
One Year

"Hey, try these on!"

"What are these supposed to be!?"

"Matching scarves and sweaters for the four of us <3~"

"Gross!"  Kyuhyun grimaced when he saw the four scarves and sweaters Siwon held up.  The four were shopping for some winter clothes, as they realized they left most of their clothes back home with their families.  Siwon found a sweater and scarf set that came in four colors.  He found it perfect for them to have matching clothes.  Donghae excitedly chose the red sweater with a green scarf.  Eunhyuk reluctantly chose the green sweater with a red scarf.  Siwon got a white sweater with a grey scarf.  And Kyuhyun ended up with a grey sweater with a white scarf.  They looked like two perfect couples with their matching clothes.  All four noticed that, and Kyuhyun's face started burning a shade of red.

"I can't believe this..."

"But we look soooo good!  Like a little family..."

"Yeah, I guess it's okay."


With that, Siwon took the shopping bags holding the other clothes (Yes, he insisted on holding ALL of the bags), and the four happily(?) set off for home, attracting the attention of everyone around.  Girls squealed when they saw four gorgeous men walking around in matching outfits.  They looked too perfect.

Winter break was approaching, and the four decided to stay at their apartment for the holidays.  With the snow rolling in, it would be a huge hassle to move everything home for the month.  They figured it would be a good opportunity to make up for their "separation" a couple months ago.  Siwon vowed to be by Kyuhyun's side for as long as possible.  Eunhyuk, on the other hand, was to stay with Donghae.

And like that, when winter break did come, the four had planned a daily schedule.  They would all go out during the day.  Sometimes in pairs, sometimes all four of them.  But every night, they would return home for dinner.  After that, they would hang out and watch TV, and if they were daring enough, they'd go out to the balcony.  Even though the balcony was freezing cold, all four of them loved to go out and experience the snow.  Sometimes, the sky would be clear and they would be able to see the snow glisten under the moonlight.



Siwon liked taking Kyuhyun out to the park.  They'd walk together, through the falling snow.  When they reached the clearing, Siwon would gently brush snow off Kyuhyun before they huddled together on the bench.  Together, they'd just watch the scenery.  Well, Kyuhyun would.  Siwon couldn't help but stare at Kyuhyun from the side.  He noticed how soft and smooth Kyuhyun's skin was, and how... beautiful Kyuhyun's face looked when he finally started to doze off.  Siwon couldn't process what was going on in his head.  What are you even doing, Siwon!?  Why are you thinking of Kyuhyun like this all of a sudden!?  Do you... like him?  He's just a best friend, right?  But do best friends make your heart beat faster than it should?  Do they make you want to throw everything away just for them?  Do they make you feel protective of them?  Siwon merely threw his head back, staring at the falling snow.  By now, Kyuhyun had placed his head on Siwon's shoulder, trying to get as much warmth from the older as possible.  Soon enough, Kyuhyun managed to fall asleep in the safe warmth of the older.  Siwon brushed some more snow off of Kyuhyun's hair, and could only sigh at the sight before him.  He whispered to himself, quiet to the point that Kyuhyun wouldn't hear.

"What are you doing to me, Kyuhyun..?"




Eunhyuk and Donghae often went to the cafe.  Donghae loved trying out all the holiday-themed treats that were available.  Eunhyuk loved how Donghae's face lit up whenever he saw food.  They sat next to each other to feed each other the food.  Naturally, Donghae constantly averted his gaze to hide his blush from Eunhyuk.  Eunhyuk thought that his face was red because of the cold, so he adjusted Donghae's scarf.  Donghae shyly thanked him, and attempted to focus on his food.  They sat in silence, Donghae nibbling on his food while Eunhyuk was watching him.  Donghae's stomach was full of butterflies.  He couldn't believe that he was alone with Eunhyuk, eating like this.  Aish, Donghae!  Why do you have to act so weird around Hyukkie!?  We're just supposed to be hanging out as friends, stop fantasizing about some dinner date like this!  Just act normal!  Meanwhile, Eunhyuk sighed contentedly, watching his adorable friend eat.  Wait, adorable?  Am I even allowed to think like that?  Am I a little too happy to be this close to Donghae?  I broke up with Tiffany a couple weeks ago, but why do I feel nothing bad about it?  Matter of fact, I feel happier.  Is it because I get to spend time with this guy..?  What does it all mean?





Christmas Eve came along, and a couple of the boys had plans to carry out.  Eunhyuk decided to take Donghae out for dinner, leaving Siwon and Kyuhyun behind at the apartment.  This was Siwon's chance to enjoy some more time with Kyuhyun.



~Eunhyuk and Donghae~

"This is SO good!"  Donghae couldn't stop munching on the food.  Eunhyuk made reservations at the best restaurant he could find.  For some reason, he felt like spending Christmas Eve with Donghae.  Siwon was perfectly fine with Eunhyuk taking Donghae out, which Eunhyuk was glad for.  He really wanted some sort of special moment with Donghae, and thsi seemed to be the perfect chance. They ended up on an upper level balcony of the restaurant.  It was well-heated, so it wasn't too cold eating outside.  The view was what really got Eunhyuk's attention when he made the reservation.  From their seats, not only did they get a view of the brightly-lit trees below, they could see the magnificent view of the city's skyline.  Seeing all the tall buildings downtown with all the lights was a sight to see.  Even without the skyline, the street below was crowded with people.  The hustle and bustle mixed in with the Christmas decorations truly gave a festive atmosphere. 

They finished eating, and huddled together on a bench.  The waiters agreed to leave them alone for a while.  Together, they sat there, enjoying the view.  At this point, it became a habit for them to sit in silence, thinking.  They thought of anything and everything.  What's been going on recently.  Interesting things that happened.  Their friends.  Their love interests.  Donghae knew for sure he was sitting to the one he loved.  And although it was nice, it was slightly painful at the same time.  Eunhyuk would never reciprocate his feelings.

Eunhyuk, on the other hand, was well aware of his situation.  He wasn't sure of how he felt.  He'd been thinking about it for weeks.  He wondered what it was he felt for Donghae.  Was it the love of a close friend?  Or something else?  He sighed and looked at Donghae, who was now sleeping on his shoulder.  Eunhyuk couldn't help but smile at the sight.  Donghae's face seemed to be so peaceful, so content, so... perfect.  That settled it.  Eunhyuk wasn't quite ready to call it falling in love, but he knew he had feelings for the person leaning on his shoulder.  He gave a small smile at the sleeping figure, and leaned in, lightly brushing his lips against Donghae's.  Donghae felt the quick kiss, but he shook it off as a dream as he slowly opened his eyes. he looked up at Eunhyuk, who was smiling at him.

"Hey, you're awake now."

"Sorry, hyung...  I must've nodded off."  Donghae blushed a bit and looked away after sitting up.

"What's with the face?"

"Oh, um, I just had a nice dream.  That's all."

"And what was your dream about?"  Donghae blushed a bit more before continuing.

"Oh... um.. it was nothing."

"Are you sure?"  Eunhyuk smirked at the conflicting facial expressions being shown on the younger's face.


"Lies.  I know what you dreamt about.  Because I can tell you, it wasn't a dream."  Ignoring Donghae's shocked expression momentarily, Eunhyuk took a look at his watch.

"Oh, it's midnight.  Merry Christmas, Donghae.  And as for my present... I know it's rude to ask for something, but will you be my boyfriend?"


~Kyuhyun and Siwon~

Siwon used Kyuhyun's nap time as a chance to get ready.  Eunhyuk took Donghae out for dinner, so Siwon was determined to give Kyuhyun a Christmas Eve that he would never forget.  For some reason, Siwon took Kyuhyun's previous coldness as a sign that he was doing something wrong.  So Siwon decided to make up for his mistakes, whatever they may be.  Besides, he had no one else to spend Christmas Eve with, considering he recently broke up with Sooyoung.

Since Kyuhyun was a heavy sleeper, Siwon didn't have to worry too much about making too much noise, or Kyuhyun spoiling his own surprise.  So he was busy cooking and moving for a few hours.  When he was finally done, he sighed in satisfaction at his creation.  He set off to shower, as he felt a little dirty after all the working.

When he came out of the shower, he was met with a sleepy-eyed Kyuhyun.  Kyuhyun yawned and stretched before looking up, and he almost fell backwards out of shock.  He didn't expect to find Siwon, dripping wet, in nothing but a towel, fresh out of the shower.  He nervously gulped before turning back towards his room.  He didn't make three steps before Siwon stopped him.

"Hey, you woke up at the perfect time.  Dinner's ready.  Come out."

"Um, yeah.  Let me take a quick shower and change clothes first... I don't feel so fresh right now."  Siwon nodded before stepping into his room.  Kyuhyun took a couple deep breaths before slapping his burning face.  Goddammit Siwon...  He rushed his shower, feeling really anxious after seeing Siwon like that.  He quickly changed into a simple v-neck and jeans before striding out to the living room.  He lightly gasped at the scenery Siwon had set up.

The balcony had been lit up with pleasing Christmas-themed lights.  Siwon moved a table outside and the couch to sit on. On the table he set dinner, which happened to be no less than a three-course meal for the two of them.  Siwon also had a bottle of fine wine, and even made some cheesecake for dessert.  Kyuhyun could tell Siwon had really good taste in these setups.  It was just like Siwon to have a luxurious meal while appreciating the fantastic city view.  Siwon smiled and motioned for Kyuhyun to sit.

They ate while maintaining a pleasant conversation, laughing at stories the other had to tell.  After eating, Siwon cleared the dishes while Kyuhyun almost fell into a food coma.  He couldn't believe how delicious and filling the food was.  When Siwon came back to sit on the couch, Kyuhyun was starting to get tired, and he leaned on the older's shoulder.  Together, they sat in silence, and soon, Kyuhyun fell asleep.  Siwon lightly smiled and looked out at the fantastic view of the skyline.  He couldn't help but begin thinking of the countless questions popping up in his mind.  Kyuhyun... what am I to you?  Am I really more than just a friend to you?  Come to think of it, what are you to me?

He looked at his watch, and noticed it was midnight.  He gently shook Kyuhyun awake. 

"Hey.. wake up."


"It's midnight, it's Christmas now."  Kyuhyun sleepily opened his eyes to see Siwon holding a small box.  Siwon opened it to reveal a pair of bracelets.  Each one consisted of black and blue bands woven among each other.  It was simple, yet stylish, just like Siwon.  Kyuhyun started silently crying out of happiness.  It was overwhelming that Siwon would do something like that.  It was as if they were a couple.

Siwon gently slipped the bracelets on their wrists, and they held them up to the moonlight.  Kyuhyun found them beautiful.  They resumed snuggling against the breeze on the couch.  And soon enough, Kyuhyun couldn't fight the sleepiness from earlier, so he passed out on Siwon's shoulder again.  Siwon brushed Kyuhyun's hair away from his face before shifting to make the younger more comfortable.



"Merry Christmas, Kyuhyun."





A/N:  Here's a little (not really, it's super long) monologue about my situation.

Super, super, super sorry about the late update!  I definitely took my time with this chapter, so I'm sorry ><  A lot's been going on recently, and I haven't really had the time to commit.  So that's sort of how this chapter ended up.  It's really random and jumpy, and nothing really happens in it.  I guess this is the result when most of this chapter is written at like 2 in the morning... 

I also lost my muse for a while, which somewhat explains the dreadful update time.  I've been thinking on ways to improve this story, and so far I have a couple ideas to overhaul my writing style.  Anyways, it's pretty cool that my months are in sync now!  So my goal will be to at least update within the month the chapter is set in, if not more often.  Meaning, there's a possibility this story will take a year to finish. 

Tl;dr  Sorry.  Will try to update more often, or at least be in sync with my months.  Possibly changing a couple aspects of my writing.  Comments?

And thank you for reading up to this point!  I promise I'll make it better...  And sorry for this ridiculously huge note...  I have a lot on my mind these days.


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Sikyu143 #1
Chapter 5: Need an update asap...T_T
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 5: awww this is so fluffy. i hope siwon realizes his feelings for kyu soon, that oblivious little idiot xD
Chapter 5: awwwhhhhhh this story is cute..
when kyu and hae spending a lot of time together make the 2 rest of man think about their true love..
and hyukjae is smart enough to confess to hae like that..
well now its time for siwon to realize his feelings..
well if siwon not confess his feelings to kyu sooner maybe hyukjae can smack his head for being so slow like that..
awwhhh thank u so much for this story author him gonna subscribe now ^^
Chapter 5: Siwon is so slow....and hyukkie is smart enough to realize his feeling...
Chapter 5: wow for the first time eunhyuk is really fast and siwon is really slow haha xD
hush_windy #6
Chapter 4: Aww, that's so sweet! ^^
Chapter 4: They really care about each other! ^^
I'm glad Kyu & hae got their senses back! Now the matchmaking part :D
Chapter 3: poor kyuhyun :(
and.. siwon too i guess
hush_windy #9
Chapter 3: I don't know whether to feel pity at Siwon or Kyuhyun. This chapter is so sad... TT_TT
Chapter 2: aww donghae so cute :)