

Kris made his way from the crowd of dancing people on the dance floor and walked approaching his friends that were seated at the corner. That night was his outing night with his so-called little group; consist of his only best friends, Lu Han, Byun Baekhyun, and Park Chanyeol.

Kris ordered his drink and sit beside Lu Han who was already half way to drunk. “Where were you yesterday? You didn’t show up at my house and I couldn’t get a hold of you.” Chanyeol said to him while he sipped his drink.

“I was with Krystal the whole day.”

Baekhyun’s eyes perked up at the mention of Krystal’s name and he leaned his body forward to hear more. “Yah! You should brought us along..” He whined. Baekhyun was one of her fan boys since he introduced him to Krystal. He was so captivated by her cold aura and couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

Kris shook his head firmly, “No way.”

“Can’t you help me to get closer to her? I’m your best friend!”

“I won’t ever let you guys hitting on my Soojung, ever.”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but let out a snort. “Seriously, are you being a jealous brother or possessive best friend?”

Kris ignored his question and only sipped his drink. Bakhyun shook his head, unsatisfied with his action, but chose to just shut his mouth when Kris looked so unwilling to reply.

His mind drifted to two women that always been there in his life these years. He was like their guardian since their parents didn’t stay with them in Seoul. He loved and cared for both of them. But he love one of them harder since long time ago. This one particular woman that stole his heart away and made him helplessly fall for her too deep.

He missed her so much. Yes, it was not that long since he last met her but he already missed her like crazy. Her soft hair that he always ruffled when she was in his arms, her soft rosy cheeks when she blushed and embarrassed, her deep eyes when she looked at him intensely… Even her smiling face kept playing endlessly in his mind right now.

But no, he already made his decision and he wouldn’t back out and made everything become awkward and uncomfortable just because his stupid feeling stood in the way.

He just didn’t realize how wrong he was.






“Hey. What are you doing?”

“Just reviewing for tomorrow’s exam.”

“Study hard then.”

“Is that all? You called only to ask me that?”


Kris is the type of person who didn’t talk that much. It made him looked so cold and uncaring sometimes, but Krystal knew, Kris always cared for her. Just like this simple phone call at night, asking what she was doing.

 “Kris, are you busy tomorrow? I want to meet you, after school.”

“Nope. Aright, I’ll pick you up at 3 pm.”

Krystal shook his head even though Kris couldn’t see her. “Don’t come at school. Just meet me at home.”


She felt so blissful, remembered the moment 2 nights ago when Kris had carried her bridal-style to her bedroom, and even kissed her goodnight. She had wake up soon when he lift her, and she held the urge to wrap her arms around his neck last night but she just stayed still.

So Krystal was determined. She was determined to tell Kris what she had felt towards him for all these years; that she didn’t see him as a brother anymore. Hell yeah, even if Kris couldn’t accept it, she would wait till Kris could open his eyes and heart that actually he felt the same towards her. Yeah, she was very determined that night.


The morning after, Krystal was really happy and couldn’t wait to meet him. Too happy, she didn’t notice that Jessica hardly walked from her room to the kitchen. Jessica felt so dizzy after throwing everything filled in her stomach that morning. Beads of sweat perspiring on her forehead yet she manage to faintly smile to Krystal, waving her goodbye.

“Jess, I’m going!”

“Take care, baby.”

She poured a glass of water shakily, took a big gulp drink to freshen her dry throat. She managed to head back to her bedroom while there was a soft knocks at the front door.

She opened the door and found Kris that actually was going to picked Jessica up.


“You’re not going?”

“Oh yeah.” She lightly poked her forehead for being so forgetful. “I forget to tell you, I’m not going to campus today. I’m so dizzy..”

His one hand reached for her cold hand and the other hand placed on her forehead. He hissed at the temperature, and he pushed Jessica softly to the back and he walked in. He closed the door with his leg and softly grabbed Jessica’s arm, dragged her to her room.

“I’m not going then.”

“No, it’s okay…”

“You need me. I’m staying.”

Kris put Jessica softly on the bed and tucked her in the warm blanket.

“Have you eaten breakfast?” Jessica shook her head slowly at his question. She didn’t have the strength to make something to eat.

“Wait here, I’ll make you something.” He got up from the bed, and Jessica stared lovingly to his back while he headed out of the room to the kitchen.


California, 12 years ago

Jessica was clumsily tripped on something on the road in front of her house when the first time she met him, when she was 10. Kris was the one who offered a hand to lift her up. He was already so good-looking back then, although he’s only 9. Kris looked like a prince coming straight from Disney princess series she always watched when she was younger.

“Prince?” She unconsciously blurted the word out loud. He chuckled lightly, amused by how she addressed him.

“Nope, I’m your new neighbor. I’m Wu Yi Fan but you can call me Kris.” He shook their still holding hands lightly. “Me and my family just moved here yesterday.”


“Yes I’m from China.”

“Well, I’m Jung Sooyeon and I’m a Korean! But I go by my English name too, Jessica.” She nodded her head and smiled widely, happy to meet a new friend from Asia.

 “Actually I’m so glad to know you but I need to go now. See you later!” But few steps ahead she was already tripped again.

Kris offered her a hand again and Jessica already felt embarrassed for tripping twice in front of the good-looking boy. “You are so clumsy. Where are you heading? I can company you to make sure you won’t get hit on the head.”

“That’s okay, just an errand for my mother.” She waved her hand and made few steps ahead again but unfortunately, she was almost get hit by a bicycle.

Kris shook his head. “You need me. I go with you.”




“Here, I made you porridge.”

Jessica glanced at the tray with bowl on it, filled with white substance he declared as porridge. But well, it was something Kris made for her and it’s alone made her felt so giddy inside.

Kris shook his head regretfully, “I’m not sure with the taste though.”

Jessica patted his back lovingly. “I trust you for not putting something poisonous here.”

“Well I can assure you it’s eatable.”


Kris put the tray on the nightstand and helped Jessica to sit leaning on the headboard. He took the tray and put it on her lap carefully.

Jessica took a spoon of it and put it in . It was slightly bland but it made her body warm. “Well, not bad, Mr. Wu.” She raised a thumb for him.

Kris waited until she finished her breakfast and he put the tray back on the nightstand. He then carefully sit beside her and held her hands. “How do you feel?”

“I’m alright.”


She bit her lip, watching Kris stared at her deeply. “Okay, not really… But I think my head already stop spinning for now.”

“Now, sleep.” Kris helped her back to lie on bed. She sweated a lot so he pushed her bangs up and slowly wept her face and her neck with a warm towel.

“Stay with me here.” She said with half-lidded eyes, ready to sleep.





Krystal walked happily going back home. She repeated all the words she was going to say again and again in her head.

I love you. Please stop seeing me as a sister and start seeing me as a woman.

She unlocked the door and entered the room quietly. She noticed Kris’ grey shoes immediately. He’s already here, but where is he?

She heard noises and coming from Jessica’s room and she quietly stepped forward to her bedroom door. She recognized Kris’ deep voice instantly and wondered why he was there. Is she sick again?

Closer she got to her bedroom, she could clearly heard the conversation inside.

Thank you for staying and taking care of me, boyfriend.”

She froze, couldn’t process what she heard immediately. She slowly reached for the knob and opened the door silently without noise.

But what she saw was more painful than what she heard.

Jessica’s arms were circling on Kris’ neck with faces too closed to each other.

They were kissing.


She felt numb all over her body except her heart that felt like being hammered and bleeding hard.

It hurt. She never hurt like this when she knew Jessica spend more time with Kris since they were in the same campus. She never hurt like this when she realized Kris only saw her as a sister and best friend. She was hurt because she wouldn’t stand a chance. Jessica, her sweet lovable sister. Who was she if being compared now? And to think that Jessica was actually the one in his heart?

Are they in relationship? Since when? Why she never know?

All she could see was her sister’s face and she watched her whispering something to him lovingly.

“I love you.”

Happiness was so radiant and visible on Jessica’s face, opposite with Krystal’s that so dark with all the pain she bear in her heart. And Krystal knew she had no right to demand an explanation. She was the one who misunderstood things. She couldn’t even hate them. How could she?

But still, it hurt. Too much.

She closed the door quietly and slowly walking away. Her eyes stung with tears that threatened to fall.

What should I do now?






So sorry for late update.. So busy T___T You guys are so awesome, you know that? Thank you for loving this story..

Now the drama start to rise. Poor Krystal T____T So what do you think of this chapter? Subscribe and comment! <3

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Sorry I've been busy for a while because of my college, I hope I can write new chapter pretty soon!


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sofea_suju #1
Chapter 6: Please update soon .... !!!!
krystal , why you always be the one who's have to sacrifice ? huhu..
Kristal fighting !!!
sofea_suju #3
Chapter 6: Please please please update sooonnnnn !!!
Chapter 6: Update soon authornim :)
Chapter 6: end this with krissica for the love of cucumbers!!!
Chapter 6: KRISSICAAA FTWWW!!!!! glad that he loves her and all but somehow it feels like he doesn't in this chapter D:
sofea_suju #7
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much ... Pleasee update soon !!
winterapril #8
Chapter 6: Wow love this chapter.
Kris is so jealous hehe.
Kristal is so cuteeeee.
Maybe next chapter will tell the reason about Kris and Jess's relationship.
Chapter 6: Do it only for me --> favourite kris line ever..

Still rooting for Kristal