Chapter 2 ;

If Only.. [ Hiatus ]

When we walked through the door of Doyeon's Soup Kitchen, we were greeted by a waitress and then escorted to a booth near the back of the restaurant.  As we got ourselves settled in, the same waitress came back to hand us menu's and the 3 glasses of water that Tao had asked for earlier.

" Sooooo... " Tao drawled, breaking the awkward silence. He eyed Kris, who refused to sit next to him, suspiciously. When Kris didn't say anything, he directed his gaze to me, " What were you guys talking about earlier? It looked like it was pretty serious. I hope I didn't interrupt anything. "

There was a glint in Tao's eyes as he kept his stare on me, waiting for my reply. Something in the look he was giving me felt off, like he was sizing me up. But.. why?  I didn't do anything.. did I? His stare lodged an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I then looked down at my hands right about to say something before Kris finally spoke up and answered before I could get a word out, " No, it's fine. I was just telling Xing about how I wanted to practice dancing more and he agreed to teach me. "

My head snapped up to Kris, who watched me, a smirk forming on his face. He then turned back to Tao, who looked as if he wasn't buying Kris' fib but then decided let it go once the waitress returned to take our orders. I felt my cheeks burn a little as I handed back the menus and told her what I wanted. 

The rest of our lunch was mostly spent talking about how the set date for our comeback was just around the corner before Tao informed us that he wanted to make another stop before we had to go back to the dorms - something about getting his Gucci? -  I wasn't sure but he hastily said his goodbyes, leaving me and Kris alone in our booth.. with the bill.

" Aish, that panda! How's about I Kungfu Style his when we get back.. " Kris mumbled when we exited the restaurant after paying the cashier for Tao's food. " How could someone eat that much cake! "

I laughed as I watched the blonde giant quietly sulk as we made our way back to his car, catching a hint of a pout on his face before he ducked into the car.


Once we were inside, the playful mood from earlier had slowly drifted into an awkward silence.. again. This time, it seemed much worse than our previous car ride together. My eyes were glued to the window as I watched all the trees and buildings pass by in a blur as we made our way back the studio to meet up with the others.

I felt like crawling under a rock as my thoughts took over and my mind drifted back to my interrupted confession from before.

After Tao had left his spot near the opened window, I turned back to Kris who watched me with an intense gaze. " W-What? "

Kris looked at me with disappointment in his eyes before letting out a sigh.

" Nothing.. " he mumbled. " We'll finish this tonight. I'll come to your room around 8. " He flashed me a gummy smile and proceeded to get out of the car before I could say anything. At 8, huh? I quietly got out of the car and followed suit behind the towering, blonde - now beside Tao - before whispering so that only he could hear, " 8 it is, then. " A small smile tugged at my lips, as we opened the doors of the restaurant.


When we got back to the dorms that night, we walked in to find the other members huddled in the living room watching a horror movie.

" AGHHHH! " Suho screamed, clinging tightly onto Tao. " Damn it! What the hell, Zitao!? You told me it wasn't going to be that scary! This- "he said, motioning to the flatscreen TV, " -is freaking scary! " Tao gave him an inoccent smile before turning back to face the so-called "scary" horror that Suho was too scared to watch.

Sehun and Luhan looked annoyed as they cuddled on the couch listening to Suho scold Tao, their eyes still glued to the TV. It wasn't long before Luhan had had enough and dragged Sehun to the room I shared with him, slamming the door behind them.

" But hyung.. you're scared of everything, " Jongdae bluntly pointed out, earning a shove from Minseok who tried to hide his laughter, but Jongdae continued, " Remember that time when we were at the grocery store and yo- " Suho nudged Jongdae with his foot before he could finish his story, he then glared daggers at the boy who was now lying flat on face shaking with laughter, the movie they were watching long forgotten. Jongin got up from his spot next to Minseok, a look of irritation clear on his tan face, as he stalked out of the living room announcing that he was going to check on Kyungsoo in the Kitchen.

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of me as I hunched over on my knees and clutched my stomach tightly. It was starting to hurt from laughing too hard. Everyone's attention was then averted to me and Kris still standing in front of the dorm's front door laughing our asses off.

" What the- ..H-how long have you guys been standing there? " Suho breathed in surprise.

" Long enough, " Kris retorted. He shot a smirk at Suho which then sent Jongdae and Minseok into a laughing fit. Suho rolled his eyes at a laughing Kris and buried his face in Tao's arm.

I took a few moments to compose myself before retreating to my room. I passed the kitchen just in time to catch a glimpse of Jongin and Kyungsoo liplocked in a heated makeout session with Kyungsoo pushed against the counter. " The rice is burning. " I said as I made my way pass the door, chuckling to myself. I heard the sound of pots and pans falling and Kyungsoo cursing in the distance as I turned my head in time to find a smug Jongin walking out of the kitchen, a satisfied smile on his face.

I shook my head and then proceeded to knock three times on my door, not wanting to walk in on something that will blind me later. But sadly, my attempt to save myself had failed miserably as I pushed the bedroom door open to find Luhan sprawled across my bed with a shirtless Sehun's hand half way up Luhan's shirt as he hovered over the baby faced male. Wait a minute.. that.. that's MY bed!

" Luhan! What the hell?! " I yelled, making the couple on my bed whip their heads in my direction. Luhan's eyes grew wide as the weight of the situation he was currently in slowly dawned on his slow mind. In one quick movement he pushed Sehun off of him making the lispy one fall off my bed and onto the floor, all the while trying to fix himself up.

" We were just.. umm.. " Luhan sputtered, looking for a way to explain himself. His eyes never met mine but I could tell he was beyond embarassed as he looked down and fiddled with the hem of his shirt, he continued, " ..we were just making out.. and stuff.. "

" Yeah, I can see that. I mean, I don't mind you guys doing that in our room.. " I narrowed my eyes at him. "..But does it have to be on MY bed?? "

Luhan looked up at me from his spot on my bed, his cheeks tinged a hot pink. Confused, he turned to look at the bed he was sitting on and then back at me. " O-oh! S-sorry.. I must've mistaken it for mine since the lights were off when we came in. That explains where all the unicorn stuffed animals came from.. "

" First, Jongin and Kyungsoo, now it's you two! It's not exactly a pretty sight to walk in on, you know. " I stalked over to the blonde boy on my bed and situated myself next to him, grabbing one of the plushies on my bed to hold onto.

" Well, It's not my fault that you didn't knock! " Luhan pouted. He stuck out his bottom lip and crossed his arms across his chest like a little kid.

" I shouldn't have to, Luhan! It's my room too! And for your information, I did knock! Three. Times.You were just too busy face on my bed with Sehun to hear it! "

Sehun got up off the floor, fully clothed this time. He walked over to Luhan and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door. " Aigoo~ Why don't we finish this in my room then, hannie? Manager hyung isn't inconsiderate like some people. " he muttered, clearly aiming the last sentence to me.

Luhan's face lit up with delight as he let himself get pulled away. " Okay. Bye, Xing!~ "

I picked up one of my plushies and chucked it towards their retreating figures but missed as they disappeared out the door. I let out a sigh before letting myself fall back onto my bed with a loud oof.

The digits on the digital clock on my bedside table read 7:16. Kris would be coming soon. I got up and changed out of my sweaty dance clothes, tossing them aside as I entered the bathroom to wash up. By the time I was done, it was already half past seven and Kris hadn't come yet.

I sat back onto my bed and waited for time to pass by, my thoughts roaming free with every passing second. Its still seven. He'll come. Just be patient. Maybe he's still getting ready or something and he's just as nervous as you are.. or maybe he forgot.


The last word lingered in my head as the digits on the clock shifted from 8 to 9 and so on. It was until about 25 to midnight when my eyes started to feel heavy and I felt my heart drop a little as the reality that that single word had brought to light was starting to come true. I waited a few more minutes struggling to keep myself awake - hoping that he'd still come - but by one in the morning, I was too tired to even try to keep them open anymore.

And still.. no sign of Kris.

When that last piece of hope had slowly died, I gave into my tiredness as I drifted off into unconsciousness, feeling something like a tear slide down my cheek.




A/n ; I apologise for any grammar mistakes.. >< lol. Also, I know I promised a longer chapter but I've been busy with school and I didn't want you guys to wait. AND REGARDING THIS CHAPTER - There's a valid reason to why I ended it this way and you'll find that out next chapter. So stick around. (; 

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SUPER SORRY FOR NOT WRITING GUYS! A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON. >< But thank you, to those who stuck around. Next update will be sometime this week tho. (:


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls!!!!~
Chapter 5: Noona, you and your Angsty-Cliffhanging-Ways
Chapter 5: *dies*

update soon <33
paintheskyy #4
Chapter 5: Oh god. Cliff hanger >m< like I predicted a cliffhanger. But actually seeing it makes me so... Urgh! The suspense! >:(

Which get me thinking about the park. Whats so special about the park? :O dont tell me...?! is Kris suddenly a magical gardener and he's taking care of the gigantic beanstalk that some Jack planted? Or did Kris discover Thumbelina?! Hahahaa. Sorry, I just had to... ):

Kris seems very conflicted in this chapter. Hope the park bears the answers that both of them needs to resolve this whole "Lay says Kris forgot; Kris says I did not" issue. Fighting for your next update!
kraying01 #5
Chapter 4: Aw..Layhan.. Kris must be jealous, i love kris jealous.please, u can make it, right?
paintheskyy #6
Chapter 4: Although I won't say that I hate Kris (because I love him too freaking much), but its a little confusing to see Kris portrayed this way. He seem a lil OOC for me, but that might also be because I have never seen him portrayed this way? Idk. It just seemed a little too weird, Kris' behavior I mean... I believe there's a greater plan, and I don't want to try guessing (cause I always guess the worse case scenario), but I really hope its worth the hurt and rejection Yixing is going through. ):

But once again! Descriptions were absolutely amazing! Good filler! Can the next chapter have a nice sweet fluffy dragon pwease? Pwetty pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and green pepper all over the UFO cake?
Chapter 3: What's with Kris and his stupid n confusing behaviour?!
Damn giant! You hurt Xing even more ... T_T
exo_baozi #8
Chapter 2: NOOOOO!!!! KRIS!! WAEYO?! You leave baby xing xing T_T!! Update soon ^^