
One Year

Siwon placed the last of the side dishes on the table, while everyone was already inhaling their food.  "So how was your first day, guys?"



"Okay, I guess."  Siwon chuckled.  Just like his friends to be completely apathetic about classes.

Eunhyuk continued complaining.  "There isn't a single hot girl I can approach in any of my classes.  And my teachers are all boring."

"Well, be glad they aren't dumb.  My bio prof has no idea what he's doing.  It's a miracle he has a job here."  Kyuhyun mumbled.

So for the rest of dinner the three boys just complained about their day.  Siwon mostly watched, save for a few comments here and there.  He only smiled and was glad they were all doing fine.  It was their first day of school, of course, at SM University.  They moved in to their shared apartment the weekend before and barely had time to get settled in before starting classes.  Siwon's classes ended a few hours earlier than the rest, so he prepared dinner.

They all thanked Siwon for making dinner, and Eunhyuk helped Donghae do the dishes.  Kyuhyun retreated to the room he shared with Donghae.  He sat at his desk and started a round of Starcraft.  From behind, Siwon s an arm around him, spreading warmth throughout Kyuhyun.

"No studying?"

"After a couple rounds, I'm super bored..."  Siwon chuckled again before going back to his own room (shared with Eunhyuk) to read.  Eunhyuk and Donghae had a good time finishing the dishes, and watched a movie together in the main room.  Soon afterward they did a little studying before finally getting ready to sleep.  Siwon tends to sleep shirtless, essentially showing off his sculpted chest and abs.  Eunhyuk merely rolled his eyes at the sight, while Donghae seriously pondered how he could obtain such a body.  Kyuhyun found the situation a strangely awkward for him and avoided Siwon.  Siwon was the only one proud enough to sleep topless, so the rest just changed into comfortable shirts to sleep in.  Donghae insisted on a nightlight being in the room before sleeping, however.  Kyuhyun made mental notes on how to prank him with his fear of the dark later on.  Soon, the apartment was silent, 'cept for the light snoring.

Their lives pretty much consisted of this.  Classes at school, talking and studying at home.  They had rather mediocre lives, for college boys anyways.  Nothing much happened for a little while.  They just happily went on from one day to the next.  That is, until sh*t happened.

Eunhyuk brought his first girlfriend of the school year home by the third week.  He happily introduced this girl, Tiffany, to the rest of the group.  His roommates all took the introductions very well.  They all became quick friends, and everything was fine.  Mostly.  After Hyuk had Fany, Hae seemed to feel more lonely.  He couldn't quite point his finger on the cause, he just felt like something was missing.  His mood slowly deteriorated on the inside, though he didn't show it to anyone.  He just kept on smiling to the rest of the world. 

Tiffany began visiting their place often over the days, since she was welcomed, for the most part.  Siwon was extremely nice to her, Donghae was mostly shy with her presense, and Kyuhyun just stayed in his room most of the time.  Of course, there would be awkward moments, like one of the three accidentally walking in on the couple making out in the kitchen or something.  It would get kinda weird, and they'd rush into their rooms as quickly as possible.  When Donghae saw them like that, it hurt for some reason.  He should've been happy his hyung was happy.  But something inside him kept on hurting at the thought.  But still, he never felt this way before, and he didn't know what to make of it.  He didn't dare speak of it to anyone else.  It was just a silly little thing that would blow over soon.  Right?  This feeling was bound to come if any of his friends got girlfriends.  He was so used to having them to himself, that he would be uncomfortable at first.  So this bad feeling is only temporary, right?

Wrong.  The feeling stuck to him like glue, and seemed to worsen.  He distanced himself from the couple, avoiding conversation or even eye contact as much as possible.  Kyu seemed to notice how Donghae was agitated.  He told himself he would take Hae out as much as possible whenever Eunhyuk was home with Tiffany. 

One day, the pair came home to find Siwon sitting in their room.  Confused, Kyuhyun asked him why he was sitting on his bed.

"Err, well," Siwon couldn't really find the right wording for this. "I got home a little while ago, and I heard Hyukkie and Fany in our room, and they sounded like they were... well... about to get it on."  He awkwardly scratched his nape while speaking.

"Oh."  Kyuhyun glanced to the side to see Donghae's eyes grow bigger by the second.  He almost started shaking at the thought.  Kyuhyun, thinking quickly, forced Donghae to bed to sleep, and barely put headphones on Hae before he could hear the sudden screams from across the apartment.  Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the whole situation while Siwon awkwardly cleared his throat.

The next day, Donghae was at his desk, studying.  The apartment was quiet, putting him a bit on edge.  He relaxed when he heard Kyuhyun come in.  But instead of changing clothes, Kyu walked over to Hae and told him to change clothes to go out.


"Just the park.  Let's go for a walk."  Puzzled at why Kyuhyun of all people would want to go out, he silently obeyed.  He put on a sweater and a scarf, and Kyuhyun lead him outside by the hand.

They walked a few blocks to the park in silence.  At the park, they strolled along a path of trees, hand in hand.  Donghae was amazed at how beautiful the colored leaves were.  The leaves gently rustled in the light breeze.  The shades of red, orange, and yellow really made it feel like autumn.  Kyuhyun noticed how his mouth was hanging agape and smiled at his goofy-looking hyung.  He knew this would cheer Donghae up, even if just a little bit.

Soon, Kyuhyun stopped Donghae in the middle of a clearing.  He just stood there, as if expecting something was happening.  After a few minutes, Donghae was getting anxious wondering what they were doing.


"Just wait.  At least a little longer."  And soon enough, a strong breeze blew by, causing the two to huddle closer for warmth.  Tucked against Kyuhyun, Donghae couldn't help but marvel at the resulting sight.  Leaves were falling everywhere in beautiful shades.  They lightly danced on their way to the ground, almost seeming to circle around the pair as they stood there.  They watched as the last of the leaves fell around them, dazzled at the sight.

"Wow...  That's amazing."

"Did you like it?  I heard it was gonna be a little windy today and that the leaves would start really falling.  I knew about this clearing from a while back, and-"  Kyuhyun was abruptly cut off when Donghae ran into him, hugging him with all he had.  Tears started falling from his eyes, and Kyuhyun gently wiped them away.  He let them stay in that position for a couple minutes, until Donghae finally broke away from the hug.  The tears still refused to dry, but he shakily smiled at Kyuhyun.


"Hey, it's okay.  No need to cry at this.  I just want to see you smile.  You've been down recently.  I don't want to intrude on what might be going on, but just remeber this.  We're all here for you.  Me, Siwon, Eunhyuk, we're all together.  Talk to us if something's up.  Because..."  Kyuhyun couldn't help but look away, turning a little red before continuing.  "We love you.  Got it?"  Donghae broke down again, falling into Kyuhyun's arms.  He loved Kyuhyun's nice, caring side.  He loved how he was one of the few people priveleged with Kyu's soft side.  He couldn't possibly tell Kyuhyun about his weird feelings about Eunhyuk and Tifanny, but he still couldn't be happier hearing those words.  He was reminded of how lucky he was to be blessed with the best friends in the world.  And they were all he needed to be happy.

Donghae quickly latched himself on to Kyuhyun to avoid Eunhyuk.  When Hyuk wasn't with Fany, he would notice how Donghae was always with Kyuhyun, and the two seemed to have a great time being together.  Siwon would join in sometimes, and the three would get along perfectly fine.  However, whenever Eunhyuk tried hanging out with Donghae, he would be met with a strange, unfamiliar awkwardness.  Donghae couldn't bring himself to face Eunhyuk quite yet.  He still felt some weird burning jealousy towards Tiffany, who had Eunhyuk's commitment for the time being.  He didn't know why he felt like that.  He felt that he had absolutely no right to feel that way about Hyuk.  So he decided to give himself time to sort his feelings, to calm down.  Soon, he would get over it and move on with life.  It wasn't like Eunhyuk was ditching him, he was still a best friend.  So Donghae decided hanging out with Kyuhyun and Siwon would let him forget about his overreaction towards the couple.  And it worked.  For the most part.

Eunhyuk wasn't about to accept the fact that Donghae was rejecting him.  He talked to both Kyuhyun and Siwon about it when Donghae wasn't around.  Siwon claimed to know nothing.  Kyuhyun said not to worry and that it was just a weird stage he was going through.  Eunhyuk accepted that statement, for now.  He decided to just let it go and give Donghae time.  Soon enough, everything would be back to normal.

Siwon walked into Kyuhyun's room when the two were home alone.  Donghae was staying late at school, and Eunhyuk was out with Tiffany again.  He noticed Kyuhyun was playing Starcraft as usual.  He gave Kyuhyun a gentle hug from behind, patiently waiting for Kyuhyun to finish his round.  The two sat in a comfortable silence until Kyuhyun finished.  When he was done, Siwon sat on the bed, and Kyuhyun turned in his chair to face his hyung.

"So, what was it that you wanted so badly that you had to wait for me to finish?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to talk for a bit.  In private."  Questions started rushing through Kyuhyun's head the instant Siwon finished his sentence.  Talk about what?  In private?  Is something wrong?  Does it involve us?  He stopped his thoughts when he noticed Siwon was looking at him expectantly, as if Siwon wanted permission to continue.  Kyuhyun cleared his throat before speaking.

"About what, exactly?  I'm listening, so spit it out."

"Well, I wanted to talk about... dating.  I know we've both had a few relatinships over the years, and I was thinking.  When is it time to really commit to a relationship?  We're getting closer to graduating from college.  I hear it's good to be in a serious relationship by then.  We've both been single for a while now.  I've been mostly happy, but the sudden thought of needing a girlfriend is stuck in my head.  I suddenly feel pressured to find that special someone.  When will fate bring me to that special person?  Ha... I probably sound really stupid right now.  I think seeing Eunhyuk with Tiffany is making me jealous of their happy relationship."  Kyuhyun watched him thoughtfully during his whole speech, and closed his eyes for a minute.  Hm... He has a point.  I should probably be with someone too, but I'm happy the way I am.  Life with these three is great.  And Siwon and I... we have everthing we need right now.  Why the sudden rush for a girlfriend?  He thought a little more, then finally spoke.

"I see your point, hyung.  But no need to rush.  Maybe you are just jealous of Eunhyuk.  I mean, a relationship is great, but we don't absolutely need to be in one right now.  I'm honesly happy the way we are right now.  We have each other, and we have a good life together.  Nothing is wrong at the moment.  I think we should just relax and let things unfold slowly.  God will bring us our soulmates when we are ready.  We will end up happy in the end.  Just believe in that hyung.  Just wait for that person to come along."  Siwon smiled, showing off his dimples.  Just like Kyuhyun to have random sage-like moments.  Siwon knew he was being silly, talking like that to Kyuhyun, but his dongsaeng handled it perfectly fine.  Sometimes, he felt like their maknae was the most mature of the four of them.  So he happily accepted the advice.  He would just enjoy life as it was, and wait for God to deliver his one true love.



Little did he know, his one true love already arrived.  A long time ago.



A/N:  Well then.  Starting to set the stage for our two expecting pairings.  A little shorter than I would've liked, but I think this chapter was satisfactory, especially for my first work ever.  So to summarize, Eunhae is off to a somewhat rough start.  And Wonkyu is being friendzoned.  And Kyuhyun is the one that makes everyone happy.  I'm great at this.  OTL

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Sikyu143 #1
Chapter 5: Need an update asap...T_T
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 5: awww this is so fluffy. i hope siwon realizes his feelings for kyu soon, that oblivious little idiot xD
Chapter 5: awwwhhhhhh this story is cute..
when kyu and hae spending a lot of time together make the 2 rest of man think about their true love..
and hyukjae is smart enough to confess to hae like that..
well now its time for siwon to realize his feelings..
well if siwon not confess his feelings to kyu sooner maybe hyukjae can smack his head for being so slow like that..
awwhhh thank u so much for this story author him gonna subscribe now ^^
Chapter 5: Siwon is so slow....and hyukkie is smart enough to realize his feeling...
Chapter 5: wow for the first time eunhyuk is really fast and siwon is really slow haha xD
hush_windy #6
Chapter 4: Aww, that's so sweet! ^^
Chapter 4: They really care about each other! ^^
I'm glad Kyu & hae got their senses back! Now the matchmaking part :D
Chapter 3: poor kyuhyun :(
and.. siwon too i guess
hush_windy #9
Chapter 3: I don't know whether to feel pity at Siwon or Kyuhyun. This chapter is so sad... TT_TT
Chapter 2: aww donghae so cute :)