I Love You

Our Blind Arrangedmarriage

Morning came

I opened my eyes and as usual I was in Sehun’s embrace. I looked up to see his perfect face. And I sighed, I started to understand his feeling, how he felt, how he lived without his mother and how he felt living in his mother’s pain… Last night I stayed late just to read the diary. I was not sure if it’s a fake or not but I felt I could believe what written in the diary. Well, I cried because of some parts though.

I haven’t never thought that his daddy could be a person like that and not even thought about how cruel his step mother was. I reached my hand to touch his scar on his cheek. I felt hurt just to feel it. I wonder how the scar set on his face.  Why it made me feel upset every time I saw it? It’s just a scar, right?

“You love my face that much?” Sehun asked with his husky voice without open his eyes. I took back my hand and felt embarrassed.

“It’s about different thing…”

“How? And what about?” He asked looking down at me. I blinked my eyes.

“Hurt…upset…with your scar…” I said unsurely.

“Here?” He asked pointing to his cheek. I nodded.

“How did you get it?” I asked. He stared at me and I felt he tightened his arms around me. That I could feel he was nervous. My cheek started to burn. Well, my body was extremely close to his.

“It happened on the first day that witch came into my house…”



“Sehun sshi, Master wants to meet you in the living room” A maid informed the boy in front of his room. Twelve year old Sehun sighed and walked out of his room into the living room. He found his father and a woman with two boys around his age.

“Here, let me introduce. Auntie Nara, she’ll live in this house from now on, we’re just married yesterday. And your new brothers, Taejun and Taejin. They’re your dangsaeng. Sorry that we didn’t tell you about our marriage because we think you don’t want to go either…”

“Why? Why would you married again?” Sehun asked coldly. It was too cold for his age but his past about his mother somehow made him become like that. Two other boys looked at him with fear. Mr. Oh frowned hearing his son said that.

“Sehun, behave. First, you should say hello to your omma and your brothers” Mr. Oh raised his voice. Sehun didn’t say anything but gave them his cold glare. Two other boys moved closer to their mother.

“It’s fine, yeobo. Hello, cutie, I’m your omma now…” Mrs. Nara said sweetly. But for Sehun it was like a loud noise to his ear.

“I have only one omma and you’re not her!” Sehun said and ran back to his room with his tears. And he didn’t come down for dinner either.



At night around 10, Sehun came out of his room and headed toward the kitchen to find something to drink. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

“Hyung…” A little voice came from behind as Sehun was pouring the water in the glass. Sehun turned to look and found his new brother, Taejun standing behind him. Sehun quickly turned back to his glass and drank the water.

“Do you hate me?” Taejun asked innocently. Sehun paused and then turned to Taejun.

“I have no reason to like you…”


“Don’t ever talk to me again” Sehun said and put the bottle into the fridge back and when he turned around he met a pair of cold eyes of Mrs. Nara, his stepmother.

“We’re not going to talk to you either” She said coldly. Sehun stared at her with his stubborn eyes.

“Jun-ah, go to your room and rest. Tomorrow you’ll go to see your new school” She said sweetly to her son. Taejun walked away with his head low and Mrs. Nara turned to look at Sehun who was putting the glass in its place.

“Don’t you think you should put on an act to be safe? I know…you know how will I treat you as same as you treat us…so be nice or suffer” She said with a firm tone walking to grab a glass which Sehun just used.

“You’re like this breakable glass… what will happen if I drop it down?...” She asked with a smirk. Sehun was dumbfounded with her sentence.

“Wanna start the game?” She asked and dropped the glass. A loud sound echoed the room.

“What’s going down there?!” And Mr. Oh came running into the dining room quickly to see what just happened.

And not in Sehun’s imagination, Mrs. Nara dropped herself to the floor on the broken glass and started to fake a cry.

“I’m sorry Sehun-ah. I didn’t mean to marry your father and make you hurt but at least let me take care of you like my own son…” She cried pleading. Sehun frowned deeply stepping back didn’t know what to do. He could never think that she could do something crazy like that. Mr. Oh rushed toward his wife and found her feet were bleeding.

“What did you do to her, Sehun?!” Mr. Oh yelled after he put Mrs. Nara on a chair.

“I didn’t…”

“Yeobo, don’t blame him. He must feeling bad about our marriage…” She said sadly. Well, fake, correctly.

“I…” Sehun kept shaking his head trying to tell his father the truth. Mr. Oh’s face turned red by anger and suddenly he rushed toward Sehun and slapped his son hard made Sehun’s skinny body stumbled back a few steps. And meanwhile, some tiny pieces of glass on Mr. Oh’s palm when he tried to take them from Mrs. Nara’s feet crushed onto Sehun’s flawless face and made him bleed. Mr. Oh widened his eyes and stared at his palm feeling guilt. Sehun clenched his fists tight glaring at his father angrily.

“Yeobo, Sehun is bleeding!” Mrs. Nara shouted pretending to run to Sehun but Sehun ran away to his room. Mr. Oh closed his eyes trying to calm himself down. He then looked at his bleeding palm again. He hurt his son?

Sehun slammed the door shut and dropped his body crying hard didn’t care about his bleeding cheek.

End of flashback

Sehun’s eyes were teary but he didn’t let his tears to fall down at all. I sighed reaching my hand to touch his scar.

“It’s fine to cry… I lend you my shoulder…”I said quietly. He stared down at me and hugged me tighter and cried softly on my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until Sehun let me go and went into the bathroom without saying a word. Then I sat on the couch with the diary on my hands and continued where I stopped last night.



I got a message from my husband that he would be late tonight. Sehunnie said that he wanted to tell his daddy about his grade. Well, he got first place again and his daddy promised to give him a gift if he got the top grade. And as expected he really got it. But his daddy broke his promise again like last year…Sehun must be sad now. He’s sleeping with his certificate in his arm.



I instead of my husband, taking Sehun to the toys store to buy him gift. My husband didn’t come back last night.

After bought a toy we went to eat something in the restaurant and there he was...with a woman. I was not surprised at all. I already knew their relationship. She was his secretary and she’s one of my friend. However, it was like dying seeing my husband with other woman and that woman was my friend. I really wanted to run to them but Sehunnie was eating happily beside me so I just tried to calm down and messaged him instead to tell him to go out quickly before our son could see them. 



 He finally came back home. I was sure that Sehun was studying in his room and we talked in our room. I was used to it. We got married because our parent and he never loved me at all… that’s the reason…


My tears started to fall down. I clenched onto the book tight. With that I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I looked up and closed the book. They were married by their parent and Appa didn’t love omma even a bit. Just like us, I and Sehun were married by arrangement. 

“You’re thinking about our arrnagemarriage? Dad married omma because of business and now we’re married because of them again. Just like them, right? But I’m telling you, I’ll not make that history again. I’m not dad, I’m not going to hurt you like he did to omma…” Sehun said softly. I looked up and stared into Sehun’s eyes. He was not kidding. He was so serious. I could feel it. And deep inside, I was very happy.

“But…why your mother still stayed calm and suffer for years?” I asked wiping my tears away.

“Although it was an arrangedmarraige, omma loved dad very much and also she thought about me…a lot…” Sehun said lowly like he was about to cry. I nodded.

“If I were her, I would divorce…”

“But I was not dad…”

“That’s the point. Omma loved appa, but I don’t love you and you don’t love…Opps!” I was cut off as he kissed me before I finish my sentence. My eyes were wide at first and then I closed them and kissed him back. My mouth said that I don’t love him but I really enjoy the kiss. Sometime I didn’t understand myself.

Sehun released my lips when we were out of breath.

“I said I’ll not make the same history. I’m not dad and you’re not going to feel the same feeling as omma…who said I don’t love you?” He said staring into my eyes. I blushed hard and my cheeks heated up.

“I was trying to love you and now…I think… I love you…” Wait….what? My jaw dropped as I was dumbfounded with his confession.

“Why so shock? Husband can’t love his wife?” He asked playfully. I was still shock. He chuckled pushing my chin up.

“A fly just flies into your mouth”

“What?...what did you just say?”

“A fly…”

“No! No! Before that”

“Why so….”

“Not that one too”

“I love you” He said with a smile and dropped his lips to mine again. Well, I found he loved to kiss me. I pushed Sehun and stared at him. He looked at me innocently.

“Are…you…serious…?” I asked unsurely. He smiled cupping my face.

“And I have to repeat again…can’t a husband love his wife? Yes, I love you, Brat” He said and hugged me. It was like he was shy too. I didn’t know what to do. It was very fast. I didn’t know how to react.

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well, thank again to my lovely readers. Thank million thank for reading, commenting and voting :)


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Chapter 52: Re reading this story, really love it. <3
Chapter 61: Omg aaaa so cute.. but i cannot stand baek being cool hahaha well.. i love this story. Great..
Chapter 61: Another good cute and interesting story..thank you for writing it..finished it in one day too..
Looks Good (:
Superlike your story authornim :-D
dhruva1611 #6
Chapter 61: Yeayyyy Happy ending...
Chapter 61: Absolutey beautiful! My favourite arranged marriage fanfic so far. Wish you all the best with your future work Authornim!!!
murnilan_98 #8
Chapter 42: What do you mean it's a fail??..it's not...that's what you call innocent s*x....i like it.
murnilan_98 #9
Chapter 41: Geez.....i have been reading this for the fifteen time.....this is to amazing........