Chapter 6 ;

If Only.. [ Hiatus ]

It was about a quarter to 9 when we rounded a corner for the umpteenth time, only to then end up backtracking to where we first started and by this point, I was starting to question Kris' sense of direction. Treading down these streets made me wonder where Kris would wander off to all those nights he spent avoiding me. Maybe he just got lost..

As we wandered around, despite being in Seoul for several years, it still amazed me how big and scary this place could be at night with dark alleyways and unlit passageways everywhere you turn.

After a few more wrong turns and dead ends, we had finally gotten to the park and I made a mental note to never ask Kris for directions.

The park came into view and I could see a few huge trees dotting the empty spaces of the grassy areas that had benches for people to lounge on.

As I examined the scenery before me, I had noticed that without the loud hum of people that had occupied it in the day, the sound of the wind and rustling leaves were much louder and clear at night.

We had walked a few minutes in silence, keeping in step on the dimly lit walkway. The path before us had wound its way through the trees and bushes, reflecting the occasional steet light in the evening dampness. It was a pretty big park.

We continued our walk, and I watched in awe, genuinely curious about where we were headed and why Kris would bring me here. None of us spoke, afraid to break the quiet hum around us and I could hear every foot step, every leaf crunching under my feet. The silence was deafening.

We settled on a bench before Kris broke the silence, clearing his throat of nonexistent phlegm. I turned to look at him, only now noticing that his skin was looking paler than usual and he had visible eyebags. He looked exhausted.

Kris spared me a glance before fixing his gaze on the bird fountain that stood a few feet in front of us.

"I found this place about 2 years ago, when I was still a trainee," he started, not looking me in the eye. "It was already dark then and hardly anyone ever came at night so it was calm and quiet. I thought it was better like this. Eventually, it became a routine for me to come here.. Everytime training was too stressful, I'd come here at night and just think. To let it all go for a while."

"So this is where you would disappear off to.." I murmured. Although, it was more to myself.

Kris chuckled, catching me off-guard for a moment. The sound sent butterflies into stomach and I couldn't help but stare. He looked so much better when he smiled.

"I wouldn't say disappear. It's more like.. sneaking away for a while. Getting away," he said.

"Is there a difference?"

"Does it matter?"

I thought about his question for a second and Kris let out a laugh.

"Don't answer that,"

He looked at me thoughtfully before a wide grin made its way across his face. He got up from the bench, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him.

"Come here. I want to show you something,"

I didn't say anything as Kris led me down a path that was hidden behind a large tree. He then turned around, glint in his eye 

"Close your eyes," he said.

"What? W-why?"

A mischievious smile pulled up the corners of his lips.

"Just close your eyes," he pressed. "Don't you trust me?"

If I said that I didn't trust him, that would be a lie. Despite what he did, even after all this time, I'd still trust him with my life.

People have told me countless times that I'm too naïve and that this can lead to being taken for granted but in all honesty, I don't think of it that way at all. Don't get me wrong, I know my limits. I just think that there is a good side to everybody and for some people it takes more than a little act of kindness to bring it out.

In this case though, for Kris, I don't mind being taken for granted. Because behind those deep set of eyes, I know there's a whole other side to him than the ignorant jerk he'd often pretend to be. If there's one thing I've learned about Kris Wu in the past few months, its that behind the fake smiles and cold exterior is a broken boy just trying to get his together and if he needs me, I'd be there for him in a heartbeat.

I want to get to know him, I want to know the secrets that lay hidden behind those somber eyes. I want to know what makes him tick, what makes him lose control, his worst fear, his biggest dream and if he ever got hurt, I want to be the first person he'd turn to. Even if it's just for a while, I want to take away his pain and bury it deep inside me so that he won't have to feel anything that he doesn't want to. I want him to know that he's not alone because he has me.

I want him. Every flaw, imperfection, scar - everything. Just him.

And nothing will ever change that.

So, if you asked me if I trusted him I would say, "Yes."

"Well, then close your eyes," Kris beamed, smiling from ear to ear. 

I gave him a weird look before complying as I closed my eyes, failing to supress a grin. "Now what?"

I heard him shuffle around me for a bit before I felt two big hands shroud my eyes.

"Now," he said, guiding me forward. "We can move on."

His breath tickled my neck as we continued down the path and I only now became aware of how close we were. I had half a mind to spring away but I held back, relishing the moment.

It seemed like we've been walking for hours before we stopped and Kris removed his hands from my eyes.

"Wait here," he instructed. "Don't open your eyes just yet."

I could hear leaves rustling here and there as Kris moved around and I was starting to get really curious and eager to open my eyes. A peek wouldn't hurt, would it?

I was about to open my eyes but stopped when Kris came back, taking my hands in his and pulling me forward.

"Sorry about that. We're almost there, just wait a little longer," I could hear a smile in his voice as he led me up, what felt like stairs.

"Watch your step,"

"That's pretty hard to do with your eyes closed," I chuckled at the irony of it all.

And as fate would have it, I had missed a step, falling forward. The trip had been too sudden to recover from so I braced myself for the impact and the next thing I knew, I was tangled in a heap of limbs, hovering over a wide-eyed Kris. I stared at him for a moment, shocked and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. My little mishap must have been obvious though, as I gawked at Kris, who had a smug look on his face.

"Eager, are we?" 

"Shut up," I gushed out, pushing myself off of him.

I busied myself with observing my surroundings, trying to ignore a hysterical Kris, who still lay on the deck, laughing to his hearts content.

I took in the sight before me, noting the wooden exterior of this mystery place. There was a large window a few feet ahead of me and a little table and plastic drawer that lined the wall beneath it. A brown rug covered half the floor and streams of little Christmas lights scaled the ceiling and walls. It was pretty spacious and despite how old it looked, it was in good condition.

"What is this place?" I asked. I stalked over the small table, noticing that there was a sleeping bag with a small blanket folded neatly on top of it. Did he sleep here?

"I think it's an old clubhouse of some sort. I found it the second night I had come here. I just cleaned it up and added a few things to it," Kris said, nonchalantly. He got up from his spot on the deck and walked over to me with that presumptuous smirk of his. "And, no. I don't sleep here. Those are there for reasons that are too personal for you to know of.. yet."

Did I just-? Realization hit me square in the face as I blushed for the millionth time, averting my eyes from his. Can't believe I said that out loud.

Kris chuckled and I could feel his stare boring holes into my back. I looked over to the drawer, pulling it open to distract myself. Inside the plastic drawer were a variety of snacks that consisted of a couple of Snickers bars, a box of cookies, raisins and some other snacks. Looking at the sweets inside made my stomach grumble. Which reminded me, We didn't eat dinner yet.

I closed the drawer, snooping around a bit more before settling down on a small chair near the window, still looking at the small room before me. Surprisingly, it had a cozy feel to it. It was comfortable.

"Aren't you worried?" I asked.


"What if people find this?"

Kris tilted his head back, thoughtfully before giving me an answer.

"Well, that did cross my mind," He paused. "But I don't think people would find it that easily. I mean, you didn't even see it, right? So, there's really nothing to worry about."

I rolled my eyes at him and there was a momentary silence before we both broke out in fits of laughter.

When the laughter died down, we sat in silence, just watching eachother from out respective sides of the room. To my surprise, it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable but I knew sooner or later, we would have to talk about the real issue here. The issue that has been the sole reason why we're even in this situation in the first place.

As if he read my mind, Kris spoke up. The joyful expression from earlier being replaced with a troubled one.

"I didn't mean it," Kris said, bitterly. "What happened on the roof--"

"The kiss or your apology?" I murmured, interrupting him. Feelings of sadness and heartbreak were washing over me in tidal waves as I thought back to that night and it hurt.


"Did you not mean the kiss or the apology?"

Kris looked at me reluctantly as if weighing his answers carefully before he answered.

"Both," he admitted. I felt like someone had ripped my heart right out of my chest and tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to fall.

But he went on and his next words startled me, "I never meant our first kiss to be so abrupt and indifferent and.. I didn't mean to leave you like that. Alone on the roof with that half-assed apology."

"So then why did you?" I quipped. It came out a bit harsher than I intended but in all honesty, I was starting to get get tired of this. It's like one minute, he wants me and the next, its like I'm some kind of disease and its all just so frustrating, not knowing what the hell he wants from me.

"Why did you kiss me? Why did you leave?" The tears from earlier were now at the brink of falling over and I just felt like .

"I was scared," he confessed, he fixed his gaze on the floor, combing a hand through his hair.

"Scared of the way I felt. I found myself thinking about you ever since we met and it scared me to think that I felt this way for a guy. I didn't understand why and It scared me to the point where I got so confused. I somehow came to the conclusion that talking it out would settle it but then seeing you on the roof.. All I could think about was how perfect you were and of how sweet your lips looked and I couldn't help myself. When I finally came to my senses, I freaked out. I mean, I just kissed a guy.. I didn't know what to do so I ran away and avoided you. I thought maybe if I put enough distance between us, these feelings would disappear. It worked for a while but when I saw you at the theatre.. when I saw that dimply smile again, it all came back to me. Seeing you with Suho didn't help either. It just made me jealous.."

He made his way over to me, pulling me into his arms. He s one arm around my waist, pulling me close as he brought his hand up to brush a stray tear that I didn't even know had fallen from my cheek.

He gazed longingly at me as he continued, "Thats when I realized that if it was you.. Just you, then all of this didn't matter to me at all."  

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. So many questions were dying to be asked and so many emotions were running through my head. Although, I didn't think any of that mattered anymore because within the next few seconds, Kris had put his lips to mine and it all became a blur.


a/n ; this is unbeta-ed.. so excuse any mistakes.. ;-; short chapter, hope i cleared up some things... And i know its y but im hoping you enjoyed it anyway.. OTL And if you have any questions please feel free to comment and ask. Thanks for subscribing and I hope you stick around for more. (: 

ALSO, more fluff next choppy. Yey! (Although, i think i at fluff. --')

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SUPER SORRY FOR NOT WRITING GUYS! A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON. >< But thank you, to those who stuck around. Next update will be sometime this week tho. (:


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls!!!!~
Chapter 5: Noona, you and your Angsty-Cliffhanging-Ways
Chapter 5: *dies*

update soon <33
paintheskyy #4
Chapter 5: Oh god. Cliff hanger >m< like I predicted a cliffhanger. But actually seeing it makes me so... Urgh! The suspense! >:(

Which get me thinking about the park. Whats so special about the park? :O dont tell me...?! is Kris suddenly a magical gardener and he's taking care of the gigantic beanstalk that some Jack planted? Or did Kris discover Thumbelina?! Hahahaa. Sorry, I just had to... ):

Kris seems very conflicted in this chapter. Hope the park bears the answers that both of them needs to resolve this whole "Lay says Kris forgot; Kris says I did not" issue. Fighting for your next update!
kraying01 #5
Chapter 4: Aw..Layhan.. Kris must be jealous, i love kris jealous.please, u can make it, right?
paintheskyy #6
Chapter 4: Although I won't say that I hate Kris (because I love him too freaking much), but its a little confusing to see Kris portrayed this way. He seem a lil OOC for me, but that might also be because I have never seen him portrayed this way? Idk. It just seemed a little too weird, Kris' behavior I mean... I believe there's a greater plan, and I don't want to try guessing (cause I always guess the worse case scenario), but I really hope its worth the hurt and rejection Yixing is going through. ):

But once again! Descriptions were absolutely amazing! Good filler! Can the next chapter have a nice sweet fluffy dragon pwease? Pwetty pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and green pepper all over the UFO cake?
Chapter 3: What's with Kris and his stupid n confusing behaviour?!
Damn giant! You hurt Xing even more ... T_T
exo_baozi #8
Chapter 2: NOOOOO!!!! KRIS!! WAEYO?! You leave baby xing xing T_T!! Update soon ^^