Say Yes

Shots Collection

A lazy Sunday afternoon. The weather is quite chilly outside, so it is better to stay inside. With a  cup of hot herb tea to make you warm. An opened magazine on one side of the sofa showing a page of DIY nail art that has been tempting a humming Dara since yesterday. She decided to try the page herself rather than eating another piece of cake Chaerin gave her.

There is another temptation though. A certain man who keeps passing in front of -sometimes behind- her in every minute. She didn’t bother to ask why, because it seems like he is in a very foul mood, and she didn’t intend to make it worse.

‘Maybe he just need to walk it off or something’, so she thought. Dara slowly lay her sprawled left hand next to her thigh, waiting for her nails to dry. She pulls her knees up, reading the next article with the help of her right hand. She suddenly felt a familiar exta weight filling the other side of the couch. “Are you going to watch the drama with me?” she ask, glancing towards her sour boyfriend. Earning a muttered maybe, she diverse her attention back to the magazine, “pizza will be here in 20 minutes I guess, I got your favorite”

She felt her left hand is being lifted, moved to firmer surface, which she guessed, is her boyfriend’s thigh. “Youngbae don’t ruin my nails please” he sighs hearing it. She can feel that he is rubbing her fingers, trying not to touch any area close to her nails. She smiles, thinking of Youngbae’s face that she bet to herself, is pouting so handsomely. A cold sensation on her finger cuts her thought about him, she looks up to Youngbae’s face. He’s biting his lip in order to focus, so she trailshis sight, which stopped at her hand. He is still trying to slip a ring into her finger without actually ruining the newly painted nails of her.

“A-Are you-“ she suddenly realize.

“Sandara, will you..wait, no. I mean, are you willing to be my wife?” Youngbae finishes his almost-impossible task, and faces her with a crimson shade spreading from ear to ear.

“YES YES OH MY GOD YES I’D LOVE TO!” she jumped into his arm, not even bothering about her nails. “I didn’t ruin your nails” he chuckled, taking her hand, kissing her fingers and laughed, “you ruined it yourself!”

“YAH! Don’t ruin the moment!” she slapped his arm.

“I  love you” he muttered, bringing her head closer to hers, “I love you too” she gently closes the distance between them, smiling as her lips meet his. 

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ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #1
Chapter 2: Hahaha. Cute! Jiyong Oppa is going to get really red face when Chaerin Unnie get at his apartment. Hahaha. #RedFace
cipluk #2
Chapter 2: the skydragon os so cuuuute !!
I like this sweet , silly , chapter .
I'll wait for more skydragon chapters , so please make it good , soon , and long :)

Thank you !!
bb2ne1fanjj #3
Chapter 4: Darayang is love!
Chapter 4: please update baby time authornim... please pleasee :(
haneul024 #5
Chapter 3: Topbom story cute♥♥♥♥
fauxreality #6
Chapter 2: Pls make a topbom story! :)
Chapter 2: Oh my jiyong is adorably cute! I have a blushing-embarassed jiyong pictured in mind like a cute boy or boyfriend in a romantic manga or anime. Those reddish tint on his face while trying to get away from his crush is so cute. And i swear i have a vivid imagination about that scene.
chaerish #8
Chapter 2: This is adorable! I loved the callback, such a great idea:) Of course for Skydragon, there are so many moments to choose from;) Can't wait to read more.
k3gdclskydragon #9
Chapter 2: Skydragon so cute!! hehe
bluebell #10
Chapter 2: That's so sweet of him!