We're Moving?

I Can't Love Anymore

I sadly laid down on the cold floor. It was sad to hear about Luhan's past. But why did i even want to know? Do i like him? No. Just no. I wouldnt... Or would i? The next day was as usual, but today, Chen was chasing after Kris.

"HYUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!!~" Chen shouted, sounding breathless.

"What?!" Kris furrowed his brows.

"They reported the issue to the police!" Chen panted and showed Kris a news paper article. They're looking for me? WOO HOO!

"Dammit!" Kris took one good look at the paper and kicked a chair and it toppled over.

"What are we gonna do?" Luhan came in and so did Xiumin. Kris shook his head as he thought.

"Hyung... Should we let her go?" Tao asked timidly.

"NO! We have put alot of effort in this mission! Do all of you risk getting caught by the cops?! We are not letting her go!" Kris hastily snapped, shocking the other boys.

"But hyung... If they find us..." Lay whispered. Kris raked his hair with his fingers irritatedly.

"We're gonna have to move then..." Kris said and the 5 boys looked at me.

[ That night... ]

It was Lay's turn to guard and i shifting so i was further away from Lay when i felt a jolt from my chained ankle.

"EEK ARGH, OWIE..." I shouted and Lay jumped and looked at me.

"You okay? What's wrong?" He moved closer to where i seated.

"M-my... Ankle hurts..." I whispered as he kneeled as far as he can to the bars.

"Can you show me your ankle?" he asked gently and i nodded and tried to bring my leg closer to him. I hissed as he touched my ankle. Man, did it hurt.

"Wow... Its pretty bruised, Gaeul. I think its because of these chains." he said and got up and walked somewhere. Is he gonna leave me after saying that? Wow. He came back afew seconds later with a first aid kit.

"Now, lets see..." Lay examined my ankle and used some hand sanitizer. He put some ointment and rubbed carefully. I whinced and he looked up at me. Daaaaaaaang~ This guy's pretty cute!

"Dont worry, its going to be better soon." he smiled, i could see his dimples. I nodded slowly.

"Uh Lay?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"A-are we really moving?"

"Supposedly..." he sighed and reached for the bandages. Afew seconds after Lay's answer, Luhan burst into the room.

"Hey Lay, Kris is calling an emergency meetin-" his eyes widened and he approached Lay who was bandaging my ankle.

"What's going on here?" Luhan asked. "Uhm i dont know if its not obvious but im bandaging Gaeul's ankle." Lay replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh..." Luhan whispered,"Anyways, bring Gaeul with you for the meeting." Luhan threw the cell key to Lay and with his annoyed tone, he left. Lay laughed.

"I think Luhan likes you."

"Me?" i gasped and my heart began to race.

"Ahah~ Yeah. He seemed jealous. He isnt normally like that, though." Lay got up,"Done~" he proudly announced and unlocked the cell. He came in and helped me up.

"Thanks for... You know..." i blushed as he grabbed my arm loosely.

"No problem." he beamed. I held my hands out like when they usually cuff me before bringing me out.

"What are you doing, Gaeul?" Lay laughed.

"Huh? Arent you supposed to cuff my hands?"

"Nope, not with me. We're friends arent we?"

I looked at him and thought that its better to not be cuffed so i quickly spoke up,"Yeah! Buddy!" he smiled and led the way. At the meeting room, Kris was already discussing the possible locations.

"Lay its about time you got here!" Kris said with a bored expression.

"Sorry." Lay scratched his head sheepishly.

[ Hours Later... ]

"Okay... This location it is then!" Kris announced.

"We'll be moving in afew days. So pack up." Luhan said.

"Yes!" the others chorused. I watched in a state of confusion. Where they used to moving?



Lots x Love



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Hey guys! The first chapter will be out tomorrow(hopefully)! Please look forward to it!~


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MonkeyDWriter #1
Chapter 12: Lol, I would read Adventure stories but a diary is interesting enough XD
MonkeyDWriter #2
Chapter 11: ^_^ Keep it comin' sister ^_^ I wonder if she'll ever be free? :/
MonkeyDWriter #3
Chapter 10: XD Hurry and update! 'Nuff said
Soffiya #4
Chapter 9: I really enjoy your fanfic