Jae Suk- OUT! Gary- OUT!


"___!" Ji Hyo whispered-yelled to you from across the hall. You peeked over the corner and whsiper-yelled back, "what is it unni?" Ji Hyo gasped, "It's Jae Suk! Go hide in the stairwell! I'll lead to you!" You looked around and dashed for the stairs. When you got in the stairwell you hid behind the door. Your heartbeat started racing, hearing the sound of footsteps closing in. "Ji Hyo, do you think Jong Kook is the demon? It makes sense, right?" You heard Jae Suk's distinctive voice, "Hm I don't know, do you know how HaHa, Kwangsoo, and suk Jin got eliminated?" Jae Suk laughed, "I don't know, do you?" The door creaked open. Jae Suk was the first to enter you grabbed him by the name tag and said, "Like this!" You tried to rip off his name tag but failed the first attempt, he grabbed you by the shoulders and had this weird facial expression on his face. "_-____!" He stuttered. "Ji Hyo! Help me!" You called out. She rushed over to you immediately. She got a firm hold of Jae suk and you used the opportunity of him momentarily letting go of you to try to deal with Ji Hyo and you ripped his name tag off smoothly with a nice RIPPPPP! sound. Jae Suk also collapsed to he floor from shock. He grabbed his chest and started breathing heavily. He squinted his eyes and said, "____, it's you right?" You nodded, "Who else would I be?" Ji Hyo rolled her eyes and picked Jae suk up from the ground, "You are SO SCARY!" He cried. "I said the same thing!" Ji Hyo called out to him as he was being dragged to jail.

Jae Suk- OUT! Jae Suk- OUT!

You rested your back against the wall, "I thought I was a goner!" Ji Hyo laughed, "why would you be?" You glared at her, "I thought I was going to be ousted!" She rolled her eyes, "I know that, captain obvious." "Oh whatever!" You threw your hands up in the air, "So who's next?" Ji Hyo giggled, "Gary!" You smirked, "Are you okay with me ousting your boyfriend?" She punched your arm, "YAH! He's not my boyfriend.." You pretended to be in pain, "ow! Unni that hurt!"

"Gary, Gary~ where are you?" Ji Hyo called out. You watched her call out for her "not boyfriend". For about five minutes she tried to call out to him, you thought she was giving up but she pulled out her phone instead.

-Ji Hyo pov-

i pulled about my phone to call Gary, it seemed like calling out for him would just be useless. I looked for his name in my contacts and pressed "call". I held up the phone to my ear, after about  2 rings you heard him on the other line,

"Ji Hyo, what is it? It's rare for you to call me, especially during filming."

"Gary Oppa! Thank goodness you picked up!" I tried to sound out of breath.

"what's wrong are you okay?" His voice sounded a little worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just escaped Jong Kook though. I might need your help to oust him though!"

"huh? Jong Kook? He's the demon?"


"What floor are you on?"


"I'll be there ASAP." He said and then he hung up.

I turned to ____ and said, "he's coming to our floor! How should we oust him?"

-back to you pov-

Ji Hyo turned to you and said, "He's coming to our floor! How should we oust him?" You were thinking when all of a sudden,- "Ji Hyo!" She whipped around to see Gary run our of the elevator. "I guess we don't have a choice except for a full on chase!" You ran after him with all your might, you just so happened to chase after him in the super long hallway. "YAAHHHHHHHH!" You cried out as you ran after him, you were almost right on his tail, "IM SCARED!" he cried out as he ran away from you. You saw him trip on his own feet and lunged after him. "I GOT YOU!" You yelled and reached for his name tag. You held Gary down so he couldn't get up and ripped off his name tag. "YES!" "Gary almost had a mental breakdown, "JI HYO! Why didn't you help me?" She shrugged and smirked. "You evil women!" He looked at the both of you. "Especially you ___!" You looked at him weird, "why me?" He pointed at you, "you are like the female Jong Kook! Letting out battle cries as you chase me down a long hallway!" You laughed, "haha I guess you're right!" You whispered to the two of them, "Just hope I don't give birth to a Jong Kook Junior!" They widened their eyes. You laughed at their priceless  facial expressions.

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CheriLane #1
Thank you for writing a JongKook/OC fanfic. Really enjoyed it!
Chapter 12: nice story!
Chapter 12: Daebak!!!!
I love it~
Thanks for writing such a good story^^
Yay! When I started writing my KJK and OC fanfic, I thought I was the only one! So happy to find this :)
yayagymnast #5
Chapter 12: I love it.. Saranghae Kookie..
yayagymnast #6
Chapter 12: I love it.. Saranghae Kookie..
yayagymnast #7
Chapter 12: I love it.. Saranghae Kookie..
kimchiemong #8
i think it's only me who is so confused with this story... or im just being blank... anyways thanks for this, i like Jong Kook very much.
rose999 #9
Chapter 11: 'Just hope I don't give birth to a Jong Kook Junior!'.Hahaha.I laughed so hard on that line. XD
Hafz70 #10
Chapter 9: Hehee...daebak authornim...keep it up ;))