him so better follow me now.”

NO! This can’t be. My plan was to relax myself and prepare the things that I’m going to say to Sungmin in math class. This is not my day…


At lunch time, I wasn’t able to eat properly. I didn’t even have a glimpse of the HanChul couple. I ate my lunch so fast and went straight to the faculty room to finish my task. I better finish this before class.

I really became tired when I got back to class. I wasn’t used in letting myself work and carry things. All I ever did was play star craft at home and play with my game console at school. I’m not even the type of person who is in good shape to carry such heavy books back to the library.

I tried to concentrate in class but I’m getting really sleepy. I was quite surviving in my other class. But the last one, I have to give up. I’ll just take a nap for a few minutes. I can’t handle it any longer. Good thing I’m at the back of the class and Shindong hyung is in front of me so I won’t get notice.

Waking me up is not a very good idea. I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder. “Kyuhyun! Wake up. Classes are already over.” I swatted his hands away from me and looked at him annoyingly. Oh it’s Shindong hyung.


“I said classes are already over.”

“Ha? What???” Then it dawned to me. “! The bus! Thanks hyung!” I hurriedly grabbed my backpack and dashed outside to the bus station. As I was getting near, I can already see that the bus just arrived. “ !!!” I have to run faster or else the bus will leave without me.

I then saw Donghae at the entrance calling for Sungmin. He was the one last one to board. No! No! No! Before the door closes, I hurriedly banged it to notify the driver that I’m still here.

“W-wait!” Whew…finally I boarded the bus. That was quite an adventure. I took a few deep breaths to relax myself because I was breathing really fast. I then looked around to spot Sungmin and there he was sitting at the same place where we first talked. When the moment our eyes met, his expression looked confused. He looked at the back thinking that he wasn’t the one I’m looking at. He’s so adorable. I chuckled and made myself go to him.

“H-hey...” Nice one CHO KYUHYUN. Why did you stutter?

“H-h-hi...” Oh looks like I’m not the only one and now he even started blushing.

"You're so cute. Oh and thank you for saving me a seat." I smirked at him.

“Ha? W-what? Oh! Sadly no… This seat is not for you.”

“Really? The last time that I read my text message… we will meet in this bus.”

“M-maybe it’s from ano-“  Okay Kyuhyun. Confess. Now.

“Hi I’m Loki.” I said as I reached my hand to him.

"H-hi I'm......." He blinked a few times. I think he got confused.

“What? I’m sorry. I think I heard you wrong. What were you saying?”

I chuckled at his reaction and smirked at him again. "Really, you're really cute aegyo prince. I'm Loki. Your textmate?"


"Since I’m not getting any response... I'll just ask my question then." I smiled and waited for a long pause. "Would you like me to ride with you home oh and if you like...also going to school every day?"

"....YES!!! OF COURSE I DO!" He jumped at me and gave me hug.

Well this is not the reaction I was expecting. But I love it though. All my plans were a success. Spending my time with Sungmin more was a dream come true. I couldn’t be more happy to make it last longer.





Kyuhyun's POV is already done! Yay! Now tell me what you think? <3


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elmokyu #1
Chapter 4: Great! Now we know both feelings are mutual. .. Sungmin must be so happy that Loki is Kyuhyun!
zozo01 #2
Chapter 4: ohh, the sweet moments are coming!!!!
venzsuju #3
Chapter 4: kekeke okay, so kyu need a lot of effort to get min right??
and that's so sweet~! :3
kyushin040187 #4
Chapter 3: your story is so cute!!!! i like it!! its nice u made kyu's POV
elmokyu #5
Chapter 2: Cute! Now we know that Kyu noticed Min much longer than Min! Anyway, thanks for Kyu's POV!
KM_jade #6
Chapter 2: It's interesting to see both POV. I hope you'll update soon
zozo01 #7
Chapter 2: Heechul is fantastic, he doesn't allow ugly people around him!! I like Kyu'a pov too!! Thanks for the continue!!!
venzsuju #8
Chapter 1: hahaha sweet~ i think u should make a sequel :)
Chapter 1: Your stories are very cute! Thanks <3
zozo01 #10
Chapter 1: Hi! Your fic is good, i like it!!! When Min takes his bag in Kyu's lap was really funny.