
One Year

A/N:  Just wanted to give a HUUUUGE thank you for the wonderful response!  I was honestly scared about having a rough start but it's great hearing that you all are liking it!  You've inspired me to work harder and to write better, so again, thank you so much!  I now have the motivation to try updating more~! <3

Donghae woke up exhausted.  Eunhyuk's been out with Tiffany more often these days, and Hae's been getting more uncomfortable with that.  The time he was spending with Kyuhyun and Siwon didn't seem to make it any easier.  He felt like a part of their home was missing.  For the first time in their years of college together, Eunhyuk's been sleeping outside of the apartment.  He went over to Tiffany's place all the time.  Hae couldn't imagine how Siwon felt, often sleeping alone in what was supposed to be a shared room.  It was almost like Eunhyuk was ready to move out...

Sighing, he checked the time.  6:00 PM.  He'd been napping since he came home from school.  The apartment was empty since he came.  Wondering where everyone was, he flopped back into bed.  Too tired to worry, he soon drifted back to sleep.



"Siwon, stop looking at everything!  We still have so much we need to buy for Saturday night!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming..."  Kyuhyun's glare finally got Siwon to move his feet.  The two were at the market, preparing for Donghae's surprise birthday party in two days.  They needed to buy food, decorations, utensils, and more to be completely ready by Saturday.  They rushed around the market, efficiently finding everything they needed.  Soon, they were waiting in line to pay. They got home, and noticing that Donghae was sleeping, they quietly sorted their groceries in the kitchen.  They were working in silence when Siwon remembered something.

"Today's October 13th, isn't it?"

"Yeah... why?"

"This is the day when I first talked to you.  When I first became friends with you, all those years ago."

"...It was at lunch, wasn't it?"

"Yep.  You somehow managed to skip a year in math and ended up transferring to my class.  I couldn't help but notice how adorable you looked in those glasses, and when you were pouting cutely during the problems.  That's when I decided to learn more about you.  And now, there's the four of us."

"Hah... Guess I'm lucky to be so smart.  You probably wouldn't have ever noticed me if I wasn't in your class."  Siwon hugged Kyuhyun from behind and rested his chin on Kyuhyun's shoulder.

"No, I'm the lucky one.  You are my best friend, and I thank God every day for being blessed with you.  I hope you'll never break away from me.  I want you to keep close forever.  Please, even if we ever split up, don't ever lose contact."

Tch.  Just like you to be as cheesy as possible with even your little friend talks.  But you know what?  It isn't so bad.  You better not leave me either.  Kyuhyun's thoughts were interrupted when Siwon lightly kissed Kyuhyun on the back of his head.

"You're my favorite, Kyunnie.  And I'll always love you."

And for some reason, Kyuhyun felt something weird stir in his heart, for the very first time in all his years of existence.

Back at his room, Kyuhyun couldn't get himself to sleep that night.  He kept on flipping around in bed.  What just happened?  Why did I get suddenly feel weird when he said that?  Doesn't he do that all the time?  So what made this one different?  I don't... like him... right!?  No!  Of course not...!  Maybe I was just being sentimental like he was...  Still, Kyuhyun's mind refused to calm down.  It took another half hour of pondering and thrashing before he finally gave in to fatigue.

Party preperations were almost done the next day.  About thirty people agreed to come, which was a lot for the small apartment.  Siwon and Kyuhyun decided the courtyard would be a good place to have the party.  Donghae was still completely oblivious to the surprise, and somehow he didn't manage to find any of the party props.  Siwon decided to take Kyuhyun out again, but to the mall this time.  He decided they should buy some nicer clothes for the party, rather than the same old they wear everyday.  They quickly found things to try on, and both showed the other what they wore.

Siwon wore a cardigan on top, and tight jeans on the bottom.  The clothes showcased his toned body, giving everyone a sight to behold.  Kyuhyun couldn't deny that his best friend looked stunning.  Any other person would already have jumped on Siwon by now.

Siwon was equally impressed with Kyuhyun.  Kyuhyun had a loose V-neck on with similar jeans.  The shirt slightly hung on his shoulders, exposing some of his milky skin.  He looked dazzling.  Kyuhyun blushed and adverted his gaze when he noticed how closely Siwon was scrutinizing him.

"You look... amazing."

"Th-Thanks..."  Siwon smiled at his rapidly-turning-red friend.  Kyuhyun was sure to attract attention tomorrow night.

They bought their clothes and went back home.  Donghae was still sleeping.  Siwon adjusted his blanket, and sighed.

"He seems to be sleeping a lot these days."

"Yeah...  It's not like him to waste so much time sleeping."

"Something might be up..."

"Well, maybe tomorrow will help.  Let's just leave him alone."  And with that, the pair left him alone for the rest of the night.  They watched a movie, snuggled together on the couch.  Kyuhyun wasn't really paying attention to the movie.  He kept on glancing at his best friend's face, which was mere inches away from his.  Siwon's face was slowly becoming more... captivating.  What's wrong with me..?  Kyuhyun's mind was getting more and more restless.  He decided to give up and just lean on Siwon's shoulder for the remainder.  Siwon gladly adjusted his body to be more comfortable for Kyuhyun.  After the movie, they both went back to their rooms to sleep.

Siwon looked around the empty room and sighed.  He's staying there againSince when did he become so committed to Tiffany?  I guess he's serious this time.  He's done playing around.  It's time for him to start settling down.  I should settle down soon, too...  He sighed again before turning off the lights and going to bed.

Both Siwon and Kyuhyun were up early as planned.  They made sure they had everything ready, and were prepared to send Donghae out of the house while they prepare for the party.  Eunhyuk agreed to take Donghae out for a few hours in the afternoon.  He admits he misses his three best friends, and he apologized for being out so often.  It's just that Tiffany's grandparents died recently, and he needed to be there to console her.  Siwon and Kyuhyun were understanding enough, and they were just happy he was back for the time being.

When Donghae woke up, he was treated to lunch.  Siwon made a nicer than usual lunch, consisting of steak and rice pilaf.  Donghae smiled throughout the meal.  It was actually all four of them sitting at the table, just the way he liked it.  They had a fun conversation, and everyone was laughing.  This was the life Donghae loved.  The life with Siwon, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk

After the meal, Eunhyuk took Donghae out for a walk.  They window shopped at the mall, chatting and catching up with each others' lives.  Afterwards, Eunhyuk took Donghae to the same clearing at the park that Kyuhyun took him to a few weeks ago.  The falling leaves were just as beautiful as ever.  The main difference was that he got to enjoy the sight with Eunhyuk.  Donghae didn't notice that his eyes were getting teary until Eunhyuk gently wiped them off.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm just happy.  That's all.  It's been a good birthday so far, and I got the present I wanted."

"Oh?  Already?  What was it?"  Donghae didn't say anything.  He only looked at Eunhyuk with a small smile.  It's you.  I found out that... I like you.  A lot.  I've found that out after realizing how empty life felt without you around.  Having even a few hours with you to myself is more than enough for a present.  So thank you.  I'm just gonna have to get used to watching you... from a distance.

"Hey... It's getting dark out.  Let's go back home.  I'm sure Siwon and Kyuhyun are waiting for you."

"O-Okay."  They walked back, in a comfortable silence.

When they reached the apartment, Donghae was puzzled to hear a lot of voices from the direction of the courtyard.  Eunhyuk gave a small smile and took his hand to lead him to the courtyard.  When they got there, Donghae was immediately greeted with a huge cheer from the crowd of people.  They all wished him a happy birthday, singing and laughing.  Donghae was confused, elated, surprised.  Siwon walked up and hugged him, beaming brightly at his puzzled dongsaeng.

"Surprise, Donghae.  You really deserve more than this, but I hope you-"  Donghae already hugged Siwon back crying, before Siwon could say anything more.  Siwon could only smile before telling him to enjoy the party instead of wasting it crying.

The party was going well.  A lot of Donghae's class friends were there, including Sooyoung, Yoona, and Jessica.  The girls all found him adorable, and quickly befriended him.  Kyuhyun's friends like Changmin and Yunho were present at the party as well.  Donghae slowly made his way through the crowd, greeting everyone and thanking them for coming.

Kyuhyun sang for the main event.  Most of the guests were shocked.  None of them knew Kyuhyun had such an angellic voice when it came to singing.  It was a talent he preferred to keep only for the most special moments.  This was one of those moments.  So he sang a nice ballad for everyone to enjoy.  After the song, everyone loudly cheered, causing Kyuhyun to blush and hide his face.  Across the courtyard, Siwon smiled, proud of his Kyunnie.

After the main events of the party, music started playing, and Taemin acted as DJ.  They were all free to dance the night away.  Donghae was finally free to roam around and have fun.  He danced around with his friends, being genuinely happy for the second time that day.

Kyuhyun was sipping wine with Yunho and Changmin, half listening to the conversation they were having.  Kyuhyun has been getting more and more distracted with thoughts of Siwon recently.  He kept on replaying images in his mind from earlier that day.  Siwon diligently preparing the food.  Siwon putting up decorations throughout the courtyard.  Taking off his sweaty shirt.  Kyuhyun shook his head furiously to try snapping out of it.  Aish, why am I suddenly thinking of him so much?  Why is this starting only now?  I've never felt like this in the years we've known each other...  His gaze eventually made its way over to Siwon.  Kyuhyun noticed that he was surrounded by five girls, and even a few boys.  They were all trying to flirt with him, seductively winking at him and whatnot.  Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and scoffed, thinking that Siwon would never fall for any of that.  However, his confident indifference soon turned into utter shock when he saw Siwon follow one of the girls back into the apartment complex, hand in hand.  Kyuhyun almost choked on his wine, and Changmin and Yunho both turned to check on him.

"I-I'm fine.  Just gotta go to the bathroom for a sec..."  He promptly stood up and started walking in the direction Siwon went.  He froze when he saw Siwon making out with the girl in the hallway, just outside their door.  They soon broke away, and Siwon whispered something in her ear.  She slightly giggled before nodding an agreement.  He smirked and led them into the apartment.

When the door closed, Kyuhyun collapsed instantly.  W-What... just... happened?  Did I see that?  Why does it... hurt... here... heart... His vision turned blurry, and his breathing was uneven.  His eyelids grew heavy, and everything went black.

Donghae was still having fun, dancing the night away with his friends.  He caught glimpses of Eunhyuk and Tiffany here and there, but he would only sober for a few seconds.  He decided to forget all about his troubles and just have fun.  He was over it, and he was happy.

Temporarily.  Changmin ran up to Donghae at one point, breathless.  Donghae was puzzled to see such a distressed look on his face.

"It's *huff* Kyu...  He *huff* passed out and I *huff* thought I should get you as quickly as possible..."

"What!?  Where is he!?"

"Come, I'll *huff* lead the way!"  The two weaved between the partygoers towards the entrance inside.  Donghae saw Kyuhyun lying on Yunho's lap.  Donghae led the way to his room, and Yunho tucked Kyuhyun in bed.

"He should be fine.  Just passed out.  Might've been too drunk, or tired."

"I guess.  He worked super hard for my party...  Can you guys watch him tonight?  I still gotta clean up when everyone leaves... Don't want the landlord to get pissed off at us.  He was already nice enough to let us party like this."  Changmin and Yunho smiled and nodded in agreement.  Donghae thanked them before going back outside.

When everyone was leaving, Dognhae updated Eunhyuk on what happened.

"What!?  He out?  When?  Any idea why?"

"A couple hours ago.  No idea why.  Yunho and Changmin are watching him."

"Ah... okay.  What about Siwon?"

"Haven't seen him in a long time.  Although.. I might've heard something going on in your room earlier when I was bringing Kyu to bed..."

"Ah... well then.  Let's clean up."  They didn't have to say any more.  They both knew exactly where he was and what he was doing.

They cleaned up rather quickly, and went back inside.  Donghae saw Yunho and Changmin still keeping careful watch over Kyuhyun.

"Thanks, and sorry.  You two came to party, and ended up having to take care of him."

"Hey, don't worry about it.  It was still pretty fun.  Well, we'd better head back home.  See you guys later."  With that, they left the apartment.  Eunhyuk decided to sleep on the sofa that night.  It was silent in the apartment now, but he still didn't want to risk entering his room.  Donghae took one last look at Kyuhyun, who kept on shifting and grimacing in his sleep.  Donghae sighed and wiped off some of the sweat forming on Kyuhyun's forehead.  What happened?  He's not the type to just pass out.  He's strong and he's healthy...  Donghae decided to just worry about Kyuhyun's condition for the time being.  He stayed up all night making sure nothing happened while Kyuhyun was asleep.  He constantly put damp towels around Kyuhyun's perspiring face, and would soothingly rub Kyuhyun's hands, whispering words of comfort.

Kyuhyun woke up feeling really weak.  He could barely move, and he noticed he was sweating all over.  What happened..?  Why did I wake up like this?  Last night... Donghae's party... Siwon.  I saw him... with... was it Sooyoung?  They were... Tears started streaming out of his still closed eyes.

"Kyunnie..?"  Kyuhyun promptly opened his eyes to see Donghae worriedly eyeing him.  He's been watching me for a while... hasn't he?  He has dark circles under his eyes, and I can just tell that he's exhausted...  Kyuhyun tried to sit up, but his body wouldn't respond.  Hae gently helped Kyuhyun get propped up on some pillows, so at least he was in a sitting position.

"Just rest today.  It's Sunday, and you're too weak to do anything else."


"No buts."  Hae used his stern voice, which meant that it was an end to the arguement.  Kyuhyun helplessly sighed and threw his head back.  His thoughts were back on the events of the night before.  Why... Why did I react like that?  Why am I still feeling like this..?  Doesn't make sense...

"So.  How exactly do you feel?"

"Huh?  Just... weak all over.  Guess I passed out from drinking too much..."

"Mhm.  Yunho and Changmin thought that would've been the case.  But still... it's weird.  You've always been the heavyweight when it came to drinking.  How much did you drink to collapse like that???"  Kyuhyun could only force a laugh out when Eunhyuk entered.

"Hey, you alright?  We were all worried."

"Yeah, I'm fine.   Thanks."

"Hm.  Well I talked to Siwon for a bit.  He's super tired.  Said something about a really wild night with Sooyoung.  Turns out they've been together for a couple weeks now.  Just needed the alcohol to make it home."  Eunhyuk said that with a knowing smirk.  Donghae blushed at the thought and Kyuhyun couldn't even process what he said.

"Well anyways, I'm gonna go tend to the ridiculous lump of a horse for a while longer.  See ya."  With that, Eunhyuk left the room.  Donghae turned to notice that Kyuhyun was as still as a statue, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks.

"You like him."  The sudden blunt statement threw Kyuhyun completely off.


"I said, you like him.  Choi Siwon.  Your best friend."

"W-What?  No... I-I just..." Donghae was already on the bed hugging Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun couldn't help but start crying his heart out into his friend's chest.  Do I really?  These feelings, is love really the reason?  Why is it only now that I realize it?  Is it because... I'm in danger of losing him now?  Maybe... I never felt anything on his previous relationships because I knew he didn't take them too seriously.  But now, now that he's in search of true love...  He might leave me for someone else.  I.  Don't.  Want.  That.  I want him... to be mine.  But Donghae... how did you..?

Kyuhyun should've expected this of his friend.  They went to the same school for so many years, and have been roommates for the last two.  Donghae was ridiculously sharp, and could easily catch on things like this.  He'd learned to read his roommate almost perfectly.  He knew exactly how Kyuhyun was really feeling based on even the simplest of actions, like a hidden smirk or a certain look in his eye.  But the situation Kyuhyun was in, Donghae probably understood, more than anyone else.

"It'll be fine.  You'll learn to get over it... even if it takes time.  I should know... because... I liked Eunhyuk."  Kyuhyun's eyes bulged out.

"You liked him?  Since when?"

"Since he started dating Tiffany."

"..."  Just like me then.  He's been through the exact same thing.  But how can he handle it so well?  How does he manage?  One day of knowing Siwon's with another person and I'm a wreck... So how has he put up with it for a month?

"We both have broken hearts, Kyunnie.  We just need time to heal them." Donghae paused.

Kyuhyun hugged Donghae tightly for a minute.  When they broke apart, Kyuhyun took a deep breath, and spoke.

"Okay!  From today, we are going to stick together and help each other out.  We're making a pact, here and now, that we are going to forget about our crazy feelings and be happy.  And you, you are the best.  Thanks for watching me this morning... I must've caused you a lot of trouble.."  Their faces both turned red, causing them to turn away from each other.  But they were determined to forget about their other two roommates.  They had to move on.

Siwon was elated when he woke up.  He felt like last night was the best night so far.  He had been pretty close friends with Sooyoung for a while, and they had actually been together for a couple weeks.  Siwon just hid it pretty well from his friends.  Last night, it took a few shots of alcohol to get the two enough to have a full night session.  And boy did it feel good for Siwon.  It was his first time in a while, and it certainly felt refreshing to have it again.  He was aware that the boys knew about him and Sooyoung at that point.  He was worried to reveal his relationship at first, but he only received a positive reaction from Eunhyuk when he talked to him, so all was right in the world.

Until he noticed things were getting weird in the apartment.  Siwon made special note that Kyuhyun and Donghae were out of the place almost everyday, and didn't come until late at night.  Siwon would stay up waiting for the two to come back.  When he saw the two walk in the front door, he would bombard the two with questions, and both would only reply that they were tired and wanted to sleep.  When Siwon tried to check on them in the morning, the bed was already empty.  Wait... bed?  Just one?  He looked again, and noticed that the two had placed their beds together in the middle of the room as if to make one big bed.  What..?  Siwon barely saw either of the two anymore, and he was getting anxious.  It wasn't like either of them to spend so much time outside.

Eunhyuk could finally return to the apartment permanently.  Tiffany was fine on her own now, and she genuinely thanked him for sacrificing so much of his time.  He was just glad she was fine now.  When he got home, he saw Siwon run out of his room to see who it was.  He looked really distressed, and even a little disappointed when he saw it was Eunhyuk.

"What's up?  Why the ridiculous look?  Am I that much of an eyesore to you?"

"N-No hyung...  It's just that... Kyuhyun and Donghae seem to come home only to sleep these days.  I never see them during the day.  I haven't been able to talk to either of them recently."

"Huh?  Really?  That's weird.  I see Donghae during our dance lessons and he seems fine, I mean, other than him avoiding me."  Siwon frowned more.  What could possibly be going on?

Kyuhyun and Donghae spent pretty much all of their free time together.  They went to cafes to study and drink together.  They went to the mall to window shop.  Their favorite place to go to was the park.  They'd go sit on a bench at the clearing they loved so much.  There, they would sit in a peaceful silence, holding hands.  They leaned their heads back, and thought.  They thought of the cruel humor of life.  How they ended up like this because their loves were already taken.  But they were content.  They had learned to get over it, slowly.  Donghae had learned to put a friendly mask on to see Eunhyuk during dance lessons.  Kyuhyun still couldn't bear to see Siwon at all.  He had avoided him at all costs.  He thought it would be easier on him to forget if he never saw Siwon.

They opened their eyes and made eye contact.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for me.  I feel great right now.  And it's thanks to you."

"I should be the one thanking you.  You've helped me get over him."  The two could only stare at each other before Kyuhyun awkwardly cleared his throat.

"We should be heading back..."

"Yeah..."  They walked back home together, huddled closely against the wind.

When they came inside, they were greeted with a messy-looking Siwon.  Just by looking, the two could tell Siwon drank a little, and he hasn't shaved recently either.  His eyes were dark, implying he's been stressed out recently.  He seemed to have lost some weight as well.  Donghae was worried.  He looks really bad...  Is he that affected by Kyuhyun's absense?  Maybe we shouldn't avoid him so much...  Siwon quickly pulled Kyuhyun into a ridiculously tight hug, as if this would be his last.  Kyuhyun tensed in his arms, and tried calming himself down.  No.  I don't think of him that way.  I feel nothing.  This is just like every other time.  No.  No.  No!  He broke out of Siwons arms, trying his best not to glare at the older.  Donghae grabbed Kyuhyun's hand to reassure him, which he was thankful for.

"W-Where have you been?  You never seem to have time for me... What happened to us?  Why are you and Donghae suddenly out so often?"

"It's nothing.  We just happen to hang out a lot these days."  Kyuhyun led Donghae into their room before closing the door, leaving Siwon standing alone in the middle of the room.  He stared at the door, feeling defeated.



"I miss you..."




A/N:  I'm already wondering how to progress the plot...  But I did give fair warning that I'd probably end up like this... Well, I've done some things to Wonkyu and threw in a bunch of drama-type-weird things...  Hopefully I didn't make it too convoluted or confusing.  And if you just want them to just end up together already, I'm sorry!  It's just that... they have a whole year to settle things, so why rush?  I'm the type to make them suffer in self-denial and pity before they get their happy ending.  :P  Well I hope this chapter ended up entertaining as well... ^^;


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Sikyu143 #1
Chapter 5: Need an update asap...T_T
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 5: awww this is so fluffy. i hope siwon realizes his feelings for kyu soon, that oblivious little idiot xD
Chapter 5: awwwhhhhhh this story is cute..
when kyu and hae spending a lot of time together make the 2 rest of man think about their true love..
and hyukjae is smart enough to confess to hae like that..
well now its time for siwon to realize his feelings..
well if siwon not confess his feelings to kyu sooner maybe hyukjae can smack his head for being so slow like that..
awwhhh thank u so much for this story author him gonna subscribe now ^^
Chapter 5: Siwon is so slow....and hyukkie is smart enough to realize his feeling...
Chapter 5: wow for the first time eunhyuk is really fast and siwon is really slow haha xD
hush_windy #6
Chapter 4: Aww, that's so sweet! ^^
Chapter 4: They really care about each other! ^^
I'm glad Kyu & hae got their senses back! Now the matchmaking part :D
Chapter 3: poor kyuhyun :(
and.. siwon too i guess
hush_windy #9
Chapter 3: I don't know whether to feel pity at Siwon or Kyuhyun. This chapter is so sad... TT_TT
Chapter 2: aww donghae so cute :)