The First Encounter

I Have A Twin Brother? (Hiatus)

"Mr. Lee. Would you like to tell me what I saw in the newspaper this morning?"

Taemin was in the principal's office. Apparently, there was a recent hold-upping in one of the grocery stores. One of the people in the grocery was able to take a picture of the hold-uppers, and one of them looked exactly like Taemin.

"Sir, I swear, I didn't do anything," said Taemin.

"Then please explain why your face can be seen in the headlines of the newspaper," said the principal impatiently. Taemin became quiet, not knowing what to say. "I thought so." The principal stood up from his chair and stood beside the window. "Taemin, come over here." Taemin stood up and stood beside the principal.

"Yes sir?" asked Taemin. The principal pointed outside.

"Don't you think the school yard is pretty dirty?" the principal asked. Taemin gulped -- he knew where this was going.

"I-It looks fine to me, sir," said Taemin nervously.

"Mr. Lee. I want you to make sure that the school yard will be clean before 7 PM. Do I make myself clear?" Taemin nodded sadly.

"Yes sir..."


"Finally... I'm DONE."

Taemin finally finished cleaning the school yard, and it was already 6:15 PM. Taemin wanted to get something before he went home, so he decided to drop by the same milk tea shop he went to yesterday. When he got to the entrance, he noticed that nobody was moving, and everybody was under the tables.

"What are they doing?" said Taemin, scratching his head. Apparently, his love for milk tea was greater than his concern for the people, and so he shrugged it off and walked in.

When he walked in, he then realized what was happening. The shop was being held-up. Taemin froze. Oh geez... Why did I have to get caught up in all of this? The men were in the far end, trying to rob the kitchen area. This was his chance to get out of the store. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle, somebody grabbed him and brought him behind the counter. Taemin's heart started racing wildly, thinking that this was it for him, when his heart almost stopped. It was the guy his friends were telling him about. Taemin lost it.

"I-It's you!!! You're the mfff--" Jongin covered Taemin's mouth with his hand.

"Just shut up," he whispered. He peeked over the counter. "Next time, when you see a store being held up, don't go in." Jongin went back down and uncovered his mouth.

"You... You're the guy who my friends were talking about," said Taemin. Jongin looked at him curiously.

"You're Taemin, aren't you?" said Jongin.

"How did you know...?"

"You're noisy friends came over to my alley to let me meet you," said Jongin flatly. "Wonder why."

"Wonder why?" repeated Taemin. "Do you not see our faces?"

"Yeah. We look similar, in a way," said Jongin, looking over the counter again. "Why?" Taemin stared at him.

"Really. That's all you have to say." Jongin sighed impatiently and sat down beside him.

"Ok. I admit, it is kind of freaky. I don't know you, you don't know me, yet we look like twins or something. But I can't freak out right now or we'll get caught," Jongin hissed. "Happy now?" Taemin stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Do you even know what I had to go through because of you?" hissed Taemin. Jongin stared at him curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"You know that grocery you and your 'friends' robbed? Apparently, somebody took a picture of you guys while you were at it, and everybody thought that it was me." Jongin looked at him and snickered.

"Really? That's funny," he said as he laughed. Taemin turned red.

"No it's NOT! Do you reali--" Jongin immediately covered his mouth.

"Yah. Where are you, Jongin?" Taemin's eyes widened. "Jongin!" So his name's Jongin, huh, Taemin thought.

"Keep. QUIET," mouthed Jongin. Taemin nodded slowly, and Jongin crawled out of their hiding place.

"Yah," called out Jongin. "What do you want?"

"What were you doing?" asked the guy suspiciously.

"I was just busy terrifying the hostages, trying to see if they have any pocket money," said Jongin as he shrugged. "No big deal."  The guy scoffed.

"Just because you're Master's favorite doesn't mean you can do anything you want to do," said the guy, sneering. Suddenly, there was another voice coming from the kitchen.

"Yah! You! I told you to come and help us!" The guy frowned and gave Jongin a glare before he disappeared into the kitchen again. When the guy went back inside the kitchen, Jongin went back to Taemin behind the counter.

"C'mon, let's go," said Jongin, grabbing Taemin by the arm and propelling him out the door.

"Wh-Where are we going?" asked Taemin as he and Jongin exited the door.

"Somewhere else," said Jongin as he looked around. "If they catch you here, they'll kill you."


WHEEEEEEE THIRD CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP! :D Yes, I know said last time that I would give an update almost every week or something, but lately I've been having writer's block and school's been really hard on me. I'm sorryyyy T.T I'll try my best to update regularly from now on. Oh, and I mentioned that I had new stories. I actually have one in mind, but I'm not really sure about it yet.

And yes, I will try to make my chapters longer and more meaningful. T.T


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melanielebris95 #1
Chapter 9: Une suite s'il te plait cette histoire est geniale
Archenangel #2
Chapter 9: Please update:) it's really interesting
Nachtice #3
Chapter 8: Please update again because I am lovin this story!!
Chapter 8: nice one update soon plss
Chapter 7: pls update
buksooho #6
Chapter 3: this is meaningfull so dont say that, i love this ff more and more keep it going please <3
Chapter 6: aww jongin and taemin so cute be brothers~~~ anyway great job author *thumb up ^_^
buksooho #8
Chapter 2: i love this !!!!