Interesting Characters There Are Here

I Can't Love Anymore

I stared at the 6 men infront of me as disappointment flashed through my eyes. I couldnt just sit there and do nothing so i got up despite the pain of the chain tied to my ankle. I whinced as i got up and grabbed the cell bars.

"You bunch of lying bastards!" i shouted but they merely smirked.

"Oh, you're finally standing up for yourself?" Kris threw his head back and laughed.

"You dont have the rights to talk, get it?!" Lay shouted. My grip on the bars tightened. They proceeded to leave.

"H-hey! Dont leave just yet! Im not done talking to you!" i shouted and Kris stopped.

"You arent but we are. Chen its your shift." he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Chen nodded and sat infront of my cell. They then left. Chen just sat and watched my every move like an eagle circling its prey but he's just watching me. I glanced at him and noticed that, daaaaaang, hs eyes are mischievous. He doesnt look that bad actually. He noticed me staring and winked. I blinked, once, twice and looked away. Sheeesh~ Whats with this guy, really?

[ The Next Day... ]

"Xiumin hyuuuuuuuung! Cant we just go out for a bit? Please?" Tao ran past my cell after Xiumin.

Xiumin stopped infront of my cell and turned and crossed his arms,"Why?"

"Becaaaaaaaaause-" Tao got cut-off by Xiumin.

"Go ask Kris!" Xiumin said.

"But hyuuuuuuung!~ You know he'll say no for sure!~" Tao whined like a little kid.

"Then what do you think i'll say?" Xiumin sarcastically asked.

"Yes?" Tao smiled happily and Xiumin frowned almost immediately.

"No!" Xiumin exploded and stormed off.

"But hyuuuuuuuung! Buing Buing?~" Tao whined and did aegyo as he chased after Xiumin again.

I watched carefully and once the were out of sight, i let out a slight laugh,"Ahah"

Are they really kidnappers? I've been with them for 3 days[I think?]and every morning, there was always an episode. It could be Chen and Kris or Luhan and Lay or Xiumin and Tao. Its always a different pair. Yesterday, it was Lay and Kris bickering. They are such an interesting bunch.

Afew hours later, a shadow was over towering me.

I looked up at the shadow blocking the ONLY possible light source during night, the oil lamp. It was the other blonde guy, Luhan. He watched me as he sat down. He didnt need to mention anything, i know that he's here to stand guard in case i escape which wont happen in a million years since my ankle is basically chained up worst than a pirates treasure chest.

I looked at him, he looks like he fell asleep but i coudnt tell because his thick blonde bangs were in the way. I shook the cell bars a little to check if he really was alseep. He didnt move a muscle so i took that as a sign and started singing. Oh i forgot to mention, i had found a new hobby after being here. Singing. I like listening to music but because i took up pure Chemistry and Physics, i didnt sing as often as when i was in elementary school.

I sang Ailee's Heaven.

I liked that song ever since my college friends introduced me to it. Luhan started to stir and i stopped. Strange that Luhan sleeps while guarding when the others who watch me dont. Wow, just wow. He didnt look bad either. He was actually, kinda cute. I mean if the situation was a little bit more different, im sure i'd be head over heels for him. Wait?! What are you saying, Choi Gaeul?! He's a kidnapper! You cant oogle over someone like him! Never Mind I'll Find Someone Like You!~ Wha- No! No! No! I cant fall for guys like him! He could be a casanova!

What has he done to me?



A/N: Heehee~ I was soooo completely stressed out at school today. /Sighs/ But when i typed this i was so happy. No joke. Jangnan anieyo~ Aahhaha~ I seriously dont know whats up with me and this song relating thingy like i wrote in this chapter[Do you know where it is? :)] xD Im sorry if it annoys you :'( Anyways, thanks for reading!~ <3

Lots x Love



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Hey guys! The first chapter will be out tomorrow(hopefully)! Please look forward to it!~


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MonkeyDWriter #1
Chapter 12: Lol, I would read Adventure stories but a diary is interesting enough XD
MonkeyDWriter #2
Chapter 11: ^_^ Keep it comin' sister ^_^ I wonder if she'll ever be free? :/
MonkeyDWriter #3
Chapter 10: XD Hurry and update! 'Nuff said
Soffiya #4
Chapter 9: I really enjoy your fanfic