I Miss You

My Name Is Kim Heechul

Heechul toyed with his phone, staring at Kyuhyun who was his current background, pursuing his lips in thought.

It wouldn't hurt to text him now. Kyuhyun would be asleep by now.

Heechul clicked on the maknae's icon on his phone and typed him a message.

Kyuu~ bogoshippeo~

And hit send. 

It was very late in America, Kyuhyun wouldn't get the text until morning. Heechul pouted at his screen.

He hated being at the dorm while s were touring another country. Stupid military service.

He jolted when his phone began ringing.

Thoughtlessly he picked it back up from where he'd dropped it and answered the call.

"Hee~ I miss you too,"

Heechul grinned. "You shouldn't lie maknae, it's bad."

"You really think I'd call you back at this hour if I didn't? It's 2am...and I miss you so much,"

"Maknae should be sleeping," Heechul murmured.

"Exactly. I should be sleeping," Heechul heard a yawn. "But instead I'm calling you back because you're probably pouting ant acting like a whiny baby at your phone screen,"

"Don't flatter yourself Kyu. Go to sleep if you're tired,"

Kyuhyun made snoring sounds into the phone. Heechul rolled his eyes.

"Go to sleep maknae."

The snoring sounds got louder.

"Shut up and go to sleep."


"My Kyu must want something then," Heechul said.


"What's that then?"


Heechul paused, staring at his ceiling. "Me?"

"...Want you...want you here, next to me....want you to hold me...I miss you Hee,"

Heechul sighed. "Kyu are you crying?"

"No," The maknae denied, but his voice betrayed him.

Heechul got up and slid onto his balconey to look up at the sky. "Kyu-ah, I miss you too."

He heard a sigh from the younger. "Can't sleep. Need you here,"

"Pretend that I am," Heechul said. "You can keep the call going all night so you can hear me like I'm next you,"

"Mmm, sounds nice, but it's not the same." Kyuhyun murmured. "Hee~~~ I need you~"

Heechul chuckled. "Really?"


"You're cute when you're tired." Heechul grinned. "But only when you're tired."

Kyuhyun chuckled. "You love me,"

Heechul hummed in response. "That I do. How is my Kyu doing without me?"

"Terrible what do you expect?"

Heechul chuckeld softly.

"Seriously." He said.

"I'm alright I guess, I miss you and unfortunately that's kind of all I'm thinking about so...that's not good," Kyuhyun chuckled.

"Yah don't slack off," Heechul said. "Don't forget you're a member of Super Junior."

"I know I know don't get all serious on me,"

"I'd rather get another kind of on you," Heechul smirked.


Heechul chuckled.

"Yah Heechul, how have you been?"

"So-so. I can't complain, no one's here to listen," Heechul responded with a small smirk. "Everything's fine except for missing a certain maknae,"


"Yeah, because I love him more than life and I wish he'd come home so I could hold him in my arms always and kiss him until he was breathless because I miss him so much and want him with me all the time," Heechul said.

"Sounds like quite the maknae," Kyuhyun said.

"Oh he is. I caught the performance today by the way,"

"Oh yeah?"

"Mm. I liked your solo,"

"Aigoo you watched my solo? You know I always get so self-concious when I know you're listening to my singing."

"I can't udnerstand why," Heechul said. "It's not like your voice isn't amazing and I'd die to hear it or anything."

"You're making me blush, stop it."

Heechul smirked. "You love my sweet-talking,"

"Ah that's true. You do it so rarely see,"

"You know I love you, why show it more than I have to?"

"I do know you love me. After all your pretty speeches about it how could I not?" Kyuhyun chuckled.

"You love my pretty speeches. They're the only thing I seem to be able to do,"

"I know you have problems expressing yourself, so if you're able to make the pretty speeches you don't have to do the cheesy actions that go with it. It's fine with me,"

Heechul frowned. "You'd like me to though. I'd like me to. I want to do those things for you, but..."

"I know. I know Heechul. It's fine, I know what's in your heart, you don 't need to say anything more." Kyuhyun gave a small chuckle. "After all I'm so luck to be loved by a diva,"

"I don't know, a lot of people would say a diva's love is a curse," Heechul chuckled.

"Who cares what they think?"

Heechul smiled.

"You should sleep now. It's getting later,"

Kyuhyun yawned. "Yeah I guess."

"When you get home, I'm going to take you out."


"Whever you want. I want to spoil you. Anything you want it's yours,"

Kyuhyun chuckled. "You're good to me."

"I've made mistakes in the past with people that mean a lot to me, I don't intend to make the same ones with you."

"You're talking about Hankyung."

"My only crime with you will be loving too much, it's better than loving too little. I won't let you go the same way as Hannie. Now shh, no more talk of that, go to sleep. Put the phone on speaker and put it next to you, that way I'll be with you during the night."

Kyuhyun did just that, listening to the breathing of Heechul as he settled down into the blankets of his hotel bed.

"Good night Hee. I love you," Kyuhyun murmured closing his eyes.

"Sweet dreams my Kyu. I love you too."

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Andrina27 #1
Chapter 9: Lol ~> completely off topic, but that phone bill is gonna be Hella high ;)
Chapter 8: Well, I for my part really want to know what happens at the party, ooh >.<
samirajoon #3
Chapter 10: perfect and so cool dear
samirajoon #4
Chapter 9: ewww so much sweet talking
samirajoon #5
Chapter 8: yeah.good idea
samirajoon #6
Chapter 7: how late.it's saddening
samirajoon #7
Chapter 5: no.how could you?
samirajoon #8
Chapter 4: yeah hot hot hot
samirajoon #9
Chapter 3: hee waiting there for best opportunity of stealing kiss from others
samirajoon #10
Chapter 2: so fun...i like it