new friends

A Second Chance At Happiness
" promise to call when you get there" Lee Joon said hugging me tightly "i promise, we'll talk all the time" j reached up and kissed his cheek "i have to go now it's a long drive there" i pulled away reluctantly "i love you Joon, I'll see you soon" i got inside the big taxi van and sat down, i stared at him until he was no longer in sight, my heart broke watching him stand there like that. Pretty soon i fell asleep, "hey lady were here" the cab driver said i woke up and looked out the window at the giant building i got out and helped the driver unload my things, after we were done i paid him and he left leaving me to stand alone in awe at the place, i gathered my bags and the few boxes i brought with me and walked to my dorm i was out of breath when i finally reached my door, i unlocked it and pushed the door open i looked at the large studio apartment looking room and set my things down. I was going to need to go shopping for some things, i let out a sigh i can do this. I thought and started to unpack when i was finished i picked up the phone that sat on the kitchen counter on its receiver and dialed Joons number. "Yes Oppa it's me, i told you id call" we talked on the phone for about an hour before hanging up, i looked around the half empty room and sighed " this is definitely going to be a hard adjustment going from a always busy home life to a empty one, i have to make friends quickly" i said to myself. I grabbed my purse and left my room, i went into a little grocery shop and got things i needed and paid for it, as soon as i walk out of the door i bump into a tall man "aish im so sorry i wasn't looking where i was looking" he the guy chuckled "its ok, you must be new here, i can tell by the look in your eyes, here let me help you" he grabbed a few of my bags from me " my names Seungho, by the way" i looked over at him " I'm Hyosung is it that obvious that im new?" I asked kinda scared of what his reply might be. He just laughed again "oh you bet, i can spot them a million miles away, because i was in your shoes before." I nodded agreeing with him i let him inside my room so he can bring my things up for me. " Say, Hyosung would you like to be friends?" I was thrown off i stared at him a moment " of course I'd like that" i smiled at him " would you like something to drink?" I asked walking into my kitchen to put my things away. I brought him a soda and sat down on the small couch they really wantyou to be happy here it seemed. " So what are you here for?" He asked "Law, i want to become a lawyer like my father" i replied he nodded looking impressed " go figure seeing as I'm here for law aswell" we laughed together. He stayed a little while longer before leaving, i cooked myself a small dinner and went to sleep after. I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on my door i opened it sluggishly Seungho stood in the doorway with two cups of coffee " morning, i thought we could walk to classes together" he handed me a cup i rubbed my eyes and took it taking a drink " I'll be right out" i said closing the door. I hurried to my room and changed my clothes and met him outside. We walked to classes side by side, Seungho was making out to be a wonderful friend.
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Chapter 12: ohh joon you ... :P hurting women...
Chapter 10: aaaaaaaaaaaaw...its seungho! :) yay!you made the right choice hyosung...its jut too bad seungho missed out on a lot of things in hyosungs life...