
One Year

A/N:  Again, thank you for the continued support!  Personally, I'm really satsified with this chapter because of the feel-good ending ^^.  Anyways, please enjoy!



*knock knock*

"Who is it?"  Eunhyuk wasn't sure who could come visiting at this hour.  He was home alone, as everyone else had classes at the time.  He opened to door, still wondering who it could be.


"Sooyoung?  What are you doing here?  Siwon's not here right now.  He's still at class."

"I know that.  I actually wanted to talk to you for a bit."

"Me? Why?  Well first, come in and have something to drink."  He led her to the kitchen, and had her sit down.  While he was preparing a glass of water and some fruit to snack on, he asked her what she wanted to talk about.

"It's about Siwon oppa.  Recently he's been... different."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, isn't it obvious to you, his roommate?  He's definitely lost weight recently, and he looks stressed out whenever I meet him.  And when I try talking to him, he spaces out often.  Like something's constantly on his mind."  Eunhyuk couldn't deny any of that.  He too was aware of the changes happening to Siwon.  It's related to Kyuhyun, but how do I tell her that?

"It's Kyuhyun oppa isn't it?"  Eunhyuk's eyes popped out when he heard that.  Sooyoung sighed, taking the reaction as a sign of confirmation.

"I've had hints for a while.  When Siwon slept over last week, he kept on thrashing around in his sleep, and muttering something about Kyuhyun.  Whenever I asked how you guys were doing, he'd avoid the question, and his expression would darken if I ever asked about Kyuhyun oppa.  He's always claimed to consider you all his closest friends.  But with Kyuhyun, I think there's something more.  Something that Siwon's been denying for a really long time."

"I think so too.  He's different when it comes to Kyuhyun.  He's way more protective, and way more loving towards Kyuhyun.  So if what you say is true, what do you want to do about it?"

"Well, first, I want to try confirming all of this with Siwon.  In a subtle way.  If he can't get over Kyuhyun soon, I'm going to break up with him.  It seems harsh, but in reality, it'll be better for both of us.  It's been great being with Siwon for a month, but I can't possibly be an obstacle to true love.  It's not right.  We're in college.  We should be more mature now.  I should let Siwon be with who he really needs.  Hopefully Siwon will be able to open his eyes after I break up with him."

"...For the record, you are one ridiculously cool girl.  Not y at all like the others."  Sooyoung laughed softly.

"Thanks.  Well, I just wanted to tell you about this, because I'm genuinely worried about Siwon oppa.  I don't think I can tell Siwon oppa the real reason why I'm breaking up with him, so I want you to be there to support him, and possibly do something about Kyuhyun."  Eunhyuk nodded, still in awe at the maturity displayed by the girl in front of him.

"Yep. You can count on me."

"Thank you.  I have to leave now... class is going to start soon."

"Okay, see you later."


~About a week later~


"Kyunnie~ I'm hungry~"

"Sigh, we've only been studying for thirty minutes, and you're already complaining?"

"But its the cafe, how can we not eat at a cafe~?"

"Aish, fine!  Call the waiter over!"  Donghae squeaked with happiness as he beckoned a waiter over.  He ordered a slice of pizza to munch on while Kyuhyun got ice cream to nibble on.  They silently studied for another hour before packing their things up.  They both decided to have one last cup of coffee before leaving to go home for the night.

"Hey Kyuhyun..."


"Are we seriously going to keep this up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Avoiding Siwon and Eunhyuk?  Can't we just face them as friends?"


"It hurts for me to see Hyukkie, just as much as it hurts for you to see Wonnie, but I think we should stop this.  We're being too immature.  Why can't we just accept them back into our lives as friends?"

"..."  Kyuhyun's continued silence only urged Donghae to go on.

"If we can't get real love from them, we might as well continue our brotherly love... right?  Loving as a family is better than having nothing at all.  I miss them.  I miss being with them at home..."  Kyuhyun saw Donghae getting teary at the thought of the hyungs he missed so much.  Kyuhyun's heart clenched at the sight, and he started tearing up as well.

"O-Okay.  I'll try to accept them again.  As brothers.  We can still love each other, right?  Let's go.  Home."  Donghae smiled and nodded, and they stood up to leave.  Aish, leave it to Donghae to make things complicated.  But I guess he's right.  I can't avoid Siwon forever.  Not when I'm roommates with him.  This will only work for so long before something really happens to us.  Kyuhyun nodded.  He was determined.  He was determined to bring the relationship of the four boys back to the way it was only a couple months ago.  He would do it for the sake of all four of them.

Turns out Kyuhyun was more excited than he thought to start fresh with Siwon.  When they got home, Kyuhyun immediately went to see Siwon in his room.  However, Eunhyuk caught his arm before he could open the door.

"Wait!"  Eunhyuk hissed in a low whisper.

"What do you want!?"

"Let me talk to you."


"You like him, right?"

"...!"  The expression on Kyuhyun's face was answer enough to the question.

"Tsk.  I knew it.  Luckily Sooyoung knew it too."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean that Sooyoung broke up with Siwon a few days ago.  She knew about you liking him.  She didn't want to get in the way."

"..."  Kyuhyun didn't notice the small smile that crept up his face.  Sooyoung, you're the best.  Eunhyuk smirked at the maknae's face, and continued to talk.

"But Siwon's in turmoil right now.  He thinks that she broke up with him 'cause she got tired of him.  He thinks he has no one left.  You left, and now her.  He's getting more and more depressed now.  It's getting rough."  Kyuhyun nodded.

"Let me see him."

"..Are you sure?"


"...Okay then."

Kyuhyun slowly opened the door to find Siwon sleeping.  He looked closer to find his face frowning, and wet with tears.  Kyuhyun couldn't help but get teary himself at the sight.  He slowly climbed into bed behind Siwon and slowly wrapped his arms around the muscular body.  Sigh, how I wish I could do this forever...  Kyuhyun shook the thoughts out of his head as Siwon began to stir.

"Nnnghh... who..?"

"Shh.  It's me.."

"...Kyuhyun."  Kyuhyun felt Siwon's body tense up.  After a few minutes like that, he heard a soft sob, and tears fell on Kyuhyun's hands.  Kyuhyun subconsciously let some tears fall as well.

"S-Siwon... I'm sorry..."

"K-Kyuhyun... why..?"

"I-I-"  Siwon turned and hugged him back.  Kyuhyun fell silent, and the two only enjoyed their moment.

"It's fine... just... please... stay."  Kyuhyun could only nod as sleep took over the two of them.



Donghae and Eunhyuk watched a movie in the living room.  Without noticing, Donghae had snuggled up next to Eunhyuk on the couch.  Eunhyuk didn't mind the proximity and even draped an arm over Donghae's shoulder to pull him closer.  Donghae blushed, and he couldn't focus for the rest of the movie.  Eunhyuk wasn't really paying attention either, smiling to himself and enjoying their little moment.

After the movie, they got ready to go to sleep.  Eunhyuk noticed that Kyuhyun never left Siwon's room after going in.  Tch.  Those two.

"Hey, Donghae, mind if I sleep in your room tonight?"  Donghae instantly turned red at the question.


"Kyuhyun and Siwon are already in our room. So.. I think I might have to sleep in your room tonight.  That's fine, right?"

"Y-yeah, but-"  Eunhyuk opened the door to see the makeshift double bed in the middle of the room.  Ah... right.

"It's fine.  Come on, let's go to sleep."  Donghae's face was burning more than ever as he went on his side, and Eunhyuk went on his side.  Their bodies were mere inches away from each other, and Donghae couldn't handle the close proximity.

"Hey, calm down.  You're fidgeting.  Here."  Eunhyuk wrapped an arm around Donghae to keep him still.  Donghae couldn't remember another time he blushed so much.  He buried his face in the closest object to hide it:  that object happened to be Eunhyuk's chest.  Eunhyuk was pretty surprised himself, but he let Donghae stay like that.  He actually kinda liked their position.  They peacefully slept after a few minutes.

The four quickly became close again.  Everyone at school noticed they all looked bright as ever.  Siwon was back to his normal self, flashing his contagious dimpled smile.  Donghae was as adorable as ever, Kyuhyun was back to his snarky attitude, and Eunhyuk charismatically got the girls' attention.  The atmosphere of the whole school seemed to improve with the boys.

At home, Siwon was back to preparing dinner every night.  All four of them sat at the table, just like before.  They were all comfortable.  They were all happy.  Nothing could've gone wrong at that point.  The past was the past.  Kyuhyun and Donghae learned to get over it.

Thanksgiving week came, and the four all went home to their families for the break.  They were all glad to finally meet their families again, enjoying their private time, away from their friends.



He finished eating dinner at the family gathering.  He was happy to see everyone, and chatted the night away with relatives.  When they all left, he helped his parents and sister clean up a bit before excusing himself to his room.  Happy, but tired, he flopped onto bed, sinking into the soft mattress.  He replayed what had happened so far in his third year of college.  It was certainly more dramatic than the first two.  He then thought of his sister's odd question earlier that night, during the gathering.

"Hey, Hyukkie."


"So what are you thankful for?"


"Come on, it's Thanksgiving!  So what are you thankful for?"

"Um.. I dunno."  That earned him a playful smack on the arm and a bunch of teasing from his older sister.  She mocked how he was an ungrateful little boy and said that he shouldn't take things for granted.

Eunhyuk sighed and seriously pondered on the question.  What do I appreciate?  If I had to choose a generic answer, I'm thankful for my family.  I mean, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.  But to be compeletely serious, I'm thankful for Siwon, Donghae, and Kyuhyun.  These three have become my life more than anything.  And Donghae... He seems to pull me in more everyday.

He sighed and looked out his window, noticing the full moon.  So what I'm thankful for is...



He only had a nice dinner with his family, no extended members visiting.  He quietly ate while his parents and brother chatted away.  He smiled innocently and answered questions when asked.  The night was quiet and peaceful.  After dinner, he went to his room and sat at his desk.  It's Thanksgiving, so what am I thankful for?  I'm thankful for my family, of course.  I'm thankful to everyone that's brought me here.  But most of all, I'm thankful for those three.  They've brought me through two years of college, and then some.  I probably wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for them.  Donghae chuckled as he recalled a memory of Eunhyuk.

"Aish, how can I possibly do this?"  Eunhyuk was fuming, and Siwon and Kyuhyun only snickered at the sight.  Eunhyuk was pacing around in a pair of fluffy bunny ears and a tail to complete it.

"You lost the bet, so see it through."

"Hmph, fine whatever."  Eunhyuk set off to find a girl to display some cute bunny aegyo to.  Kyuhyun couldn't keep his giggling to himself as he saw the fluffy little tail bounce about on his friend's .  Donghae couldn't help but giggle as well.  Siwon only smiled as he saw the bunny march off.

"Well, serves him right.  Claiming to be able to outlast our Kyuhyun in drinking."

Donghae let out a breath and smiled.  He looked out his window, to see the full moon.  So what I'm thankful for is...



He ate dinner with his family, talking merrily about school and whatnot.  He recalled as little as he could of the bad memories.  After eating, he went out with his sister Ahra to drink a little before taking a walk at the park.  They drank and laughed a little more.  They stopped themselves before they started to feel even the slightest bit tipsy.  It wasn't the best night to get drunk.  They walked along an avenue of trees at the park.  Kyuhyun sighed in delight, remembering the clearing near the school.  Ahra looked at him questioningly, wondering why he was so happy.

"What is it, oppa?"

"I'm just thankful."

"For what?"

"Yah, do I need a reason to be thankful?  It's Thanksgiving!  I'm thankful for everything!"

"Come on, oppa~  Something specific!"  Kyuhyun smiled lightly as he walked along.

"I guess I'm thankful for..."

For my idiotic, ridiculous, loving hyungs.  They've given me more memories these last few years than in any other part of my life.  Without you guys, what the hell would I be doing with my life right now?  I shudder to think of what might've happened to me.

He looked up to the full moon, through the falling leaves.  So what I'm thankful for is...



He was attending a Thanksgiving party hosted by his parents.  His father, the CEO of Choi Industries, has invited many high-class people to visit the grand Choi estate.   Siwon was introduced to many people as the heir to the company.  Siwon wasn't sure if he really wanted to inherit the company or not, but nonetheless the handsome man was all smiles to the guests.  When left alone, he would find himself surrounded by young women attempting to seduce him into a little action.  He nervously laughed before he noticed his sister Jiwon beckoning him over.  Together, they went upstairs and out to a quiet balcony.  There was a cool breeze, and the two sat together at the table.  Siwon sat back and gave a hugh sigh of relief, glad he was away from the hustle and bustle downstairs.

"I thought you were feeling a little stuffy down there, oppa."

"Yeah, thanks for bailing me out.  It's so... peaceful now."

"You should be thankful to have so many opportunities ahead of you, being the son of a CEO."

"I guess.  But there's much more to be thankful for."

"Oh?  And what would that be?

My friends.  At school.  They are more important to me than becoming some CEO.  Without them, being rich, being powerful, it all means nothing.  My friends are what I really love in this life.  I wonder what I did to deserve such amazing people.  But I won't question it.  I will gladly accept what I am given.  Because I don't think I could've gotten anything better.

He huddled up against the cold breeze, and looked up at the full moon.  So what I'm thankful for is...








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Sikyu143 #1
Chapter 5: Need an update asap...T_T
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 5: awww this is so fluffy. i hope siwon realizes his feelings for kyu soon, that oblivious little idiot xD
Chapter 5: awwwhhhhhh this story is cute..
when kyu and hae spending a lot of time together make the 2 rest of man think about their true love..
and hyukjae is smart enough to confess to hae like that..
well now its time for siwon to realize his feelings..
well if siwon not confess his feelings to kyu sooner maybe hyukjae can smack his head for being so slow like that..
awwhhh thank u so much for this story author him gonna subscribe now ^^
Chapter 5: Siwon is so slow....and hyukkie is smart enough to realize his feeling...
Chapter 5: wow for the first time eunhyuk is really fast and siwon is really slow haha xD
hush_windy #6
Chapter 4: Aww, that's so sweet! ^^
Chapter 4: They really care about each other! ^^
I'm glad Kyu & hae got their senses back! Now the matchmaking part :D
Chapter 3: poor kyuhyun :(
and.. siwon too i guess
hush_windy #9
Chapter 3: I don't know whether to feel pity at Siwon or Kyuhyun. This chapter is so sad... TT_TT
Chapter 2: aww donghae so cute :)