Chapter 11

A New Beginning at 26

Betrayal came to her with a crushing feeling of desolation.  The truth was slowly breaking her apart into little pieces, crumbling every trust she had in her being.  She could feel her stomach come up to , choking the life out of her.  She could not understand how the one person she held on to in her worst moments was the very person who plunged her into despair.


“Was anything ever real?” she asked herself.


She walked back to the villa in complete confusion.  It was as if the world is spinning around in a fast pace while she remained still in the middle of it all.  Everything was moving too quickly…too quickly for her to comprehend what went on and how it went without her knowing.  Come to think of it, this means she was lied to by Chansung most of her life.


She wanted to ask why and how her precious Chansung could have done what he did.  But in her heart she already knows…it was out of love.  Selfish…but still…it was because he loved her that much.  Not that it helps to numb the pain, but still it gives her hope that it might one day.


She entered their room to retrieve Taecyeon’s gift, the little time machine he handed her on the beach in hopes that it could somehow give her the clarity she seeks for.  She took the book in her hand and sits on the floor as she leaned on the foot of the bed, turning one page after another.  Old pictures of her and Taecyeon from when they were kids.  She smiles as each picture brings back stories from years ago.  It once again reminded her of what she never really forgot … that Taecyeon was an important part of her life ever since they were little, even when he was gone, even until now that he came to her life.


At the end of the book was a letter addressed to her and she began to read every word.


Dearest Snuggles,

I have no idea how to start this letter for you.  I have so much to say, so much to tell, so much to whine and complain to you about, a lot of things to blame you for, a lot of regrets I need to voice out and apologies I need to give you.  It all accumulated during the years we have been apart.  But somehow, I do not know where to begin.  So, I guess I should start it with I MISS YOU.

Have you scanned through all the pictures in this book?  Doesn’t it just take you back to those moments like a time machine would?  It always did the trick for me.  So, I wanted to share that magic with you too.  Remember how we use to make each other laugh?  It used to be so easy for us.  We’d look at each other and knew exactly what the other was thinking.  I have always considered those times with you as one of the happiest moments in my life.  So imagine how much I have changed when I lost you.

It came to me one night as I was looking at a picture of us on top of them monkey bars holding each other’s hands, I wish I could have done things differently and I am forever sorry that I didn’t.  I realized I have lost you so easily without much of a fight.  I guess, back then I wasn’t man enough to just throw away my pride and run after you despite what I knew.  In fact, I should have trusted you and you should have trusted me too.  If we did, maybe we could have saved the relationship that we once had.  And then I thought, it’s still not too late.  So I decided to do just that.

We’ve been lied to, you and I both, by someone we trust the most.  I feel like I needed to tell you, I think you need to know.  Not so you could hate Chansung.  Not so you could forgive me easily and get us back to how we once were.  I know it won’t be that easy.  But I just thought you need to know the truth because you deserve to know, just as I did a few months ago.

Just as you need to know that I never thought of you as a nuisance to my new life as you were told.  You’ve always been my life.  So how could I ever think that you were becoming troublesome to me?  I wish I could have gone back home when I should have, maybe I could’ve talked you then and found out sooner about everything, but I didn’t because I was told you never wanted to see me anymore so you could forget me completely because you were happier with Chansung.

I know knowing the truth will never bring back what we lost.  But I’m willing to try to start from the beginning to have you back.  So give me a chance to do that.  Let me start over with you.  Let me fight for you.

I will wait until the day that you take my hand again.  And just in case you still don’t know, let me tell you now, I have always loved you.


From your Dumbo,



As she read the last lines, it was as if a huge boulder was lifted off her shoulders.  He loved her.  That was all she cared about right now.  It seems like for a moment she forgot how much pain Chansung’s lie gave her.  A faint smile appeared on her lips as she holds Taecyeon’s letter.


“Where is he anyway?” she asked herself as she looked at the clock hanging on the wall.


She stood up to find him, holding the book tight in her hands.  She was about to reach for the door when it suddenly opened with Taecyeon on the other side.


“Oppa.” she said in surprise.


“Oppa?” Taecyeon said with a scowl as he staggered to enter the room.  She never called him oppa since he returned home.  In fact, it was as if she refused to call him that.  “Were you expecting Chansung perhaps?”


“No.” she said with her smile slowly disappearing.  “I was just about to go out and look for you.”


He smirks at her answer as he walked slowly towards her.  “You have been a bad girl.”


“Wha- Oppa are you drunk?” she asked as she smelled his breath as he spoke near her face.  Taecyeon just gave a smirk as his eyes narrowed at her. “How could you be drunk at this hour?  It’s barely afternoon!”


“Where were you?” he asked as he took steps towards her with a glare that sent shivers down her spine.


“Just on the beach…and here…I was waiting for you here.” she said as she steps back to create some distance until she felt the wall on her back.


“I don’t like being lied to.” he said as he leaned closer, his face inches away from hers.


“I…” she tried to say as she moved her head to the side.


“I think I made it clear before…you belong to me.” he said angrily as he grabbed her forcefully by the face to look at him, almost choking her neck.  “I see you cannot simply understand that.”


She turned pale white as he pins her on the wall.  This was not what she expected at all.  She couldn’t understand how he seems so different all of a sudden.


“What’s wrong with you?” she muttered under her breath as she trembles in fear rendering her knees weak.


“I saw you with Chansung by the beach.” Taecyeon whispered with his breath hitting her ear like needles to her skin.  “It was so sweet a scene that I had to vomit.”


Taecyeon placed his lips over hers, kissing her lips with such force that it hurt.  His teeth grazed her lower lip causing it to bleed a little adding a tinge of iron taste to their kiss.  She had little time to react making it easy for him to open her lips with his and then sliding his tongue in exploring it as much as he wanted.  She felt a hand moving through her body, touching, squeezing and feeling it roughly.  Tears formed at the side of her eyes as she realized what was happening between them.  She struggled desperately to separate herself from him, pushing at his chest with what little effort she has left until he breaks away from , gasping for air.


He looks at her and finds her face stiff in anger, her lip bloody as she breathes hard.  Taecyeon steps back a little realizing what he just did.  His glare immediately softens to an apologetic look.


“I’m sor-“ he tried to say as he reaches to touch her lip, but was stopped with a slap across his face.


“Who the hell are you?” she said red in anger from feeling violated.  “I don’t think I know anyone anymore.”


He hangs his head low feeling a sting on his cheek as she picks up the book that she dropped on the floor.


“So, this is you trying to start again?” she asked as her tone pitched high.


“You read it?” Taecyeon asked as he looked at the book he gave her.


“I will never ever take your hand again.” she stated firmly as she threw the book back at Taecyeon, hitting him on the chest until it fell back to the ground.  She walks out of the room grabbing her shoulder bag to leave.


“I’m sorry.  Wait, please.  Stop.” Taecyeon said stammering as he runs after her, holding her by the arm to stop her from leaving.


“Don’t you ever touch me again.” she said clenching her fist as Taecyeon lets her go.




She needed to be away from Taecyeon and Chansung, but her apartment was cleared off by her mother after the wedding and is currently put up on sale.  There was only one place she could go to now…home.  She cried for hours until she reached home.  Her energy almost depleted, she rings the bell as she stood in front of their door.


“Noona.” Wooyoung opened the door in shock to find her sister on the door looking disheveled.  “What happened to you?”


“Wooyoung.” she cried into his arms making it seem like he was the older one out of the two siblings.


“Let’s go in.” Wooyoung said in concern.  “Where’s Taec hyung?”


“I left him.” she said as tears flooded her eyes.


“Did he do this to you noona?” Wooyoung said as he noticed her bruised lip.


“I don’t want to go back there anymore.” she said shaking her head.


“What are you doing here?” her mother said appearing suddenly.


“Mom!  Mom, let me stay here.  I don’t want to go back to Taec anymore.” she pleadingly said.


“No honey.” her mother sternly said.  “You’re a married woman and you’re supposed to be with your husband.”


“But mom.  Please.” she said.


“No.” her mother said firmly.  “Go back to Taec and resolve whatever issue it is you have with him.  Have you ever thought how grandfather would feel when he learns about this?”


“Mom please.  I’m begging you.” she said.  “Don’t you care how I feel?  Please take me back.  Just this once please.  I have never asked anything from you and I never will again, just this once…please.”


“Mom!  Look!  She’s hurt.  I think that guy did this to her.” Wooyoung said taking her sister’s side.


“Wooyoung, don’t meddle.  It isn’t your place or mine.” their mother said.  “Honey, people make mistakes sometimes.” she said holding her daughter’s hand and her cheek lovingly.  “Relationships aren’t easy, but you work on it.  That’s what makes…”


“Yeah.” she said softly as she slowly released her hand from her mother’s.  Her face stiff as she fights the tears from falling.  “Of course.  I should’ve known better.”


“Do you understand now?” her mother said with a smile.


“Uhm.” she nods and smiles back with tears pooling in her eyes.  “I expected too much from my own mother.  I’m sorry I bothered you.” she said as she turned around to leave.


“Sis, wait!” Wooyoung called out to her stopping her from leaving.  “Stay here.  You’re safe here.  I’ll protect you.”


“Ah my baby brother’s all grown up.” she said ruffling his hair with a forced smile.  “Take care of mother, okay?”


“Sis, stay here at home.” he repeated trying to drag her back.


“This isn’t home for me anymore.  And I’ve had enough.  I think I reached my quota of heartache for the whole year within a day.  Don't worry Woo, I won't cry anymore.” she said.  “Goodbye mother.” she said giving her mother a bow before leaving.


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11 streak #1
Chapter 15: You know what? I read this story twice. And somehow I still get emotional . I cried the first part and laughed at the second half. I might reread again .
Chapter 34: Omg beautiful! Do we get another story? Chansung one?? :)))))
Chapter 34: Beautiful....thank you very much!!!
Reader_Silent #4
Chapter 34: I'm excited that u already finished this story ^^ But I want more :( Would u make another story? :D
TeaCow156 #5
Chapter 26: I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT! She is gonna be soooo mad!
Challey #6
Chapter 34: awww.... that was so wonderful... though the ending was quite short and I wanted to see how Chan explained the baby thing too.. hahha... anyways, thank you for making a great story, and believe me, this was one story I really anticipated and was excited to find story updates on everytime i open AFF.. thank you^^