Chapter 3 ;

If Only.. [ Hiatus ]

The next day, I woke up with puffy, red eyes and a tear stained pillow. Rays of sun shined through the bedroom window, showing signs of a really good day. I almost felt bad that I couldn't enjoy the beauty of it, as the memories of last night immediately rushed to my head.

Tears threatened to fall from my tired eyes when my mind took me back to the source of my grief - a certain tall, blonde. My stomach turned just thinking about him. 

I didn't feel like getting up today. I didn't want to get up today. I just felt so numb and sad that I just wanted to wallow in my self-pity and how I pathetic I felt right now. It just didn't make any sense. Why didn't he show up? I racked my brain, searching for any reason for him not to since his room was directly across from mine. I did debate if I should walk over and check up on him but I didn't want to seem desperate. And besides, back then, I actually trusted Kris to show up. If it wasn't anything I did, then it probably might've been something I said. But even then, it still didn't add up.

A wave of misery washed over me but I shook the feeling away as I got up and made my way to the bathroom, feet dragging along the way. I then took a long hot, shower - giving me just enough time to calm down and pull myself together.

When I finished, I threw on a grey v-neck and fitted jeans. It was only then, when I turned around, that I noticed it. The unicorn plushie that had landed on the floor (when I had attempted to throw it at  Luhan) the night before, was propped up on my nightstand, a little note peeking out from under its fluffy arm.

Curious, I stalked over to the nightstand trying to remember if I ever placed it there. Its probably Luhan apologizing for last night's incident, I thought. I picked up the note and my heart stopped. I immediately recognized the familiar messy-like handwriting.

Sorry about what happened last night.

I hope you don't think I forgot.. Um..

I'll explain everything tonight, if you aren't still mad at me, that is.

Meet me on the rooftop at 9PM.

I'll be waiting for you. - Kris.

At the bottom of the note was a little drawing of what I assumed was a dragon, seeing that it had wings and something that looked like a snout protruding from what I thought was its face. I chuckled at his professional drawing skills, feeling the negative thoughts from earlier slowly dissipating.

So he didn't forget.. he actually came.

The thought sent a swarm of butterflies loose in my stomach, making me break out into a grin that stretched from ear to ear. My happiness went as quickly as it came though when my doubts swiftly started up again. At this point, I was so confused. I felt both happy and sad altogether - happy because this was Kris, but sad because.. I mean, what if he pulls the same thing this time? - I don't think I'd be able to take it this time around.

I still felt hurt from last night but another part of me was overwhelmed by the thought of seeing him again. I pushed the feelings I had to the back of my mind, deciding to worry about it later when I heard a knock resound from my door. I swiftly stuffed the note under one of my pillows before looking up. A blonde haired boy peeked out from behind the wooden entrance and flashed me a smile before walking in and making himself comfortable on my bed.

" Morning~ " Luhan said.

I offered him a small smile before returning the greeting. " Morning, han. "

The older boy gave me a weird look before sighing, a look of empathy gracing his baby face.

" What did he do this time? "

I was astonished at Luhan's sudden apprehension of my current situation. " W-What? How did you- !?

" Oh, come on. Of course I would know! I'm your best friend for a reason. And FYI, I also know that the only reason you'd still be cooped up in here - on a beautiful day like this - is because of that blonde jerk. Yes, Xing. I'm referring to Kris. " Luhan looked expectantly at me, waiting for me to explain everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.

But I wasn't ready to tell him, not yet.

" Just drop it, Luhan. Its nothing, really. Besides, It wasn't what he did.. more like what he didn't do, " I watched as Luhan looked at me, disbelief and hurt visible in his innocent, brown eyes. It made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach just watching him. We always told each other everything. Its just.. I can't tell him like this. Knowing Luhan, he'd go berserk and hunt Kris down himself. I didn't want to bring him into my problems, much less burden him with them.

After a minute of silence, Luhan finally spoke up. " Fine. I'll let it go. You know that I hate it when you keep things inside but if you think you can handle it then.. I guess, I can't force you. Just know that I'm always here. "

" I know.. Thank you, Luhan, " I smiled at the older boy, genuinely thankful to have a best friend like him.

" Okaaaaay, now that the drama is out of the way... Let's go shopping! " The deer-like boy half-yelled into my ear while grinning like a mad man. " To take your mind off things for a while, ya know... Also, because I want to buy Sehun a graduation gift. "

I shook my head as I chuckled at his sudden outburst of happiness. Giving him a dimply smile, I said, " Alright. Just give me a minute, okay? "

When Luhan left the room, I took the now crumpled piece of paper I had previously stuffed underneath a pillow and placed it into the drawer of my nightstand. I got up from my bed, grabbing my cellphone and wallet on the way out of my room, leaving all my worries and doubts behind as I shut the door.


The remaining hours of my day were spent with Luhan, window shopping and visiting different stores at the local mall. By the time we got back, it was already dark with little dots illuminating the night sky.

Luhan and I made our way into the cramped apartment with his shopping bags, parting ways when he went to look for Suho and I took his bags to our room.

I dropped the bags on the floor and pulled out my phone to check the time. The LED screen flashed 3 big digits reading 8:25.

My hands felt clammy as I stared at the digits, the minutes counting down to the time of my and Kris' rendezvous point. I first thought of standing him up like he did to me but the thought was abruptly discarded. I would never do that to him regardless of what he did.

I was in an internal dispute with my mind, debating if I should get there before he did or to just wait but before I knew it my feet were betraying me and there I was - 30 minutes early - behind the stainless steel door leading to the roof.

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I nervously stepped out onto the concrete, the bright neon city lights coming into view. I stood in awe at the beauty of it all as I got lost in the sounds of cars in traffic and club music that filled my ears.

I was suddenly pulled from my astral state when I was curtly interrupted by a deep, sultry voice calling my name. 

I felt chills run down the back of my neck as I refrained myself from turning around to face the male that has sucessfully sent my mind into oblivion. I took a deep breath before slowly pivoting to meet the others eyes, my feet glued to the grey concrete beneath me.

" Aren't you a bit too early? " Kris got up from his spot near the door I just came out of, making his way towards me. Was he there the whole time? Kris stopped in front of me, a small smirk evident on his face.

" Well, you know. Unlike some people, I didn't want to keep you waiting. " I retorted. I felt my distress from earlier suddenly grow into an anger that had slowly started to boil inside of me. " Unlike some people, I'm actually considerate. Unlike some people, I actually care about other people's feelings. And unlike some people- " I paused, taking a couple steps so that we were mere inches away from each other, I looked him dead in the eyes. " -I actually keep my word. "

" Hey, I said I was sorry! " Kris responded, defensively.

" Like 'sorry' is gonna make this any better. You could've just texted me to tell me that you were busy doing God-knows-what instead of making me look like an idiot waiting around in my room for someone who wasn't even planning to show up! " Something inside me finally snapped and by now, I was at my boiling point - All my pent up frustration rapidly reaching its' limits.

Before I could say anything else, I felt a warm hand being pressed against my cheek, making my anger quickly disappear, a blush taking place on my cheeks.

" Just calm down, okay? I'm sorry.. I really am. Its just.. something came up and I couldn't make it. I left my phone in my room and I didn't have time to get it. That's why I couldn't text you. " Kris murmured, sincerity laced in his voice as he looked into my eyes, making my heart melt.

My breath hitched and I felt my face turn hot from his touch and how close we were. I could feel his breath tickle my nose as my eyes drifted down to his lips - his pink, luscious lips - and I found myself wanting to kiss him. As if he read my mind, Kris leaned in slightly, closing the space between us.

As soon as our lips touched, shock waves of pleasure shot through me. Kris then took me full on the lips, sending me into a woozy state as I kissed him back - harder. He my bottom lip as if asking for entrance. When I didn't comply, he nibbled on my now swollen lip, making me groan in pleasure. He used that as a chance to push his tongue into my mouth where our tongues danced in unison.

I felt like I was in a dream. I never knew kissing him felt so.. good. And right now, I wanted more of him. My hands reached up getting tangled in his soft blonde hair, acting accordingly as if they had a mind of their own and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic as we kissed, our bodies slowly melting into one. It all just felt so natural.. so right.

But the dream state I was in was short-lived when Kris quickly pulled back, a look of horror on his face, as he lifted a hand to cover his mouth. He backed away from me as if I was some kind of monster that cornered its prey.

" I- I'm.. I'm so sorry.. " He stuttered, his voice dripping with regret. " That.. that shouldn't have happened. " And with that he disappeared behind the metal door, leaving my heart to once again fall to pieces. 



So much angst.. its.. its a habit?

But on the bright side, you guys have something to think about over the weekend. >:) *slapped*

LAWL. I'm sorreh, don't kill meh. (╥﹏╥)

Also, in the near future I might use different P.O.Vs soooo... be on the look out for that. ><

Next update will be on Monday! :D

P.S. - Thank you for subscribing and even giving this fic your time of day. So.. really. Thank you guys so much! (:

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SUPER SORRY FOR NOT WRITING GUYS! A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON. >< But thank you, to those who stuck around. Next update will be sometime this week tho. (:


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls!!!!~
Chapter 5: Noona, you and your Angsty-Cliffhanging-Ways
Chapter 5: *dies*

update soon <33
paintheskyy #4
Chapter 5: Oh god. Cliff hanger >m< like I predicted a cliffhanger. But actually seeing it makes me so... Urgh! The suspense! >:(

Which get me thinking about the park. Whats so special about the park? :O dont tell me...?! is Kris suddenly a magical gardener and he's taking care of the gigantic beanstalk that some Jack planted? Or did Kris discover Thumbelina?! Hahahaa. Sorry, I just had to... ):

Kris seems very conflicted in this chapter. Hope the park bears the answers that both of them needs to resolve this whole "Lay says Kris forgot; Kris says I did not" issue. Fighting for your next update!
kraying01 #5
Chapter 4: Aw..Layhan.. Kris must be jealous, i love kris jealous.please, u can make it, right?
paintheskyy #6
Chapter 4: Although I won't say that I hate Kris (because I love him too freaking much), but its a little confusing to see Kris portrayed this way. He seem a lil OOC for me, but that might also be because I have never seen him portrayed this way? Idk. It just seemed a little too weird, Kris' behavior I mean... I believe there's a greater plan, and I don't want to try guessing (cause I always guess the worse case scenario), but I really hope its worth the hurt and rejection Yixing is going through. ):

But once again! Descriptions were absolutely amazing! Good filler! Can the next chapter have a nice sweet fluffy dragon pwease? Pwetty pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and green pepper all over the UFO cake?
Chapter 3: What's with Kris and his stupid n confusing behaviour?!
Damn giant! You hurt Xing even more ... T_T
exo_baozi #8
Chapter 2: NOOOOO!!!! KRIS!! WAEYO?! You leave baby xing xing T_T!! Update soon ^^