I Have A Twin Brother? (Hiatus)

Hello fellow readers and subscribers! I sincerely apologize for not updating the story lately. To be honest, I ran out of ideas already... Plus the stress from college is making my writer's block worse. So unfortunately, I'll have to put this story on hiatus for now... But I promise you the story won't end here. For the meantime, I'll be giving you guys another story I've been working on for almost a year now. It's not yet finished, but I feel like I should share it so I would be pressured to finish it (woohoo). I'll be uploading it in awhile, so please check it out and support it! :) Again, thank you guys so much for supporting this story and please continue giving it lots of love! Love you all! <3

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melanielebris95 #1
Chapter 9: Une suite s'il te plait cette histoire est geniale
Archenangel #2
Chapter 9: Please update:) it's really interesting
Nachtice #3
Chapter 8: Please update again because I am lovin this story!!
Chapter 8: nice one update soon plss
Chapter 7: pls update
buksooho #6
Chapter 3: this is meaningfull so dont say that, i love this ff more and more keep it going please <3
Chapter 6: aww jongin and taemin so cute be brothers~~~ anyway great job author *thumb up ^_^
buksooho #8
Chapter 2: i love this !!!!