

Krystal was in a really good mood today. When she was in good mood, she will showered everyone with her rare-smile, although if she didn’t know who the person was. Just like that morning, when everyone only peeked at her behind the wall and quickly looked away when she stared back, she would smile lightly and if they lucky, she even said good morning. She left them jaw-dropped and mouth-hanged everywhere.

What – No, who was the reason behind the smile? Kris. Kris had agreed to accompany her this afternoon to buy the pair of running shoes. After what it seemed like a really long time, finally they would go out again together, although it was only for running shoes, it meant a lot to her. She always loved spending time with Kris.

When the last bell rang, she quickly dashed out of the room - after saying a quick bye to Jinri – and headed to the school gate. She smiled widely spotting him right in front of the gate, wearing his black shade and stood oh-so-handsomely, but she gradually lost her smile when she spotted other girls already surrounding him – ogling at him openly - and she glared to them in her mind. He’s too perfect and she was sure he knew the effect he had to the girls so much.

“Who are you? Are you waiting for your girlfriend here?”

“I’m Soojung’s brother; I’m waiting for her.” She saw him smiled politely and he looked so uncomfortable being attacked by bunch of teenager.

“Wow, I didn’t know that you have such a gorgeous brother, Soojung.” Jinri suddenly came behind her. She’s already walked out from class and wondered why Krystal still stood there like a stone.

“Heck – he’s not my brother.”

She hated the fact so much and she stood almost-angrily in front of him, with both hands on her tiny waist. “Let’s go, brother.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him to his car quickly.

She released his arm once they arrived at his car. She walked to the passenger’s seat and quickly sat down. She waited for Kris to finally enter and sit and she turned her head around to snap at him.

“Why are you babbling around in my school telling people you’re my brother?”

“Well I always feel like your brother, technically.” She felt pang in her heart and she was sure that it shown on her face so she quickly put on her poker face.


“Just drive, please.”

Her mood was ruined and she was starting to lose her control as tears streaked to her eyes. He hated the fact that Kris thought of her as her sister – heck, she knew it in every fibers in her body – but for these years loving him as a woman, she was for sure broken to pieces now when Kris admitted that she was like his sister.

Kris turned his head to Krystal who only looked outside the window. He saw her sad face and he was confused – why she was like this still a mystery to him. Did he do something wrong?

Krystal was hard to read, just like him.


He remembered once they were child, Krystal always followed him and Jessica around. She was pretty shy with him, but he was sure that he would break the wall she build toward stranger – because he was no longer a stranger to her.

Can I call you oppa?” She smiled prettily back then – she was 7 and he was 11 – twirling her hair and looked shyly to the ground. He smiled happily, because Jessica wouldn’t call him an oppa, since she was older.

I’d glad to hear that, Soojungie. I’d like to be your oppa.”

They got really close and very understanding. They weren’t talking much to each other like how he was with Jessica, but sure they were comfortable in their silence.

But then one day she was hardly looked at him in the eyes again – she was ignoring him. He was confused. She avoided him to the point he would going crazy. Yes he was only 11 but then he felt he was going insane knowing the fact that the sweet little girl wasn’t talking to him anymore.

After painful weeks, she started talk to him again like nothing has happened. It felt like there was huge misunderstanding going on her head and she already solved it by herself. He felt like he can breathe again when she smiled shyly and called him, “Kris Oppa.”


Kris glanced at her now and then, watching her choosing the perfect running shoes. Her school’s sport festival was going to be held and she was chosen as one of track and field runner.

“The turquoise one is good on you.” Without even looking at him, she silently agreed. She already tried 3 pairs of shoes and sure that the second one fitted her style so much.

Still don’t want to talk to me? He frowned and watched her grabbed the turquoise pair and brought them to the cashier. He came closer and stopped her for paying – he wanted to be the one who was paying for everything she need today.

“You don’t have to, brother.” She emphasized the word “brother” with gritted teeth. He rolled his eyes hearing the sarcastic state of her.

“Oh geez, just let me pay.”

He handed her the package of the new shoes and she grabbed it while whispering a soft thank you.

When she was quiet like this, Kris started to get nervous and he would try so hard to fix everything back. To make her smile again. He held her free hand, his thumb make a circle moves on the back of her hand.

“Let’s go for ice cream and strolling to the park after that.”





“Here you go.” Kris handed her vanilla ice cream and he held the chocolate one for himself.

Kris wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She stiffened to the touch but slowly relaxed and leaned her body to him. Kris felt his heart stopped beating for seconds and he sighed in relief when he felt her arm circling on his waist, hugged him closer.

“I’m so sorry. It was already hard to actually spending time with you alone without my bad mood ruining.”

“It’s alright.” She felt something soft – she swear that was his lips - brushing her hair softly.

He just didn’t like it when she was ignoring him. It hurt him enough not knowing what’s going in her head. But then she was Krystal, who only kept everything to herself.

“What are you thinking, hmm?”


He tilted her head and slowly put his hand on her chin, raising her head to gaze to her eyes deeply. “Krystal, I don’t like it when you kept it alone.”

She crumpled the end of his shirt, sighing inwardly.

“….. You’re not my brother so why you go telling everyone that you are?”

“You don’t like it? Why?”

I hate it so much, Kris. So much like I can weep on the concrete floor right now. But she couldn’t just scream it at him so she just kept silent.

Kris sighed and pulled her closer unconsciously. “You are always a pretty little sister to me.”

She wanted to argue back but she didn’t want to make everything awkward between them.

The silence engulfed them as they walked and the ice cream occasionally. Sometimes he just or kissed her hair affectionately.

She was torn between happy by his loving gesture but sad because he thought it was a brother thing to do. You know what, Kris, what you are doing now is far from being a brother. How can I see you as my brother? Is it because in your head I’m still a kid to you?

She didn’t know when the exact time she fell in love with Kris. She stopped calling him oppa when she was turning 12, she didn’t want to make Kris saw her as little sister who still followed him around calling him “oppa” anymore.

But then, till now Kris still only see her as that little girl.




They walked to the apartment holding hands. Krystal, already tried hard to just let go the whole “brother” thing that day, having a lot of fun with Kris. Yes they were just strolling around the park, talking about everything, but still she was happy.

I love you so much Kris. Open your eyes and see that I’m not the little girl anymore.


Jessica opened the door, and Krystal handed her the cheese cake she and Kris bought on the way home. She smiled to the little present and brought it to the kitchen.

Krystal turned her body to Kris who still leaning on the door frame. “Can you staying over? Tomorrow is weekend.”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

Krystal’s eyes twinkled with joy and she pulled Kris to the room and closed the front door quickly. “Yes! We can watch movies all night long.”

Jessica came over to the living room, brought the cake that already served in plate and put it on the coffee table.

Kris frowned looking at Jessica’s state – she was so pale, no color spread on her cheeks and lips. She looked like a ghost. “You looked so pale tonight, Jess.”

“I’m alright, just a little bit tired after finishing the painting I shall bring tomorrow.”

“Jess….” Krystal furrowed her eyebrows, started to complaining but Jessica quickly kissed her temple.

“I’m alright. Nothing to worry, okay?”


After washing up, they sat comfortably on the couch – Kris in the middle while both girls leaning their heads to his shoulders. They watch numerous movies – from action, thriller and romance.


It was already past midnight when Kris felt the weight on his left shoulder slumped to his chest – Krystal already fell asleep.

“She must be really tired today.” Jessica patted her head slowly.

“I put her to her bedroom first okay?”

Kris lifted Krystal into his arms and carried her bridal-style to her bedroom. Her bedroom was decorated in purple and white, with minimalist furniture. There were so many idol poster posted on her wall, make him always shook his head every time he walked in to her bedroom.

He put her carefully on her bed and tucked her in the blanket. She looked comfortable as she snuggled closer to the warmness. He looked at her relaxed-sleeping state and leaning closer to her face.

Sleep tight, my dear. He kissed her forehead and left the room.


Kris went back to the couch, and sit beside Jessica who still continue to watch the romance. Jessica smiled and pulled him closer to her, wrapped both her arms to his waist. She leaned her head to his broad chest and sighed happily like it was the most comfortable place in the world - for her.

“Aren’t you tired? You should rest now.”

“Yes but I still want to do this.” Kris patted her head and smiled. He let her hugged him from the side while his hand patted her back slowly.

“Okay then.”






This chapter is really , I know. I'm writing a chapter filler. I think I just jump to the drama in the next chapter. Stay tuned! Subscribe and comment! <3

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Sorry I've been busy for a while because of my college, I hope I can write new chapter pretty soon!


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sofea_suju #1
Chapter 6: Please update soon .... !!!!
krystal , why you always be the one who's have to sacrifice ? huhu..
Kristal fighting !!!
sofea_suju #3
Chapter 6: Please please please update sooonnnnn !!!
Chapter 6: Update soon authornim :)
Chapter 6: end this with krissica for the love of cucumbers!!!
Chapter 6: KRISSICAAA FTWWW!!!!! glad that he loves her and all but somehow it feels like he doesn't in this chapter D:
sofea_suju #7
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much ... Pleasee update soon !!
winterapril #8
Chapter 6: Wow love this chapter.
Kris is so jealous hehe.
Kristal is so cuteeeee.
Maybe next chapter will tell the reason about Kris and Jess's relationship.
Chapter 6: Do it only for me --> favourite kris line ever..

Still rooting for Kristal