



For the first time in her life, Jessica felt beautiful. Okay, she had so many fanboys followed her around every day so they could talk to her; or at least see the glimpse of her, but then she didn’t care any of it. She felt beautiful because he called her beautiful today. Kris.

It just happened when they met unexpectedly at the campus’ parking lot – she wasn’t expecting to meet Kris today because what she knew was Kris already went home that afternoon. She still remember how gloomy her days felt without seeing Kris, especially this day, when she was supposed to be the most special girl blooming with happiness – her birthday. Yes, she already showered with presents and congratulation messages, but she was still disappointed. But then too much for her surprise, Kris waited for her last class that evening, leaning handsomely beside his black BMW with arms crossed. She felt like jumping around and all the emptiness she felt the whole day disappeared just like bubble.

He spotted her coming closer and his lips curved into a smile. “Hey beautiful.” Jessica felt her heart exploded with too much happiness. Jess run over and bear-hugged him, happily buried her face on his chest.

“Happy birthday.” He hugged her back and whispered the two words to her ear and she smiled giddily like a child.

She raised her head to see those deep brown ash eyes staring back at her. “You know what, I thought you forget. And Krystal too! She didn’t talk to me the whole day! Oh well, we didn’t even see each other’s faces today.”

“How could I forget when I always remember every year? Fool~” He softly knocked her forehead with his knuckle, chuckling at her childish whining.

Jessica felt warm hearing his laugh; it was rarely happen and precious for her. She tightened the hug, getting drunk with his smell she knew very well – sandalwood mix with lemon and musk, a masculine smell.

“Let’s go, Krystal is waiting.”



After driving for 1 hour, they arrived at Jessica and Krystal’s apartment building; and Kris directly led Jessica to the rooftop. The sky was really dark – there were no lights at all at the rooftop to make them spotted Krystal’s figure.

“Where is she? Are you sure she’s here, not in….” She quickly stopped her words after witnessing dozen beautiful lanterns spread on the floor with scattered rose petals that arranged a way for her and Kris to a table with a grand cake on top of it – her favorite cheese cake, she guessed – and Krystal that stood prettily behind it, hugging a bouquet of white roses.

“Oh my….” Jessica lost for words. This is the most beautiful present she was ever had in her 22 years of life. Okay, to be honest, the surprises from both Kris and Krystal every year always succeed making her tearing up because those were too touching and beautiful, and as always, the latest one always become the most favorite.

Krystal walked to now-frozen Jessica and gave her the bouquet she loves. “Happy birthday.” Jessica blinked her blurry eyes and saw Krystal that wearing a white blouse with skinny jeans – simple yet pretty – smiled widely and reached for her hand to pull her to the table.

Getting closer to the cake, Jessica could make out the cake that shaped into a rosy-cheeked girl with wavy auburn hair. “Make a wish!” Krystal shouted and clapped her hands, feeling excited. She felt giddy again, closing her eyes and intertwined her hands together under her chin, wishing for the same thing she always wishes every year.


I wish we could celebrate this day again next year, with my baby sister and of course, Kris. Amen





Krystal always felt her and Kris’ surprises for Jessica accomplished when she saw her burst into tears of happiness. Yes, she love her too much, and always had the urge to give her the most beautiful things. She knew how Jessica love warm light from fireflies; so she and Kris made the imitation of it with pretty little lanterns. She knew how Jessica love roses, the flower with beautiful petal’s shape that become her identity on every painting she made; so she scattered the petals on the floor and leave a space to be a walking road. She knew how Jessica love cheese cake which she always eat first before main course; so she ordered a cheese cake to be shaped as her. And the rooftop was their favorite place – Krystal’s, Jessica’s, and Kris’; they always spent the night together there when Jessica and Kris weren’t so busy with college, which they were these days.

Actually, Krystal felt so lonely lately. She was the youngest one so she didn’t understand what makes them so busy. She had a hard time to make friends in her school without scaring them off. The closest she had, Amber, was far away in California and Choi Jinri, was her seatmate that she thought they weren’t close enough.

She looked at Jessica who still cutting the cake carefully, didn’t want to mess the shape of cake, but accidentally cut the nose area. Krystal’s lips twitch into a wide smile, watching her frowning.

“What’s with the granny smile? Creepy.” She felt strong arms s around her shoulders – back hugging her. She smiled warmly and touched the arms with both her hands, and leaned her body to the chest behind her.

“I miss you, Kris.” She sighed, feeling too comfortable with the position to argue back. She miss this, a lot.

“I miss you too.” He whispered back, and kissed the top of her head. Oh boy, how she wished for him to loved her just like how much she loved him, not just a brother-sister way.

But sometimes, it felt like yes, he loved her the same way she did.

She remembered what Amber’s said to her years ago,

“Don’t get your hope too high, lady. He acted that way with Jess too, if you missed it.”

She turned her body to face Kris, and there he was, like what she expecting, gazed down lovingly at her through his thick eyelashes. His eyes were warm, filled with so many things he never spoke loudly.

But Amber, why he looked at me with so much affection like that if he doesn’t feel the same way?


Or maybe, she was only day-dreaming things.


She let go of Kris’ warm embrace, faintly smile to him and approached Jessica who now already put the servings to the plates. Jessica gave her the cake and also gave another one to Kris. The cake really tasted great; she thanked her sister sincerely for the most beautiful present she had today. Krystal took the plate Jessica held, put both plates to the table and hugged her tightly.

“Jess, I wish you always happy every day, with me, with Kris, and I wish your art exhibition will go success. I wish you won’t tire yourself out anymore; I barely see you at home, you should rest more okay? I love you.”

Jessica smiled widely, and tears swelled in her eyes again. She was touched by how her baby sister really worried about her. She patted her back and her hair lovingly.

“Alright, baby, I love you too.”





Few days passed rather quickly. The art exhibition Jessica had been waiting for were held today and she was calming her nerve down on the back room. She was one of the participants and exhibited 5 of her paintings. She glance to the reflection of her on the glass window – wavy auburn hair that got curl done, black lace sleeveless top with high-waist white skirt that stopped above her knees, and pair of black studded ankle boots. But much for her displeased, she looked too pale to be center of attention today. That was what she got when she tired herself too much. She remembered how panic-frenzy Krystal was when she ever came home with bloody-nose 2 months ago.

I will get scolded and make her worried again, or maybe get dragged to hospital as soon as she come here, she thought. She quickly searched for her blush on and painted her cheeks rosy, and put pink-colored lipstick on her thin lips. Perfect.

She entered the main area and felt so happy to saw many people were coming to see this event that was held by SNU for Visual Art’s students. She came closer to a black-haired man that was standing in front of one of her painting titled ‘Precious’. He looked dazzled, couldn’t take his eyes off the laughing girl painted on the canvas. She chuckled lightly and the man turned his face to her.

“Hello there, I see you like my painting, am I right?”

“Who is she if I may ask?” He pointed to the painting.

“My sister.”

“Well, her laugh is really precious.” He smiled widely and let his eyes wandered on Krystal’s face again. Her head was tilted slightly to the right, her brunette hair blown softly, and her eyes twinkled with so much joy. Her cheekbones raised high, and her laugh, with teeth-showing, was really a precious-rare thing of her.

“You can wait if you want to meet her, she’s on the way here.”

He checked his watch and frowned. “Actually, I’m heading to Canada soon. Can I just buy this painting?” He pleaded with those coffee eyes.

“This one is not for sale, I’m so sorry.” His shoulder slumped down and he looked so disappointed – even sad.

“Please? I will really treasure this one with my whole life.” Jessica stared him intently and then sighed, defeated.

“Oh well, you flattered me. Alright, you can take it.” He looked almost want to jumped in joy. After dealing with the price – a really high price, she still shocked – soon he left with the painting.

Krystal, I’m sorry to sold painting of you to one of your fanboy. But well, he looked really happy. She smiled and approached other guests that were enjoying her paintings.





Krystal was waiting for Kris in front of her school’s gate, checking her phone in every minute passed and sighed out loud.

Oh damn, they were so late! And where is this guy? She shook her head and pouting like a child. Kris wasn’t usually late like this and she didn’t want to make her sister waited too long for them.

10 minutes later – that seemed like ages for her, Krystal heard the sound of car honking in front of her. She raised her head and saw Kris’ car, so she quickly walked in.

As soon as she entered the car, she was faced with an apologetic face of Kris.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away with Yeollie. I’m tutoring him for this semester and he frustrated me.” He sighed and raked his hair, frustrated.

Krystal couldn’t hold back a snort. Park Chanyeol. The goofy guy with wide - almost creepy smile, one of Kris’ friends she thought as the weirdest one. She had hang out together with his little group, and that Park Chanyeol always laughed creepily, at least for her. Well, after this incident for holding Kris for too long, she was for sure titled him as the one she despised the most.

“You shouldn’t mingle with him anymore, he’s a really bad influence.” Kris glanced at her pouting expression and laughed out loud. He reached for her hair and messed it up.

“Don’t mess up my hair.” Krystal slapped his arm away and hissed loudly. It was only made Kris laughed more.

“I’m sorry, Krystal. Don’t hate him too much okay?”

She furrowed her eyebrows and ignored his plead although she was holding back a squeal looking at his face in a close distance. “Whatever. Just drive now.”





Jessica was standing in front of a huge painting of three persons that stood facing the sunset. As Krystal and Kris walked closer, Krystal could see clearly that those three persons were them – Krystal and Kris was holding Jessica’s hands which Jessica was standing between them. ­She glanced at the title, and felt warm inside. ‘Life’. That was how Jessica pictured her life : three of them, growing up together and always be together.

Krystal walked to her right side and grabbed her right hand, while Kris walked to her left side and grabbed her left hand. Jessica pulled them closer to her and kissed their cheeks.

“Thank you. You both are my most precious things in my life.” She whispered slowly and a single tear dropped on her cheek.






Hello! Another update :D What do you think? You must be so curious about the girl in the previous chapter right? Well just keep guessing as the story progressing. Subscribe and comment! <3

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Sorry I've been busy for a while because of my college, I hope I can write new chapter pretty soon!


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sofea_suju #1
Chapter 6: Please update soon .... !!!!
krystal , why you always be the one who's have to sacrifice ? huhu..
Kristal fighting !!!
sofea_suju #3
Chapter 6: Please please please update sooonnnnn !!!
Chapter 6: Update soon authornim :)
Chapter 6: end this with krissica for the love of cucumbers!!!
Chapter 6: KRISSICAAA FTWWW!!!!! glad that he loves her and all but somehow it feels like he doesn't in this chapter D:
sofea_suju #7
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much ... Pleasee update soon !!
winterapril #8
Chapter 6: Wow love this chapter.
Kris is so jealous hehe.
Kristal is so cuteeeee.
Maybe next chapter will tell the reason about Kris and Jess's relationship.
Chapter 6: Do it only for me --> favourite kris line ever..

Still rooting for Kristal