Chapter 1 ;

If Only.. [ Hiatus ]

" Yah! Zhang Yixing! Get up! We're gonna be late if you don't wake up now! " Tao called, banging on the hard wooden door to my room.

I first thought of ignoring his calls and going back to sleep but after a few moments of contemplating whether or not I should comply, I reluctantly got up from my bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

I felt so tired. I didn't get much sleep last night because a certain tall, blond was all I could think about.

But finally, after 15 minutes of constant yelling from Tao, I was up and ready for another day of practice.

As I walked out of my and Luhan's room, I froze midstep as my eyes immediately met two brown orbs staring straight at me.


I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.

Calm down, I thought.

It wasn't long before I took a few breaths and calmed down, still feeling my chest constrict.

" Ah. Morning, Xing. " Kris said from the couch, grinning widely, eyes lingering on mine. " So you finally decided to come out of your shell, huh? "

" Ergh.. yeah. " I chucked nervously as the older males eyes stayed glued to mine. " Aren't we supoosed to be leaving? Where is everybody? "

" I didn't want them to be late so I told them they could go on ahead. I stayed behind to wait for you. "

I was taken aback by his last comment.

He stayed back.. for me?

I felt a blush coming on so I turned around quickly, trying to hide my reddening cheeks.

" Oh.. Th-Thanks. Sorry for making you wait. Shall we go? "

" Eh? Why you in a rush? I really didn't mind. Besides, I think we got about an hour to spare. Wanna do something else instead? " Kris got up from his spot on the couch and stalked over to the dining table, where a jumbled set of metal keys sat.

" You sure about this? I mean, the other members.. " My words trailed off when I looked up, discovering that Kris wasn't listening, distracted by something on his phone. I shook my head, turning around again, looking for something to focus on.

I made a mental checklist to make sure I had everything I needed. I didn't want to forget anything. That seemed to be happening to me a lot these days. Hmm.. I had a feeling that I was forgetting something important. Wallet.. Keys.. Cellphone.. Oh, that's right! My shoes.. I walked over to the shoe rack and bent down, turning my head left and right, searching for a familiar pair of purple high tops.

" So, I was thinking we could go grab some lunch since it's already much too late for breakfast. I just texted the others to tell them where we'll be so they won't worry, " Kris said, glancing up from his touchscreen. " Maybe some ice-cream afterwards ? "

" Yeah, Sure. Sounds good. " I replied, spotting what I was looking for and quickly slipping them on.

Wow.. this kind of sounds like a.. I quickly erased the oncoming thought from my mind.No. Don't do this. You're looking too much into this. He just wants to have lunch. Lunch. Not a da-

I didn't have a chance to finish that thought when I heard the older males' voice call me from behind. I spun around to face him, unexpectedly bumping into his chest. He was much closer than I thought.

" Eh- errrm.. s-sorry, " I stammered, slowly backing away.

" Hey, you okay? You seem kinda out of it today. You seem.. distant. Is there something bothering you? You know you can tell me anything, " Kris positioned himself in front of me, giving me a clear view of his v-shaped face, his lean hands taking place on both my shoulders.

My brain couldn't quite process what he had said. I just stood in shock. I was acting different? I-is it obvious? Does he know?!

When I didn't answer, he pulled back his hands. Something that looked like a hurt expression graced his porcelain face for a second before it was quickly covered with a smile as he shook his head and let his hands drop to his sides.

" Ah, n-nevermind. It's probably just me. "  

Oh.. I felt my heart drop a bit as I watched him shift uncomfortably. Huh? What.. N-No! Say something, Xing! I urged my mouth to move but no words seemed to come out.

Chuckling to himself, he lifted one hand to the back of his head as if to scratch something and started walking towards the door. " I'll go on ahead, okay? I'll bring the car 'round the front so meet me in the lobby. "

He glanced back once more to look at me, a wry smile plastered on his face. " Don't keep me waiting. " And with that he stalked out the front door.

My chest tightened as I came to realize what had happened in the event that just occured. I let out a grunt of frustration, balling my fists at my sides.What is wrong with me? Why.. why can't I just tell him? Why does this have to be so.. hard?

Refusing to start my oh-so complicated and very sad chain of thoughts again, I cupped my cheeks and took long, deep breaths.

Pull yourself together, Xing. You can do this.


I can't do this.

The car ride turned out a bit more awkward than I expected. I had exchanged a few nervous glances with Kris before it became so uncomfortable that I couldn't help but let out a long sigh and bury my face in the crease of my scarf, alone with my thoughts.

Why am I being like this? I should just say it, right? I mean, its Kris. He'll understand how I feel, right? Its not like I'm expecting something cliché to happen like him telling me that he feels the same way or anything like that.. Gah! This is so complicated! I should just get this over with. Besides, what do I have to lose?


A little voice in the back of my head reminded me, settling little traces of doubt back into my mind.

Oh, yeah.. That. I quickly shook the thought away, refusing to think anymore negatively. Damn you, conscience!

I heard some rustling from the drivers seat before a deep baritone voice echoed through the car, sending shivers up my spine, making my ears perk up. " Xing? " 

" ..Hm? " I mumbled, relieved that my scarf hid my surprise at his attempt to break the silence.

" Are you really okay? You've been quiet this whole time. " Something like worry or concern laced his voice as he sent me a sideways glance, making sure that I was listening before he continued.  " I wish you'd tell me what's been on your mind, so- "

" You. " I blurted, interrupting him before he could finish.

I sneaked a glance his way before I took a deep breath, gathering up the rest of the courage I had left to continue. It took me a while to gather my thoughts before I decided to get over my childishness and just tell him the truth. I shifted in my seat so that my attention was focused solely on the male in the drivers seat, his sharp (and handsome) features in perfect view.

" If you want to know what's been on my mind.. it's you. It has been for the past few months. " I paused, giving him a second to process what I had just said as I waited for his reaction, unsure if I should go on. He had an unreadable expression, as his eyes watched the road.

A minute later, we were parked in front of an old Korean restaurant. I felt whatever courage I had left quickly start to deplete as we sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Kris then turned my way, sparing me a reassuring smile as if urging me to continue.

" I.. Err.. This is- Umm.. " I mentally cursed at myself. Where do I start?!

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I averted my gaze to my hands that suddenly seemed to be so much more interesting than it was just a second ago.

" It's okay, Xing. Just take your time. Look at me. " A wave of tingles shot through me as Kris tilted my chin up, making our eyes meet. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as he absentmindedly let his hand fall, leaving the spot that he touched feeling bare.

" O-okay, " Suddenly feeling a wave of courage wash over me, I looked him dead  in the eyes and started. " I-I really don't know where to start off so I'll start from the beginning.. when we first met. I- "

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I whipped in the direction of the sound that had interrupted me (and scared me) to find a certain raven haired boy, with dark eyes peering at me through the tinted window.

" T-tao.. ? " I was shocked to see him there. " What.. What are you doing here? How did you know where we were? " I watched as Tao pointed to his ear and shook his head. I tilted my head to one side, clearly confused. He then pointed to the window. Huh? It was then that I realized that I hadn't rolled the window down and that he was trying to tell me that he couldn't hear me. " O-Ohh! Right.. " I heard a muffled laugh come from Kris's side of the car as I hastily rolled down the window.

" What are you doing here? " I repeated. " How did you know we were here? "

" I didn't. I was sight seeing but I got hungry so I came down here to get something to eat. I just happened to see you guys park in front of the restaurant I was about to walk into. Then I remembered Suho hyung getting a text from Kris hyung saying that you two were going to eat lunch together. You guys just arrived here too, right? So, let's eat together. "

As Tao finished explaining himself, I glanced over at Kris who had an irritated expression on his face, I was about ask him what was wrong but I quickly dismissed it as I turned back to the boy who was still standing at my window, an expectant smile on his face.

" Errm.. Sure. "



A/n ; Uwaaah, a shy Xing appears! xD Sorry for the delay but here it is - THE FIRST CHAPTER. lol. Sorry that it's so short tho.. I promise that the next chapter will be much longer. ^^; Sooo, what do you guys think will happen next, eh? (; Hohohoho~

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SUPER SORRY FOR NOT WRITING GUYS! A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON. >< But thank you, to those who stuck around. Next update will be sometime this week tho. (:


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls!!!!~
Chapter 5: Noona, you and your Angsty-Cliffhanging-Ways
Chapter 5: *dies*

update soon <33
paintheskyy #4
Chapter 5: Oh god. Cliff hanger >m< like I predicted a cliffhanger. But actually seeing it makes me so... Urgh! The suspense! >:(

Which get me thinking about the park. Whats so special about the park? :O dont tell me...?! is Kris suddenly a magical gardener and he's taking care of the gigantic beanstalk that some Jack planted? Or did Kris discover Thumbelina?! Hahahaa. Sorry, I just had to... ):

Kris seems very conflicted in this chapter. Hope the park bears the answers that both of them needs to resolve this whole "Lay says Kris forgot; Kris says I did not" issue. Fighting for your next update!
kraying01 #5
Chapter 4: Aw..Layhan.. Kris must be jealous, i love kris jealous.please, u can make it, right?
paintheskyy #6
Chapter 4: Although I won't say that I hate Kris (because I love him too freaking much), but its a little confusing to see Kris portrayed this way. He seem a lil OOC for me, but that might also be because I have never seen him portrayed this way? Idk. It just seemed a little too weird, Kris' behavior I mean... I believe there's a greater plan, and I don't want to try guessing (cause I always guess the worse case scenario), but I really hope its worth the hurt and rejection Yixing is going through. ):

But once again! Descriptions were absolutely amazing! Good filler! Can the next chapter have a nice sweet fluffy dragon pwease? Pwetty pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and green pepper all over the UFO cake?
Chapter 3: What's with Kris and his stupid n confusing behaviour?!
Damn giant! You hurt Xing even more ... T_T
exo_baozi #8
Chapter 2: NOOOOO!!!! KRIS!! WAEYO?! You leave baby xing xing T_T!! Update soon ^^