
Changing Evolution

*I see the back of this person. Just one little person standing in an empty field. A field that is empty yet filled with so much. I can see all these things from high above, just looking down. 

My attention leaves this lone person standing in the field and focuses on the surrounding. Clear blue sky scattered with wisps of white clouds. The blades of the grass which, appear to be at least two feet high, sway in the light breeze. This swaying motion of the grass looks something like an ocean. An ocean of grass. Even though I'm not moving, and neither is the figure bellow, it feels as if this motion is pulling and spinning me. 

Then I suddenly realize that I am moving, drifting. The sensation of this kind of movement in the air continues to spin me all around inside. I realize that I'm drifting down, closer to the person. Realizing that I'm not in control of this movement, I look down to see myself. Only to see nothing there.

There's nothing...there. Weird. Hmm.

Still, I'm just drifting down. Coming closer to this still figure. Being able to define more of her. Yes, this person is a girl. Long hair flowing in the wind as the light, white material floats and wraps around her. I come close enough to smell her hair. A quick waft of air. Just as I am familiar with the scent and begin to move farther behind her.

Wait, where am I going? 

Suddenly, the peaceful and serene feeling I had only a second ago leaves. Replaced with the complete opposite. A very unsettling feeling. Right away I worry for this girl alone as the blue sky starts to darken and the wind becomes violent. 

The scenery starts to change as well. Changing to something out of a war movie. The grass that was once green and flowing are now brown and black from the fire devouring them. Now the girl is no longer alone. No, there are still bodies around her and beyond. 

I float back down to her but don't stop behind her. I move right past her, not too much farther. Then I turn and see this world behind her spin. That...it's...she's me, but different. That scar on her cheek, I remember that. It's faint on her face but I'd know it anywhere. 

But this around her left arm. Scorched and covered with lines of black ink like a mesh sleeve. That, I do not remember. I don't have that. My attention leaves these physical things and returns to her face. A face dark and grave as it stares out in to this field of chaos. 

Other figures slowly start to appear but are blurred in my vision. My being drifts back to get a wider view of them. The blurriness begins to fade and their faces shown to me. The one immediately to my right is familiar, giving me a sense of safety among this horrid field. Even though his face is as grave as mine, if not more, I am happy to see him which is...odd to say the least.

The others in line with me. I don't know who they are. There are several of them. At least three dozen with the same expressions. I see his mouth move, the one to my right. I, well my figure, nods her head. A glint in her eye appears as I see him grab a hold of her hand. 

What is this? What's going on? Where are we? *

A whisper is in my head. A voice calling to me.



A/N: wait for me my friends...i'm putting up the next chapter today...this one was running a bit long (almost 2000 words!!!) for what it was meant to be, a dream :/

well anyways, i hope this was mysterious for you all...what do ya'll think this is all about???

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