Chapter 5 ;

If Only.. [ Hiatus ]

When we arrived at the local theatre, it was about a quarter 'til 6 with the sky tinged different shades of purple, orange, red, and blue. The city lights passed by in a blur, as the van sped across asphalt to our destination.

As soon as the van stopped, Jongdae and Minseok were the first ones out as they bolted straight for the movie roster that was posted near the ticket booth and Luhan followed suit behind the two, leaving Suho and I watching from the van.

"Hey! Wait up!" Luhan wailed. I watched in amusement as he tried to catch up with the other two.

Jongdae and Minseok stopped in their tracks for a moment, turning to look at the doe-eyed boy before laughing ludicrously and sprinting away in the opposite direction.

Luhan grimaced as he picked up his pace, soccer skills kicking in. When he had finally caught up with them, he uttered some kind of profanity in Chinese at the two korean boys who looked down, trying to stifle a few laughs.


I pulled my gaze from the scene before me and peered at the tawny haired boy sitting in the seat right next to me. "Hm?"

"Ah.. well.." Suho glanced around anxiously, purposely avoiding eye contact. He looked nervous, almost like a child waiting to be scolded. "You and Kris.. Are you guys okay? You both have been acting really weird.."

My first thought was to deny everything but I revised and decided to stop acting like a little kid. Suho was just worried and wanted an explanation.

I looked at the other with a light smile before briefly rendering everything that had happened these past few weeks, from when we went out to lunch with Tao to the incident on the roof. I intentionally left out my crisis at the bar, promptly deciding that Suho didn't need to be anymore burdened as he already was. Besides, it's almost as if it never happened. Almost..

When I finished, Suho looked at me with a benevolent expression but I saw hints of a small smile surfacing as he nodded. "I see. Kris always had that over you.."

"Huh? So you.. You knew?" I gawked at Suho. How does he-?!

"For a while now actually.. We all know," Suho chuckled, his pearly whites showing fully. "It's pretty obvious. Just in the way you look at him."

I stayed quiet for a while, suddenly deep in thought. I didn't know what to feel about this. Is it really that obvious then?  It made me wonder if Kris knew about how I felt too. I mean, that kiss..

The other boy seemed to sense my uneasiness when he added, "Don't misunderstand. We're all rooting for you both but you should've just told us instead of holding it all in."

"Yeah," I shrugged into the seat. "But its just so.. hard. Being around him is.. and I didn't want.. He's just so.. " I mustered out, my explanation coming out in short, incompleted sentences.

Suho then placed a hand on my shoulder as if he already knew what I meant and he nodded in understanding.

"I know," The corners of his mouth pulling up into a smirk. "Which is why.. We have a plan."

"Plan?" My uneasiness was suddenly replaced as agitation swirled in my stomach. I didn't like where this was going. "And what do mean We?  Who-"

"Luhan," he replied automatically.

"Of course," I groaned. Why am I not surprised? Of course, Luhan would have something to do with this.

I swiveled around to find said person, now having a little controversy with Jongdae about which movie we should watch. Jongdae had his index finger pointed at an action poster while Luhan had a hand pointing to some kind of sports documentary. The blonde boy resembled a little kid with one arm hooked tightly onto Minseok's, asking him which one he would prefer. Minseok just shrugged, not wanting to pick sides and continued with a bored expression as he watched the other two bicker.

"He's just trying to help, you know,"

"I know," I smiled. "He just has the most delirious ways of doing so."

This vaguely reminded me of a time when he offered to 'help me' find an outfit for a photoshoot and well.. let's just say, I'm glad Chanyeol was around for the aftermath. I snickered at my little trip down memory lane.

"That's Luhan for you," Suho laughed. He unbuckled his seatbelt, moving to get through the van door.

"Wait," Suho stopped what he was doing to look up at me. Curious, I asked, "What exactly is the plan?"

The shorter boy watched me, his eyes teasing me as yet another smirk made itself visible on his pale face.

"You'll see soon enough," he offered. "Let's go."

I furrowed my eyebrows, dumbfounded, but then nodded in agreement, pulling on my jacket and slipping out of the van with Suho following after me. I turned around, abruptly startling the other who stopped just in time so that our head's didn't  clash. He looked at me, confusion spreading through his brown orbs.

A warm smile tugged at my lips, "Thank you, Junmyeon."


As we waited for the others to arrive, we made our way towards the movie roster, joining the 3 squabbling members and Jongdae and Luhan were still arguing over which movie we should watch. They didn't seem like they were going to give up on their movie choices anytime soon so we decided to take a vote with Minseok suggesting a movie too. As it turns out, majority ruled - deciding that the movie of the night was a comedy flick of Minseok's choice, instead of Jongdae and Luhans'. Jongdae just shrugged while Luhan held onto my arm, hiding a pout as he ducked behind my sleeve.

Rounds of laughter filled the silence as the group laughed at the deer-like boy and Jongdae made little snide remarks about how he looked like a kid instead of a man 3 years into his twenties, which made the other whine and pout even more.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting, "A familiar deep, raspy voice called from behind.

My whole body became tense and my palms felt sweaty as the melodic, tone filled my ears. My heart skipped a beat and I turned to face the mystery guy, cold sweat slowly trickling down my back. I knew all too well what - or rather who - that voice had come from. The answer to that being a certain blonde, chinese-canadian skyscraper.

And Suho was right. Kris did have this kind of effect on me.

If China or Canada even had any skyscrapers, I didn't know but one thing I knew for sure was that this one was starting to become a pain in my . 

"Kris!" Luhan confirmed my assumption as he made his way towards said blonde, briefly greeting him with a pat on his shoulder. "Where's Sehun and Tao?"

Kris inclined his head towards his rear, before adding, "Sehun's back there. Tao couldn't make it. Said he had things to do."

Luhan nodded in affirmation before making his way around Kris and on to greet Sehun, who about a second later stalked up right beside him.

Kris' head shot in our direction and his eyes first fell on me, lingering longer than I would've liked before scanning the rest of the group and then back to me. He was the first to break the gaze when he walked towards the group in his blue fitted jeans and a shirt that I thought was much too casual to be used on such a brisk night. He stopped in front of me but then turned to make small talk with Suho and Minseok.

I occupied myself with observing the rest of the theatre, refusing to acknowledge the giant right next to me. Although, my attempt turned out to be half hearted when I found myself wanting to kiss him again, craving the feeling of soft, plump lips on mine. Warmth tickled it's way up my arm when he unconsciously brushed against me, our elbows momentarily making contact. The smell of cologne that occupied the air about him filled my nose before transiently being whisked away as he flinched away from me as if our subtle touch had burned him. My neck felt hot and I looked down at my hands, the image of the look on his face that night on the roof flashing vividly before my eyes and an unsettling feeling engulfed my chest like my heart had fell from its place and lay in pieces on the floor of my stomach.

From my peripheral vision, Kris fidgeted awkwardly, eyes darting from me to the group. Weird. I could've sworn he was about to say something..

"So, have you guys decided what movie we're going to be watching?" Kris finally asked a few minutes later. He directed the question to no one in particular as his eyes grazed over the group.

"Some comedy movie that just came out.. The Heat, was it? Minseok's choice." Suho informed him.

"Well, we could've watched this really cool action movie where-"

"-OR we could have watched Cristiano Ronaldo's soccer documentary!" Luhan butted in, interrupting Jongdae. Jongdae glared at Luhan, clearly getting irritated but the other just shrugged it off as he continued on to brag about his favorite soccer player.

Laughter bubbled out of the blonde giant right next to me and the tune seemed to have a strange effect on me because I found myself laughing along with him, the nervousness from earlier slowly ebbing away.

For the moment.


We made our way into the theatre after Suho bought all of our tickets, insisting that he pay. We wandered around for a while, having nothing to do since we had about another thirty minutes before the movie was set to start. I stared in awe at the decor of the huge cinema, only now noticing that the walls were painted a mixture of purples and blues with red swirls. I spotted little images of cartoon-like popcorn that ran along the edges of the ceiling and laughed at how comical it all looked.

"What's so funny?" Kris asked, yanking me from my reverie. He stared at me intently, his thick eyebrows arched in question.

"Err.. I was just looking at the.. popcorn," I said motioning to the drawings on the wall. I kept my gaze on the wall, trying to hide my surprise at his sudden appearance.

Kris stared at me with wide eyes and I suddenly felt self-conscious but my momentarily insecurities were short-lived when a facetious snort escaped his lips as he covered his mouth with the back of his hand. "Only you would laugh at a wall."

"Hey!" I said, slightly offended.

Kris doubled over in laughter, obviously getting a kick out of all this. I felt an involuntary grin inch its way across my face and the next thing I knew I was laughing too, immediately at a lost for words. When he put it like that, it did sound ridiculous.

I was about to say something else but shut up when I heard someone call my name.

"Yixing!" Suho beckoned, totally oblivious to the fact that he was interrupting a moment.

"Ah.. Suho- "

"Let's go take pictures in that booth over there! " He announced. He came up behind me and latched onto my arm, hauling me in the opposite direction. I tried to pull my arm from the other but his hold on me was tight and I gave up. I peeked back at Kris who stood rooted to the floor as he watched me weakly getting lugged away.

A brief look of irritation swept across the tall males features, seemingly disturbed by the short leader but Suho waved it off and continued to drag me to the photobooth. I could only look down in defeat.

It felt like an enternity, sitting in the small confines of the booth, hearing a click every few seconds and on top of that - it was very uncomfortable when we both could barely fit into the booth with half my body bulging out of the small curtain that covered the entrance.

I laid back and let my mind wander while Suho sported weird faces at the small camera in front of us. 

He is the most confusing person I've ever met. One minute, he's a jerk and the next, he's.. I don't even know. Kris Wu, you're just one huge question mark.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

God, Xing. You were supposed to confront the guy not flirt with the enemy. If that was even considered flirting..

I opened my eyes, now determined.

I gotta do this. No flirting or laughing or whatever you may call it this time.

By the time we were finished, it was already time for the movie to start. I stole a glance back to the spot where Kris stood - just minutes before - in hopes that maybe he would still be there but my disappointment clouded my mind when the place he occupied was laid bare. I turned around, heaving a big sigh and stalked back to the rest of the group, now huddled behind the theatre doors.


After a few minutes of struggling to find good seats, we finally settled for a row in the far back of the theatre. I settled into my seat with Luhan and Sehun to my right and Minseok, Jongdae and Suho to my left. Kris walked in a couple minutes later, spotting us in the back and he made his way to us with a handful of snacks that (Luhan had told me) he had offered to buy.

He was just about to settle into the seat next to Suho before the short leader stopped him. He looked at up at Kris before turning my way, a glint in his eye and a smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"Yixing, Can we switch spots? I want to ask Luhan something before the movie starts," Suho said, feigning innocence.

Snorts and snickers could be heard from Jongdae and Minseok and I sent them a glare. Did they know too? Seriously!? Is there anyone who doesn't know about this 'plan'?

"Yeah, Xing. It's really important," Luhan added, eyeing me with a sweet smile. But I knew better. This was no sweet smile, this was an I'm-plotting-evil grin.

"Fine," I groaned, deciding that I should just go along with it. I got up and made my way to Suho who squished pass me, settling down comfortably in my former seat. Kris looked at me briefly, an unreadable expression on his face before slumping into the cheap theatre chairs and it wasn't long before I followed suit.

I felt nervous, the back of my neck getting hot again as I listened to the other breathe, taking everything in. I could hear Kris' shallow breaths fill my ears like an off tune melody playing out in aimless notes, his slender fingers tapping along on the armrest to the rhythm he was unconsciously making. His cologne once again assaulted my nose, sending shivers down my spine and a weird thought crossed my mind.

He smells good. Really goo- I paused. Quit it.

My mind went into panic when I suddenly realized that I had no idea what to say to him.

I mean, I can't "confront" him now because the movie was about to start.

Tension bubbled in my stomach the more I thought about it and I soon found myself headed to the bathroom after hurriedly excusing myself, earning weird looks from Suho and Luhan.


I rushed to the restroom, making a beeline to the sink. I splashed my face with water in attempt to calm down my nerves, hands cupping my cheeks as I thought.

After a few minutes of useless overthinking and ridiculous conclusions, I came up with the only solution I could think of: Wing it. Not exactly helpful but it was, nonetheless, a solution. 

I dragged myself out of the bathroom, solely intent on taking as long as could to get back to the others when suddenly, my face was planted into a firm chest and a familiar scent that filled my nose once again. My eyes then drifted up slowly, staring into the eyes of the very person who started this mess.

"Kris- !" I stuttered. What the hell is he doing here?!

"Hey," he said, nonchalantly acting as if me bumping into him wasn't anything new. It probably isn't because of how I space out sometimes but still..

"Luhan asked me to check on you. Although, it was more like an order and not a request," Kris turned around, already walking back. "I'm gonna get more snacks so if you're done, meet me at the snack bar so we can walk back together."

"You know," I started, deciding that it was now or never. I couldn't help the bitterness that slipped into my voice, "The last time you asked me to meet you somewhere, I ended up alone on a roof with a broken heart."

Kris stopped midstep and turned, glowering at me. A tincture of guilt flashed in his eyes for a second before it was replaced with a scowl.

"I told you I was sorry," He muttered, now facing me as he feigned indifference.

"Yeah, you said that last time too. And look where it got us," I countered, slightly annoyed.

"Doesn't seem to be too far since you already have Suho clinging onto you like a lost puppy, " He retorted.

I raised an eyebrow at him. What? Is he.. ?

Now, it was my turn to smirk.

"Does that bother you?" I prodded, stepping forward so that we were mere inches away now. I was actually enjoying this. "Are you.. Jealous?"

"Not. One. bit," He growled.

That's what he said but his eyes told a different story. He looked very much bothered.

"You sure about that?" I pressed on.


"Doesn't seem like it,"

"How would you know?"

"Call it instinct,"

Kris looked beyond agravated. He turned around, about to leave but it took me by surprise when he spoke, little pieces of regret dotting his voice.

"That night.. I just.. I didn't.." He said in a hushed tone, almost like he didn't know what to say. I couldn't expression on his face but by the looks of it, he seemed frustrated. And.. sad?

He fumbled around for words for a couple minutes before he gave up, looking back at me, "Just.. forget it. Look, can we just go? The others are waiting."

This time he didn't even try to hide the pain in his voice.

And I didn't like it.

I had half a mind to run up to him and hug him but I dismissed it.

"No, I'm not going anywhere until we settle this." I said, determined to stay put.

He bit down on his bottom lip, looking almost like he expected me to say that. He gave me a weird look before his tall figure stomped its way over to me and grabbed my hand, tugging me across the theatre lobby.

"What-Wait.. Where are we going? The movie.. what about the others?" I gushed out, eyes darting from the theatre and back to the giant.

I would've said something more to protest but I was in shock and couldn't quite think straight because my mind was too focused on the fact that Kris was holding my hand. I could feel the warmth that his hand gave off instantly warming mine and I couldn't help but feel like they fit perfectly together. My heartbeat picked up and I gave up trying to be mad. I couldn't bring myself to.

"You ask too many questions. Do you want an explanation or not?" Kris stopped, peering back at me.

I thought for a while, my mind a huge mess but Kris proceeded to pull me, not waiting for my answer.

"Just come. We'll be back soon." He said, reassuringly and I complied, letting him pull - or rather drag - my small frame behind him.

When we passed by the lady in the ticket booth, she shot us weird looks, mouthing something to her co-worker whose gaze fell on us too, making my cheeks flame. I lowered my head, embarassed as I tried not to stumble over my feet.

As soon as we passed through the theatre lobby doors and onto bare streets, my face was instantly hit by a cold night breeze, making my cheeks sting. Kris still hadn't let go of my hand as he started pulling me down an alley way. His grip tightened on my fingers and it was starting to hurt a bit but I didn't have the heart to tell him. I didn't want him to let go.

I involuntarily let out small whimper when Kris rounded a corner twisting my fingers a bit to hard. His glanced back at me with questioning eyes as if asking me what was wrong.

I stared back at him for a while before replying sheepishly, "Ah my.. hand. It.. hurts.."

His eyes widened in surprise when he looked down, suddenly letting go of my hand. "S-sorry.. Got a little carried away."

"It's okay," I murmured, meeting his gaze. I could feel his stare boring holes into my face. "What?"


I rolled my eyes, only now realizing that we were in the middle of a deserted street. I looked around curiously before asking, "So, where are we going?"

His eyes shot up as he flashed me one of his signature gummy smiles, a glint in his eye.

I swear, he is the most confusing person I have ever met.

"The park."


A/n ; You guys probably hate me for so many reasons right now and I totally understand if you unsubscribe bc honestly I hate myself right now too. (╥﹏╥) sorreeeh.

Sorry for not updating in a long time.. A lot of things came up and I couldn't write at all.. .-.

I'm not satisfied with this chapter at all.. its crap... ughhhh. I'm sorry. -.-

Also, I know you guys wanted fluff and all that but I couldn't because there were still some things that had to be explained and also things that had to happen... .-.

Ya know.. kind-of-jealous kris appeared.. ;-;


Next chapter, Everything (or most of it) shall be revealed and all that stuff and we can get on to the romance part of this story so please stay tuned for that! :D

Also.. lazy me didn't bother to really proofread so if theres any mistakes please feel free to tell me.... ><

lulz. Thanks for reading my crap.and subscribing. Really means a lot. (:

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SUPER SORRY FOR NOT WRITING GUYS! A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON. >< But thank you, to those who stuck around. Next update will be sometime this week tho. (:


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls!!!!~
Chapter 5: Noona, you and your Angsty-Cliffhanging-Ways
Chapter 5: *dies*

update soon <33
paintheskyy #4
Chapter 5: Oh god. Cliff hanger >m< like I predicted a cliffhanger. But actually seeing it makes me so... Urgh! The suspense! >:(

Which get me thinking about the park. Whats so special about the park? :O dont tell me...?! is Kris suddenly a magical gardener and he's taking care of the gigantic beanstalk that some Jack planted? Or did Kris discover Thumbelina?! Hahahaa. Sorry, I just had to... ):

Kris seems very conflicted in this chapter. Hope the park bears the answers that both of them needs to resolve this whole "Lay says Kris forgot; Kris says I did not" issue. Fighting for your next update!
kraying01 #5
Chapter 4: Aw..Layhan.. Kris must be jealous, i love kris jealous.please, u can make it, right?
paintheskyy #6
Chapter 4: Although I won't say that I hate Kris (because I love him too freaking much), but its a little confusing to see Kris portrayed this way. He seem a lil OOC for me, but that might also be because I have never seen him portrayed this way? Idk. It just seemed a little too weird, Kris' behavior I mean... I believe there's a greater plan, and I don't want to try guessing (cause I always guess the worse case scenario), but I really hope its worth the hurt and rejection Yixing is going through. ):

But once again! Descriptions were absolutely amazing! Good filler! Can the next chapter have a nice sweet fluffy dragon pwease? Pwetty pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and green pepper all over the UFO cake?
Chapter 3: What's with Kris and his stupid n confusing behaviour?!
Damn giant! You hurt Xing even more ... T_T
exo_baozi #8
Chapter 2: NOOOOO!!!! KRIS!! WAEYO?! You leave baby xing xing T_T!! Update soon ^^