Really? Ending Your Letter With 'OXOX'?

I Can't Love Anymore

Afew minutes later, the car came to a stop near a lake with a huge house next to it.

"OMO!~ HYUUUUUUUUNG!~ The place is beautiful!" Chen gazes at the lake after literally jumping out of the car.

"YAH! Pabo! Enough! Come and help use carry the luggages." Kris shouted as Chen ran over to him.

Luhan was helping me out of the car when Lay approached us.

"Hey Luhan, i can help out from here." Lay smiled. Luhan's face seemed to have fell and he suddenly looked angry.

"Its okay. I can manage on my own." he said abit too harshly because Lay then made a face and walked away.

When everything had been settled, we moved into the house. It had two floors and a spriral staircase to connect them together. The flooring was wooden and there was a small coyfish pond in the middle of the garden. My jaw dropped in amazement.

"NO WAAAAY!~" i gasped.

"Apparently, yes way." Luhan smiled. I glanced around with my mouth opened wide, looking at the furniture as well as the walls. There were wall murals! Freakin' wall murals!

"Hey Gaeul if you keep your mouth open, you might catch flies." Luhan laughed and pushed my chin upwards. I flinched at the sudden contact. Lucky for me, he didnt notice.

"Luhan, why dont you show her to her room?" Xiumin asked with a smile while he carried the luggages in.

"Oh yeah." Luhan nodded,"Come on, i'll show you your room!" I nodded as he help me limp up the stairs. I suddenly felt like crying. The place is beautiful but i'd be kept in my room.

"Gaeul?~" Luhan's voice snapped me out of my trance and i looked at him,"This is your room." he smiled and turned the knob.

It opened to a beautiful room with pink fluffy carpeting. There was a large queen sized bed in the middle of the room(which is the first thing you see when you open the door). There was a desk complete with a office chair. There where tall book shelves and cute lights and ornaments hung on the top of the curtains.

Why are they doing this for me?

"Are you okay?" Luhan peered at my face.

"I- Why are you doing all of this for me?" i asked feeling a combination of happiness and sadness.

"Well..." Luhan looked away,"You're gonna be staying here for a very long time. So, Kris made sure you got a comfortable environment to live in."

So basically... Im still a prisoner here. Luhan looked back at me with a smile and gestured for me to go into the room.

I made my way to the bed and sat on it. Its been so long since i've seen a REAL bed. Luhan came over and sat next to me on the bed. I felt so emotional, remembering Luhan's explaination. Without realising it, a tear fell. I miss mom and dad. And despite all the beautiful decorations and furniture in the house, i'll be locked up in this room.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Luhan put a hand on my shoulder.

"I-im going to be locked up in here arent i?" my tears fell freely.

"Uhm... Im not sure about that. Only Kris would know... But dont worry, you'll get a lot more rest in here than in the cell. Theres even a large bathroom in here!" Luhan tried to lighten the mood.

"Thanks..." I mumbled. Eventhough his way of lightening the mood didnt help me one bit, i should at least thank him for trying.

"No problem." he chuckled. He rarely ever laughed. He then patted my head and stood up. Why is he so nice?

"Im off. If you need anything just shout." he turned and left.

I glanced around the room. Well now i have to just get use to the fact that im staying here.


"Who is it?" i asked, trying to hide the fact that i had cried.

"Its Chen. Can i come in?" Chen's voice rang loudly.

"Sure!" i smiled as i saw him peek inside the room before entering.

"You guys done with the unloading already?" I asked as he sat on the hot pink bean bag with a huff.

"Yep." he smiled.

"Whoa... That was surprisingly fast." I looked at him as he fanned himself with an envelope that was seated on the nightstand.

"Duh, who do you think we are?" Chen gave me a triumphed smile.

I rolled my eyes playfully and looked away. Wait! Was he fanning himself with an... Envelope? Wasnt it on the nightstand? It must contain a letter!

"Uh... Chen?"

He hummed in response.

"Can i have that envelope?" i asked and he looked at the envelope.

"O-oh... Im sorry." he laughed and passed it to me,"Here you go."

I proceeded to open the envelope but having Chen there was very pressurising. I looked at him slowly. He was looking right back at me and i looked between him and the envelope.

"What?" he asked.

"Uhm..." I continued to looked between him and the envelope with a wierd expression on.

"Oh... OOOOH, i got it! Okay im gonna," he got up and went to the door,"go and take a shower now. See ya later, Gaeul!"


The door shut.

I opened the envelope. It was from Kris. It read:

Hey Gaeul,

                         This is Kris. I hope you like your bedroom. Xiumin and i designed it(and maybe Tao too since he always asked if he could help with something). I want you to know that the others have learned to trust you over time after spending their time guarding you. It is a good thing but i want to know if you trust them. We are now more of friends than enemies. You are still kept here as hostage but i want you to feel comfortable with the members and know that you will NEVER leave this house. Our main goal is still to get money from your parents so dont get your hopes up.



What the? His letter is harsh but he signs off with 'OXOX'? Well i dont know if i trust them just yet. I mean im still a prisoner here.



A/N: Hey! ;) Its been a while! :( Im sorry! I just found out i have dance practice during the holidays. Its a bad and a good thing. Bad thing is that i wont have alot of time to update my fanfics like i thought i would. Good thing is that i wont be lonely if my sister decides to abandon me and go out. Wait... Is that a good thing? I dont know. But i'd be missing out a lot on the internet. Im sorry, i went off topic for a second. xD THANKS FOR READING!~ Please comment and subscribe if you enjoyed it! :)

P.s. This is all fictional. I do not own Exo or the members. :)

Lots x Love


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Hey guys! The first chapter will be out tomorrow(hopefully)! Please look forward to it!~


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MonkeyDWriter #1
Chapter 12: Lol, I would read Adventure stories but a diary is interesting enough XD
MonkeyDWriter #2
Chapter 11: ^_^ Keep it comin' sister ^_^ I wonder if she'll ever be free? :/
MonkeyDWriter #3
Chapter 10: XD Hurry and update! 'Nuff said
Soffiya #4
Chapter 9: I really enjoy your fanfic